How Can You Fix It,If you Don't Know That Its Broken??

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
In a rescent poll of the "average" Dominican people,only 1.5 % saw "Corruption" as responsible for the economic problems in the DR! And only 2.5% saw "The Government" as being responsible!They blamed "Banks",the devaluation of the peso,and World economic situation as the "culprits!! Sounds right! CC:bored:


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 29, 2002
good question

this is exactly why things will continue as they are


Mar 5, 2003
Big Choppo is watching!!!

The government spend millions in the media to 'disinform' or give their exclusive versions of the facts. As you would expect, for the downspiral of the economy, they blame the banking system and the dollar exchange conspirators. Who are in part responsible mind you, Ramoncito Baez was no saint, yet I ask myself, who let them go so far? The Central Bank, the Superintendencia de Bancos and the Secretaria de Finanzas and thats the F*&king Gov!

Recently, while watching the Yankees vs. Redsocks game, I saw a comercial on TV, aired several times, where the government accuses Union Fenosa and the PLD for the crisis that led to the buyback of EDE NORTE and EDE Sur. I agree UF and the PLD fu*&ed us in elaborating such an ineffective scheme and Temistocles Montas was no saint either, but was it exclusively their doing? Of course not, This government is as guilty as they are!!Did they do anything about it? Yes, they gave UF 15 more years to keep screwing us with one of the highes KW/H rates in the world and in the end, the PRD bought back the Govt's share for some US$400+MM payable at 12% yearly for the next 12 years. Who in the PPH is taking a bite out of that? How come no one has mentioned Andy in all this?

So, in conclusion, these PPH Sh#theads are spending millions in propaganda in order to change their dumbass, big time crook image into the saviours of the mess left by PLD, the bank croocks and the spanish thieves. Most of the ignorant population are suseptible to this cheap version of Poncio Pilatus washing his hands and blaming someone else and they'll vote Blanco again and we'll be f%&ked another 4 more years with this a-hole as prez.

Fu*&ing hell, now I got pissed off and they day is just starting. DAMN!!!:angry:

"we've always been at war with eastasia and eurasia has always been our ally" G.Orwell - 1984
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
It was in the "Diario Libre"

I think it was last Thursday,or Friday!
The langer I live here,the less hope for change I see!The "cycle" just seems to repeat itself over and over.The PRSC,then the PLD,and now the PRD! Only the cast of characters changes.I must say that the current administration has taken government "corruption" at all levels to a new high! Or should I say "LOW"!
Not to worry,only about 35 years until my son becomes President,and with the help of his brother and sisters,cleans up this mess!!!!



*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Escott said:
Hey according to a few it is the fault of the IMF or "otherguy".
And I think we personally know exactly who each of those few are. They post hgere on DR1! LOL.
Apr 26, 2002
I'm really not interested in fighting the College Republicans and the gang mentality among some on this board at every turn. So I'll just respond to the cheap shot and obvious baiting (the baiting worked) with this:

The crusty old white guys here are obsessed with reminding us, on at least an hourly basis, that Dominicans don't take responsibility - as if all Dominicans can rightly be stereotyped and as if there aren't plenty of Dominicans on this board complaining at least as loud as they are. The difference, though, is that it is the Dominicans who will have to risk something (including their lives) to make a change, as opposed to those collecting a Dollar pension every two weeks or selling widgets in Miami.

And the "good old boys club" cannot accept that the US is actually part of the problem (attribute it to American arrogance - a well known character flaw found in all Americans without exception and one worthy of repeating over and over and over). The US funded and controlled IMF is giving money to Hippo to use to buy reelection. He couldn't do it without that money. Also, the American demand for illicit narcotics (another well known character flaw) and its irrational war on same (piety and anal-retentiveness, still more character flaws that apply to every American without exception) creates record crime, corruption and instability in the DR and the rest of Latin America.

Look, this country has always been a thoroughly corrupt basketcase politically. It will be very difficult for anybody who cares to try to fix it. So the DR does not need the US working against it.

FYI, if you care to educate yourselves:

IMF harms the development of developing countries by supporting corrupt political classes:

US banks, investment houses and irresponsible third world governments against allowing national bankruptcies:

If national bankruptcy makes sense, the bloated IMF has a conflict of interest and should not be the bankruptcy trustee:,805303,00.html

So who's not "taking responsiblity" now?

P.S. Criss: You believe what you read in the Listin Diario? What happened? Did your subsription to Pravda expire???
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*** Sin Bin ***
Sep 15, 2002
Don 'P.R.' Quixote Tilting at the IMF Windmills - AGAIN!

I have tried to keep my comments light hearted. But I am starting to get angry with this continual blathering nonsense.
  • The IMF is not a U.S. organization
  • If the IMF were disbanded tomoorw others would step in to offer money
  • Baldy has borrowed 100X the amount the IMF lent him just by floating government bonds
  • The DR's problems are the DR's problems. They are not my responsibility to fix, or the USA's responsibility to fix, nor Sweden's, Libya's, or Space Alien's responsibility to fix
  • France doesn't have any problem saying 'Non!' to the U.S.A. Canada says 'No, eh!' all the time. Russia says 'Nyet!' when it's in their interest.
Detect a pattern here? Why can't Baldy just say 'No!' Why don't Dominican voters just say 'No!' Frankly, I don't care! But ...


The U.S.A. is not a global A.A. chapter for balding Buros who just can't stop borrowing money!! Clear enough yet?!

Tom (aka XR)
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Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Its hard not to be Arrogant,when you are perfect!

Your points are well taken.I have no use for the "IMF","WB",and almost any other "NGO" that you can mention!(Alfabet Soup Anyone?) And I can understand the not so subtle "Anti-Americanism" of your post!But please don't blame the ,as you call them,"Character Flaws" of the "Americans",for the multitude of socio-economic/"Moral" problems in the Dominican Republic!
It is indeed a "Small World",and I have had the good fortune to live in many different countries.I have NEVER seen any country that comes close to the DR in blaming every possible problem on "Others"! Nowhere I have I lived where "Lying" is the "National Passtime",and where if you leave a pen on your desk,it WILL be stolen inside of 5 minutes!

NOw,if your car breaks down,20 people will be there to help you,and you will NEVER go hungry,or thirsty,cause people share what little they do have! But please don't blame drug abuse in the US(Supplied in large part by Dominicans!) for the problems in the DR! You are much smarter than that!
ps,I prefer to be called an "Independent Conservative" if you please!:cool:
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Feb 3, 2002
Re: Its hard not to be Arrogant,when you are perfect!

Criss Colon said:
But please don't blame drug abuse in the US(Supplied in large part by Dominicans!) on Americans! You are much smarter than that!

Whaaaaattt? Who should we blame it on? Dominicans? Aren't YOU doing the same thing you always accuse Dominicans of doing, by saying that americans are just not responsible for being the largest drug users in the world? Would Dominicans sell drugs if there wasn't a large demand from US users?


Jan 14, 2002
Hey Porfio, cant you comment without trying to insult others? Don't you have anything to add without badmouthing whole countries, genders and races. We really have to discuss the problem you have about age discrimination I am going to make a report to AARP about you.

You have the balls to come to my Thanksgiving Party/Dinner in Sosua on the 27th of November at Rockys Restaurant in Sosua or are you as ball deprived as you are politically uninformed? Yes I am baiting you now to come to the party in case you cant read between the lines.

I love the Dominican Republic for all its faults so far. I am making it my home and have been working on it for years. My next step is becoming a citizen so I can even vote like a person.

Don't bang me with your big words now. I still can't get over eating those fungatables! LOL



Jan 8, 2002
Hey! Let's blame it all on the indios that allowed Colon to set foot on the island.

As far as the D.R. is concerned, the residents are responsible for its problems and the resolution of same. Don't blame the neighbors. Regards, PJT
Apr 26, 2002
Re: Don 'P.R.' Quixote Tilting at the IMF Windmills - AGAIN!

XanaduRanch said:
Don 'P.R.' Quixote Tilting at the IMF Windmills - AGAIN!

Hey, you baited me!

] I have tried to keep my comments light hearted. But I am starting to get angry with this continual blathering nonsense.[/B]

Watch it or I?ll ask that crazy commie RedStain to come back.

The IMF is not a U.S. organization.[/B]

Actually, US government appointees have 18% of the voting power, and 85% approval is required for all actions - meaning that the US has veto power.

If the IMF were disbanded tomoorw others would step in to offer money.[/B]

Actually, nobody would. The risk would be outrageous. The IMF can only step in because it has the power of being a multilateral institution backed by the huge stick of the entire developed world. And, importantly, the foreign debt would never have gotten this large without the tacit understanding on the part of the financial world that the IMF would make good on the irrational debt.


But I haven't asked that the US FIX the DR's problems. I only asked that you all stop adding to them by giving His Lardassness money.

Tom, please don't get too upset. You DO understand that the American stereotyping in my post was done for the purpose of adding irony.

Edited to add: Criss, I can't disagree with anything you said about the DR. And Scott, I may or may not be able to out debate you, but, if I can make it to Rocky's I'll at least out drink you.
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Jan 14, 2002
OUT DRINK ME? Hah... Would anyone who knows me and has been out with me before kindly enlighten this guy. After all he won't believe a word I say anyway!

Does this mean that you will be growing some testies and come to Rockys?

Gotsta go eat me fungitables....


Oct 21, 2002
Aaaaaw! it's so nice if you all just make friends and be nice! :cool:

Now start fighting again so that we can solve the problems of the world. It was quite funny when all of you declined to take responsibility for anything.... I was wondering if anyone of you considered yourselves part of the human race...