What is true for you?


New member
Sep 26, 2003
I'm a frequent reader of this forum and thought it was time to ask a question. I constantly read about guys wanting to come to the DR to meet quality girls. Responses to these inquiries usually contain some denigration of anyone who has no interest in establishing anything more than casual relationships. Then there is the reference to what I can only conclude is the ego gratification attached to meeting and conquering good upper class Dominincanas (this seems in some way to be synonymous with blanca, but for the life of me I can't understand how your skin color alone makes you a good person). I suspect some people view these women as a better class of human being because of their money/privledge/color? It appears, in some minds, that assuming this facilitates the transfer of this perception on to oneself. Here at home I long ago abandoned judging folks strickly by where they came from. Perhaps being raised in the projects, overcoming an addiction, and working in corporate America with some pretty elitist folks who weren't worth much more than their inherited credentials has taught me to look a little deeper when taking a person's worth.

Personally I go to the island to establish and maintain as many casual relations as I can manage without laying too much emotional waste ("shields up"). If I really wanted a good girl from a good family I'd have settled down with any of a number of women I have met here in the states. My problem is that nearing 50 I have lost the desire to "court" or "peel too many layers off the onion". I completely understand the difficulty in maintaining fidelity (hey if I commit it's for the whole 9 yards) while riding the waves of another person's ego, emotions and family attachments (a virtual tsunami when it comes to an intercultural relationship, I know I've been there). No, fully aware of my limitations and tolerances, I now maintain just a few requirements. She has to be attractive (beauty is in the eye of the beholder), fun to be with, and in general a good person (e.g., has loving friends and displays a friendly attitude regardless of the person's outward appearance). Since it has become way to difficult to date, with much luck, solely on that basis here at home I now regularly travel to the DR where the women are generally willing, attractive (in all their glorious colors) and in large numbers open to casual relationships.

You may have concluded that I have no objection to paying a fee for companionship if the basic criteria (refer above) is met. My position is I'd rather pay outright than steal via false expressions of current or future emotional attachments. Yes, exploitation is a concern, but of course that depends on the value the parties place on what's being transferred and whether a fair price was paid. For me freedom of movement is paramount. If I wanted to be tied down I'd be happily chained to some outrageous mortgage, some gigantic SUV for the wife, and a mother-in-law I had not interest in visiting. I've chosen to remain independent by taking the pay as you go approach. As is often been said in this forum, some of the most expensive sex is the kind you attempt to get for free.

Now finally here's the question. Guys/girls, do most of you who go to the DR or live there, seek out serious or casual relationships? My opinion is, that contrary to the position frequently exposed by a number of regular posters, the majority of you who engage in relationships with the opposite sex do so purely on a casual basis and wouldn't want it any other way.

On final observation, in a sexually open society, as you have in the DR, there are somethings that can and will cross both economic and color lines, one of those things is the pursuit of good expertly delivered sexual gratification. It is often surprising what the promise of a good lay will do to bring down the barriers that sometimes segregate us.


*** Sin Bin ***
Jan 2, 2002
My God...

I don't know where to start. Your post saddens me at the same time that it amuses me. You must be incredibly ugly...or incredibly stupid. Take your pick.

Anyway, your verbacious diatribe serves as a testament to singularity and masturbation. I appreciate your candor, but it left me bored and unamused. Was there a point?
Dec 9, 2002
The first time I visited the island was not to seek out any sort of relationship at all, casual or otherwise. I booked that first holiday there because I got such a good deal price-wise and I knew the weather would be good, which were the only 2 factors determining where I went.

However, that first time I met a man, and we had a holiday romance. That was it as far as I was concerned, I came back to England, didn't give him my phone number or address.

The second time I went there, price and weather were again the determining factors. I had forgotton all about the guy I had met previously, he didn't even come to mind at all. But then, once there, I happened to meet him again, we picked up where we left off, and our relationship developed into a serious one - we got married 6 months ago.

I suppose my point is that I wasn't looking for anything at all other than some sunshine, and I think most first time visitors are like I was then. I had not discovered DR1 then, had no idea about sankies or putas, the sex industry there, or any of the other myriad of DR related subjects that get discussed on this site. DR1 has been a real education, though that is another subject all together and I think I'm starting to ramble ;)

Repeat visitors are usually different, because they know a bit about what goes on. I have no objection whatsoever to people having casual sex - paid or otherwise - if that's what they want to do. And I have to agree with you that a lot of people on this board do just that, although it appears to me to be mostly the guys, there haven't been many women who have openly admitted to doing the same.

But hey, to each his own.


Jan 2, 2002
Ok Laguy, lets see what we are dealing with here.
Since you mentioned you are a 50's relaxed type guy, so you have nothing to worry about the upper class (white) women. They don't go looking for a grandaddy.
So now that we have this settled, lets see what is available for you. It seems men of your age almost always get involved with ex-hookers from poor barrios. The girls from poor barrios can be black, india or white. You are right, color really doesn't matter because they all seem to be the same trash, hookers, ex-hookers or simply low life beggers who are experts in sucking money out of you. You as her husband will be supporting her whole family, including making bail for her cousin who got arrested for beating up his girlfriend. These people always seem to have a close family member in the hospital and almost always, you will be their only hope to save her life (meaning, paying her hospital bill or surgery). All in all, you are dealing with a group of people who will suck every penny out of you if they can. God forbid, if you have a baby with her then you are stuck for life.
Apart for financial support, you would have constant long term guests in your house. Most likely her mom will live with you until she dies (most likely you will go first). Her cousin or cousins will come to spend the summer vacation with you every year. You will have between 10-15 visitors a day in your house. There will be loud bachata music played all day and night. She will play the rich princess and spend your money on clothes, parties and gifts for her family and friends to show off her wealth. You will be considered a pendejo by all her realtives. This will continue untill you will get fed up and divorce her or reach the age of 60, thats when you will drop dead.
So my friend, your future outlook doesn't look to bright in DR if you are thinking of getting married to a women. Then again, why the hell would you want to get married anyway? haven't you learned your lesson yet in the first marriage? You see, women and men are not meant to be living together, we serve to make babies and then we should go our ways (that is the poor dominican mentality).
Now a girl from well-to-do family (not just the elite class but she can be from a middle class family) will not be in need for your money. She looks for a younger educated guy to really start a family and stay happy. She will have a visa to USA and most likely a nice job to go along with. She will own her own car and will come from a decent sized house from a respectable neighborhood. She will not have the hungry eyes that a barrio girl possesses. Her family will not visit you without notice and will not spend a month at your house. Her friends will be respectable folks who will invite you to their parties and help you get started in your business.
The list is endless.
Too bad you didn't come here to live in the 80's.
have a nice day.


New member
Sep 26, 2003
Can't understand why I have to be ugly or incredibily stupid to have an opinion someone doesnt agree with. After laying out my position and addressing a few gripes I have with what I often hear here I asked the a question. A straight forward answer would have been that's not my kind of thing and this is why. A personal attack (quite a frequent occurance here) is simply avoiding issue by attacking the messenger. I would like to modify my statement by changing casual to uncommitted.

Regarding women and paid sex, yes you girls do it you just don't boast about it like the guys do.



Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
LAGuy- Nice post, obviously you thought about what you wrote.

Is it just about sex for you? If so, that's very sad in my opinion? Personally I need to be challenged and mentality stimulated in other areas.

This is often the difference between the cookies anyone can buy with a pocket full of personality and the ones that you see only in the best confectionary shops. These cookies are up on the top shelf and cannot be bought. 99% of the time they will be out of reach of most tourists and expats. And yes, they come with a brain, education, future and a circle of influence.

Sorry if that's a simplistic analogy, but simple is often the best way to get a message across.

Bottom line... Do what ever you are comfortable and happy with. And remember, quality is is in the eye of the beholder, one mans trash is another mans treasure.


New member
Sep 26, 2003
AZB, believe it or not some folks have no interest at all in getting married or taking care of any family other than the one they have. I've learned after my first trip to just say no. As to babies, no problem, I had the equipment turned off years ago. The grandfather comment doesn't apply. My kids are just emerging from their teens. To be honest few people would believe I'm old enough to be a grandpa. I'm 6' tall, 188lbs and people are most often surprised when I tell them my age. For now I chose to simply have fun when I escape on vacation from my quite demanding job. Can't say with certainty my opinion will not change next year or any of the following years, however, for now it is what it is.


New member
Sep 26, 2003
Robert, to be honest with each trip it becomes less about sex and more about getting to know people better. As many of us have found out sex by itself gets quite boring after a while.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Dear "LaGuy" I have found the "Holy Grail"!

Finally,someone who "Gets IT"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone who can tell the difference between "LOVE",and "SEX"!
Someone who is not offended by the naive ignorant attacks of the "Unsatisfied"!
I invite you to contact me on your next trip to the DR.I would like to introduce you to some dominican ladies who enjoy sex,and don't mind if you give them a few pesos for "La Casa" along the way!
I liken "Casual Sex" to going out to dinner at a fine restaurant! (Now those of you who have heard this before,go wach TV!)You get cleaned up,put on some clean clothes,and out you go! You can enjoy whatever "Cuisine" you want!You can go "Casual","Fast Food",or even "Upscale" if you want!
You order what you want.You are served.Take as much time to eat as you want!You even have some "Dessert" if you have "Room"!Pay the bill,leave a "Tip" for outstanding service if applicable! You go home! No "DISHES" to worry about!

Nothing is better than a "home cooked meal",prepared and enjoyed with a partner you love and respect,but please,what the hell is wrong with "Eating Out" once in a while! Take your parner along,they might enjoy some dinner too,or they might enjoy just watchin you "EAT"!

Spare us the "AIDS" lecture,and the "You can't respect your partner"bullshit!And most of all sshove your personal attack where the Sun don't shine.Probably nothing else going "Up There",but that is another story!!
Again LA Guy","I am not worthy!"Great Post,and better understandin of life!!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC


Jan 1, 2002
Hmmmm, I don't agree with the final comment in the original post that the DR is a sexually open society. There may be higher than average prostitution but that does not represent the Dominican society overall.

And to answer the question: I went for fun but fell in love, and four years later, couldn't be happier. (I even threw away my "Happiness is being Single" bumpersticker!) When you meet the right person all the all other " stuff " seems so trivial.


New member
Nov 6, 2003
Of course the answer is casual relationships

I think most people seek out casual relationships. Let's be honest, you are on VACATION. How serious can it get?

If something else develops over time, well then it develops. But you can't make it happen. It takes 2 people with similar needs and expectations to create a serious relationship. Can you really lay all the groundwork for that in a week?


New member
Sep 26, 2003
You get no argument from me regarding the satisfaction that can be found from meeting the right person. It's just that over the years I've met the right person several times to only find out months or years later they were in fact the wrong person. You don't have to look far to find another failed fantasy relationship. Fully 80% of relationships end in a break up. How many girlfriends, boyfriends, husbands or wives have you and your friends had? How long is the trail of heartache you have personally laid. With those odds a logical person could only be a little cynical. I spent eight miserable years in a relationship I never wanted. I now refuse to spend more than one unhappy month tied to anybody.

Yes, great fun can be had without sex and then great fun can be had with enough time left to have great sex. I'm looking at it this way, in a few months I will be fifty, I have, if I'm lucky, maybe 25 vigorous years ahead of me. I plan to have as much fun as I can during that period. For now that means enjoying my continuing virility. In a few years it may mean settling down.

My motto is "treat folks good and hopefully they will be good to you". Regardless how I chose to spend my time I treat all people I encounter with respect. I don't pursue or consort with underage girls and I don't try to entice novices into situations they have not indicated a desire to be in. I simply take advantage of the frame work that is already present.

Sorry folks I'm through with marching to the beat of someone else's morale facade. Hate to put it this way, but some folks ought to spend more time managing and understanding their own lives and cease trying to manage the lives of others. It is not a good thing to dispense wisdom if you haven't, through a process of self-reflection, come to understand who and what you yourself are about. It's always good to know exactly how reality is being distorted by your personal perspective.

Have fun and be safe,
