3rd World Disease in the 1st World


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Hello folks. I am a dominican that lives in New England (my God, the weather sucks up here) and I hardly, if ever, have added anything to this board. However, I do read it constantly to keep up with whats happening down there. Anyhow, many people have been questioning the disease evident in Dominican Republic such as Malaria and Dengue. Let my shed some light on the fact that those disease are not limited to third world nations. Hawaii just had it's first Dengue Fever breakout in Honolulu (of course the authorities are covering the island in DET now to kill those suckers). But anyhow, if suck disease can appear in a group of isolated islands that below to the first world, then it should be of no surprise that it exist in the DR as well. Also, there was a Malaria case in South Florida (first one in over 50 years). Again, authorities are spraying up a storm downthere. In addition there is the constant threat of West Nile Virus (global warming are making mosquitos prevail during winter months even here, in the New York metro area). And a new case of ensyphilitus was found in the White Plains area in NY (the first one in years also). Aside from those new threats that we hear in America have to fear there is the terrorist thing (which Santo Domingo would probably never see, except maybe at embassies of countries hated by those bastards), the threat of being snowed in this winter with ice and freezing temps, the threat of an earthquake in NYC (my father is a civil engineer in NYC - one of the few dominican professionals out here - and here is a secret, a small sleepy fault line parallels Fifth Avenue in Manhattan the full length of the island from top to bottom. It hasn't moved in over 100 years, so my guess would be that it will be the surprise of the century). There is also the threat of getting shot while going to work, being part of a racist attack, the anthrax deal, there are a few mail bombs going around now. In short, people people people. Enjoy the Dominican to the fullest extent. It's a great country despite the problems!!! I'll be joining all of you expats along with my paisanos once I am done with college here. 2 more years and "pa Santo Domingo me voy!!!" I can't take all this crappy weather, terrorist threat crap, and all of this materialism. Although, at time, materialism is good. Don't get me wrong, I love America and its people - minus the weather except in Florida. It's just that I love the DR a bit more!


Jan 1, 2002
thank you for finally posting.

Since I live here and see things on a daily basis, such things as malaria and dengue are not a bother for me. They are certainly not part of my daily worries.

The electricity situation and the cost of living are much more of a bother. The 100% devaluation of the value of a peso is much more important But it is still a nice place to live and breath.



Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
I love it there. When that plane lands and I leave the airport it creates a transformation within me (aside from the fact that it is my land, there is something extra that makes people feel good in Dominicana). Maybe its the freedom, maybe its the people, maybe its the natural beauty, I don't know, but what ever it is, is Dominican. Waking up to the singing of roosters, listening to the royal palm fronds sway in the winds, listening to boom boxes that are miles and miles away blasting with merengue, being offered the basics - food, shelter, entertainment, or a chat or two - from complete strangers. That is what that country is about, living life. You know, this might be out of topic but, I have notice something weird. Here in America there is the Bush Administration (corrupt as heck) which turn a government surplus into a huge deficit, has taken a robust economy and it kind of eroded away, and he (Bush) is sucking lots of money (not from the people but from the black gold under Iraqi soil). Its kind of similar to the Dominican deal. Hippos' Administration is corrupt as heck, which turn a government surplus into a huge deficit- and growing, has taken a robust economy and it kind of eroded away, and he (Hippo) is sucking lots of money (both, from the people and from foolish lending companies from abroad that have actually lended - or should I say given (he's not going to pay it back) to him). Weird in deed. Here is a something extra, most people will not vote for bush (though he is seeking re-election) and most dominicans will not vote for Hippo (though he is seeking re-election also). Isn't that interesting. It would have been at par if Hippo would had invaded Haiti using the bolony that bush used (it's a threat to national security).


Jan 1, 2002
NalOwhs, as a courtesy to you since you are a new poster, keep off US politics if you don't want your posts deleted. This board is about the DR. The fact you don't like George Bush doesn't mean you can speak for the rest of the US.

Stick to the DR and avoid problems.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
No problem. Just saw that comparison as very curious eventhough I do like bush. Thats all.