Military involvement in politics


Feb 3, 2002
I'm very concerned about what I've read in the news where the chief of the army (General Reyes Ozuna) came ou tin support of Hippos re-election. This is the first time (that I can remember), since Balaguer's times that a high ranking military publicly states his political affiliation. I have this eery feeling that if things don't go Hippo's way in May we may see an attempt to try to stay in power by force. I think it was Golo who mentioned in another post that Hippo seems to be positioning key people (old military hands) in key positions who could help him stay in power regardless of the outcome of the upcoming elections. A more inmediate threat, I think, is the use of the military for campaign purposes such as tearing down the opponent's propaganda, intimidating people to not go to the polls (all of them tactics used by Balaguer), etc...I think the conditions are right for these types of things to happen, considering the PRD controls everything (Both chambers of congress, the electoral Junta, Supreme court, etc) and I'm affraid that Hippo and his people won't know where to stop to maintain power...