Reflexions of a lone ranger


New member
Jul 29, 2003
I used to wonder why I have landed in this forum about the DR, I think I?ve found the answer; I?ve read a lot of experiences of foreigners and Dominicans that live here and abroad, some of those that live abroad are studying while others are economic exiles. I?ve notice that most of them have a right insight of our country; nevertheless many of the non-Dominican members sometimes are ruthless with incisive remarks about every day situations that happens in this country and about our people idiosyncratic. Although I acknowledge that those critics and remarks you do, most of the time are true , you DR1 members have to know my heart hurts, since I was born and raise in this country , this is my homeland. The problem is most of the time I feel powerless about my country's situation. I?ve doing a lot of reading about DR history since 1884 up nowadays, and I?ve found the same pattern: Most of our population had been so poor that they only could think about if they would have a meal for their families or medicine for their sick relatives or so. Our upper crust of intellectuals, businessmen, et al, most of the time had use the political power simply to get money and have done a lot of deals with foreigner?s businessmen or governments that only had been beneficial for them and have done a lot of harm to our country. Many times I feel like a lone ranger in this country, since I have to admit that most of Dominicans don?t read our history, or anything that could help them to grow intellectually. (By this I?m not implying I?m a genius) and by the other hand, the others that do read and have very cultivated minds are interested in anything but this country. I was born in 1964, and my family experienced the events of April 1965, my fathers told me, that Americans were very kind with us (since we lived in the side of the city occupied by Americans troops). Once I used to be like others folks that blame Americans or citizens of any other country but us for our problems. In fact, I?m convinced that in this new global scenery, is foolish to stand for nationalisms and stuff like that, the word is governed by knowledge, technology and research. Our country can?t afford the huge investments that are required to have better educated people (since our political system is rotten in corruption), or nurture scientists and researchers, we have to get our country integrated to the word new scenery. So to make this history already long shorter, I?m in this forum because is the only place where I feel people use their brains and are not politically biased. So, I encourage you to keep this forum the way it is?.I?m not feeling alone anymore.

P.S. Sorry if this thoughts have been written in and older posting, remember I?m a newbie?and excuse me for my English, is my second language, and I admit that many times my English sucks?.
Apr 26, 2002
Excellent synopsis. You are by no means alone. Change must come from the inside and the outside. The Dominican people must demand change, AND foreign forces must stop propping up the corrupt governments. It's a bit of a "chicken and the egg" problem. All I can say is that both the internal and external forces need to at least begin moving in the right direction, but, in this regard, it seems that we are at a noticable low point.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Calamardoazul, your post was terrific and so full of insight about the very thing most of us hsve been attempting to express.

You need not apologize for your use of English! You articulated magnificently the thoughts in all our minds.

In American slang, "you hit the nail on the head".

I join others in welcoming you to DR1 and fervently hope you will continue to post such incisive thoughts in the future.

Texas Bill

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
You have taken the "First Steps" nedded for change in the DR!

You have recognized that "Problems do exist"! You realize that the problems were created by Dominicans,and must be solved by Dominicans!(You didn't blame everyone but the Dominicans for the problems!)You understand that the corruption in the Government prevents the needed money from reaching the people who need it most!

Now,what do we do?Only 8 million more Dominicans to inform!
