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Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
Let me introduce everyone to Peter & Flemming.

The true life tales of two guys living and running a bar on the beach in the Dominican Republic. Take a look inside their lives as they bring you the "real deal" and all the local Boca Chica happenings and gossip.

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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Sounds like a good place to hold a DR1 "Beach Party"!

We could have a "Contest" of who has the "Funniest",the "Best",the "Worst",the "Happiest",the "Most Sad",the "Sexiest",etc. story about this Great Land we all love so dearly!Since it would be in Boca Chica,Jim Hintch would be there! Cris Colon

Jon S.

Jan 25, 2003
Isn't RickToronto down there too? He should also have stories since he's the "Grande Pollo in Boca Chica"...............hehe

Daniel W.

New member
Jan 20, 2003
Hi Peter and Flemming!

It is a wonderful surprise to see you two "pillars of Boca Chica society" expounding your viewpoints on all things relating to Boca Chica on DR1. I had a wonderful 6 week vacation from Italy in the DR last summer, and had many an interesting conversation with you both in B.C.

I heard about your adventures with the parisols ad infinitum, ad nauseum 12 months ago! You would have resolved the problem definitively had you heeded my advice on the matter... I recall having had recommended having the frames custom made with a titanium beta alloy with a yield strength of 1345 MPa and covered with (again custom made) a kevlar K-49 fiber/polyester/ceramic semi light transmissive fabric vapor plated with aluminum. They would be certainly withstand any adverse environmental conditions that would arise, while definitely becoming the talk of the town. In any event, glad to hear that you at least settled for Coca Cola's offerings!

I am very interested in hearing about any improvements in Boca Chica. It would be wonderful to find more select Santo Domingo Dominicans in the area besides the ones frequenting the Yacht Club in Andres and Neptunos in B.C. You guys are certainly going to be prominent in getting positive changes effected. Anyone who has been in good ol' Boca Chica and chanced upon your place I'm sure will agree with me. I've had many great conver- sations with you both, and as well as many "Zen-like" exchanges which are refreshing changes considering the abundance of party people attracted to the beach.

Please keep us informed as to the new hotels in the area, including the so called "Da Vinci bothers" projects, any beneficial functioning of the Tourist Police, the Hamaca's taking responsibility
for the aftermath of the beach's erosion on the east end, the local squaters' businesses fiscal responsibilities pertaing to the same taxes legitimate businesses must pay, the containment of local tigueres and riff raff in general, garbage collection, etc. Every time I do visit, I see positive changes, albeit slow in their manifestation. With a sustained positive development of Boca Chica by its more enlightened residents both Dominican and ex-pat, we might even begin to see a bit of class in the area, although this might indeed take some time.

See you next trip!

Dr. Dan


Aug 7, 2003
Let me tell you that Boca Chica is one of the most beautiful beaches I?ve ever seen in my whole life , the sand is so white and the water so clear that you wouldn?t believe it..
I usually went to orchard beach in n.y. (and I thought I was on a beach ) but this one b.c. it?s the real deal..
The other one I like is las terrenas I guess it?s very alike to b.c.

La Reyna

New member
Oct 20, 2003
I've got an Uncle who is living in Boca Chica, when I visit my relatives in the D.R. I always stay a few days in Boca Chica.
But the Playa is better during the week than on Weekends.
Too many people on Weekends y una buya del diablo....

To esto tiguere con su yiiipeeeeta y la musica a 180 ......


Jun 24, 2003
Great time you are having!

I just read your entire story..WOW you are having a lifetime of fun you could only experience on National Geographic or a movie..:) Seems like you have it all under control..Still have the picture of the logs, Haitians, Chain Saw etc falling off the back of truck in my mind..(NO actual photo but I can imagine!:) ) Just a great journal of your happenings that I was happy to read. Are you going to be a Dairy farm to sell milk that will be pasturized or for Hobby? ALso do you have grass cut daily for the cows as in like we use Hay here? Also were the cows easy to acquire there and could you tell me the price for a Cow, or Heifer calf? I can relate to the Machete' work and making your fences..I live in the US but have a Dominican style barn made of trees cut from forrest by my Dominican husband..Some things they never forget about I guess..same with the Machete'..they can really swing those things huh! Thanks for any info, Pam


aka - shadley
Jan 1, 2002
Goatfarmnga, thanks for your interest.

Right now we are selling milk warm to a cheese factory. In the future we may invest in the equipment to sell cold milk directly to a large company like Rica.

Grass is cut daily.

Good cows are very hard to find and can easily cost 1000$ US
Heifers are cheaper but price varies widely depending on the quality and age

machettes are cool except when used in a threatening manner. Not all of my stories make it to the site because my family reads it. In otherwords, I try to write interesting stories for family and friends but I edit out the parts that would freak out my mom


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
sjh, don't be so modest!

This is great but why are you hiding it at the end of this thread? You should start a new one so that more of us can enjoy it.



Jun 24, 2003
All right now...

sjh said:

machettes are cool except when used in a threatening manner. Not all of my stories make it to the site because my family reads it. In otherwords, I try to write interesting stories for family and friends but I edit out the parts that would freak out my mom

OK What happened with a machete' that you did not mention??? Believe me I have seen the work/damage that can be done with a machete'...But you have me interested...
Hey the Cheese factory is probably GLAD you showed up with your cows..not many people would tackle such a feat..I am even too timid to attempt a few cattle here as my neighbors cows tear down fences as fast as he can electrify them..:) Good luck and please enlighten us on another thread with your stories..they are really good in my eyes!
You can make a movie about a Gringo turned COW boy in the Dominican Republic..You will probably live 20 extra years by living your new lifestyle..
If you need info on something with your horses let me know. I can also ship you horse tack if there is something you need and can not find there...then again I guess Dom horses are not really spoiled like American horses...Keep posting please..:) PAM