In copy of my reply to my Miami friends donating to Jimani


Jan 5, 2002
Lo lamentable de todo esto es que este gesto noble de uds. en Miami al igual que los de aqui ser? en vano, ya que la gran mayoria de la ayuda que est? llegando de parte de Dominicanos, independientemente de las agencias internacionales y gobiernos hermanos, va a parar a los buscones que vienen de toda parte del pa?s aprovechandose de la situaci?n.
Yo estoy aqu?, y veo a diario como est?n las cosas. A Uds.en el extranjero los siguen cogiendo de pariguayos. Claro, aqu? se piensa que Uds. est?n todos lavando oro, y por eso miles de Dominicanos vagos viven de Uds.
Aqui toda la mercancia que viene de donaciones individuales en furgones, camiones y transporte lig?ro se la est?n tirando a la entrada de Jiman? a los salvajes buscones que h?n invadido la entrada. El gobierno ni los militares han podido controlar esta turba que llega a los miles. Inclusive, la poblaci?n de Jimani, que fu? desvastada con perdidas que exceden 1000 habitantes, incluyendo una gran cantidad de Haitianos ilegales que fueron ingresados con "peaje" por los militares de puesto y construyeron casuchas en medio de la cause del r?o, ya se ha aumentado en mas de 5 veces la poblaci?n de este peque?o pueblo. En Jimani no se sabe quien es de all? o de otras poblaciones. Se h?n visto hasta caravanas de Haitianos desde los bateyes del Este en busca de comida, colchones, abanicos, etc. Con solo pagar un pasaje de $200 y hasta menos los buscones se pueden llevar mercancia que nunca h?n visto en su vida. En un lote a la entrada del pueblo, solo las pacas de ropa cubren un ?rea dos veces mayor que el vertedero de Duquesa en la capital. Todo esto se esfum?.Hab?an tantos camiones entrando, como camionetas saliendo que ?ran contratadas para sacar mercancia. Ya en barrios de la capital se est?n vendiendo la ayuda internacional y hasta pacas enteras de donaciones. En un peri?dico(El Caribe) se anuncian la venta de pacas a $250 para hacer donaciones. Estas son las mismas pacas donadas que ya hicieron el reciclaje hacia la capital, y se vuelven a vender de nuevo. Increible!!! La cantidad de mercancia es tan increible que dar?a para repartirle a todos los pobres del pa?s. Sin embargo, 90% se ha dirijido a Jiman?, mientras pueblos que quedaron tan desvastados, pero sin los muertos en cantidades, como Tamayo, Nagua, todos los alrededores de San Francisco de Macor?s, las orillas del Yuna, del Yaque Del Norte y todos los barrios de Sabana Perdida, Cristo Rey, Guachupita, La Barquita, que circundan las orillas del Ozama, no han recibido nada. En todo el norte no queda un solo platanal. Todo el arroz de Nagua ha desaparecido. Las cosechas de frutos, vegetales y legumbres no existen. Esta es la peor tormenta en la hist?ria de este pa?s. El Gobierno y la Defensa Civil no est?n capacitadas para manejar esto debido a su ineficiencia y falta de previsi?n, y ahora se acusa a Silvio Carrasco, el jefe del INDHRI de haber sido el causante de la tragedia en Jiman?, al haber construido un dique para criar peces, y esto se convirti? en el deposito de lodo, arboles y pe?ones que enterr? a Jiman?. Por eso el s?bito derr?me de agua no pudo prevenirse y murieron tantos. Lora Salcedo contin?a exhibiendose en televisi?n con las manos cruzadas, ya que no tiene ni un helicoptero a su ?rden. Y eso, que este generalazo tenia la autoridad para comandar cualquier equipo que necesit?ra. Solamente la iglesia y grupos de la sociedad civ?l han hecho una gran labor. Han habido hasta pol?ticos que han brillado con su permanencia, consistencia y esfuerzo, como El Caballo Acosta Moreta, y Freddy Beras Goico de parte de la far?ndula. En cierto sentido, sin Freddy el gobierno se hubiera visto todav?a peor, ya que mucha de la ayuda que ha conseguido Freddy se le ha pegado al gobierno. Pero ni las casa que ha prometido Hip?lito, para que no se equivoquen, son del gobierno. Estas casas que est?n siendo construidas vienen de la Comunidad Europea y de la Fundaci?n Sur. Es m?a, el diput?do y el s?ndico de Jiman? le h?n estado causando problemas a esta gente, porque tienen los timbales de exigirles que en v?z de construir en madera y zinc, que las h?gan en concreto. Y a?n siendo verdad que la mayoria de las viviendas destruidas tenian concreto como base, no es hora de exigir.
Lo peor de todo es lo que se est? haciendo con los cad?veres. Esto parece una escena de "The Night of The Living Dead". Los muertos s?n tirados como animales en tumbas com?nes que no p?san de 3 pies y en todas se pueden ver extremidades salientes de los muertos que cuyas extremidades han quedado tiesas. Los cadaveres, como se ordena en acuerdos internacionales, no s?n lavados y los entierran llenos de lodo unos encima de otros, algunos hasta pegados. Lora Salcedo declar? que no hab?an llegado las fundas para cubrirlos desde Puerto Rico que se hab?an ordenado, lo cu?l no se conjuga con otras declaraciones donde dec?a que no hab?a presupuesto suficiente ya que cost?ban US$150 cada una. Todav?a cuando los cad?veres ?ran tirados en lotes de patios, no ?ran cubierto con sabanas mientras decid?an que hacer con ellos. Y eso, que hab?an miles de sabanas donadas. No se fotografiaron, ni se describieron, ni se indic?ron d?nde fueron sepultados. Ahora los familiares no pueden hacer reclamaciones, ni solicitudes legales, porque no tienen certificados de defunsi?n ni pu?den probar que h?n perdido familiares. La ley de herencia ha quedado sepultada. Peor a?n, cuando se des?te la ola de reclamaciones falsas de los busc?nes, se les complicar? m?s la situaci?n a los verdaderos damnificados.
Se?ores, la incapacidad, vulgaridad e inhumanidad de las autoridades Dominicanas es indescriptible. Nisiquiera una pel?cula de horror puede describir este asunto. No sigan de bobos enviando ayuda a este gobierno. Hip?lito no habl? con las victimas vivientes cuando lleg? cuatro d?as m?s tarde. Solo hizo un recorrido en su yipeta acondicionada, y no abri? la ventana. Su ?nica salida fu? para la prensa. B?squen otra manera de ayudar que no s?a mantener a una balsa de pendejos, que han vivido toda la vida de los dem?s.El secretario de salud no se ha visto ni en los centros de brujer?a. El vandalismo, los atracos, y turbas hambrientas atemorizan m?s a los damnificados que la misma tormenta.


Jan 5, 2002
Translation of thread-sorry for delay

The pity of this whole effort by my Miami friends to contribute with the victims in Jimani is that the whole effort may be in vain since the majority of the donations coming from independent sources other than foreign and government aid ends up in the hands of “false refugees” who come from all over the rest of the country who are professionals at taking advantage of situations like this.I am here and I know what goes on. Those of you abroad do not know the extend of the fraud vested upon you. You are being taken like “pariguayos”. Of course, people here think you are laundering gold abroad. And that’s why thousands of lazy Dominicans continue to survive and live well with your hard earned money..All the merchandise that has arrived in containers, trucks and other means of transport is being thrown in empty lots at the entrance of Jimani so that these savage “buscones” who have invaded Jimani could be held back from the main warehouses full of aid from international agencies. It is almost like throwing a bait to hungry dogs chasing you so you can save your life. The government and the military have not been able to control these mobs that have exceeded the real population of Jimani. The invading mob, which includes thousands of illegal Haitians that were allowed to cross the border by the military thru bribes is five times greater. Many of the house destroyed by the river were built by illegal Haitians. Nobody knows who was a real resident frim Jimani and who was just planted there. I have seen caravans of Haitians driving from the East coast bateyes in light trucks ready to retrieve goods from Jimani. It is a profitable trip, where if you pay as little as $200 for fare you can get back much more in food and supplies given to real victims. Many of these implanted thieves could leave with a bootie full of fans, electric appliances, cooking oil and cereals that can be sold for much more than they earn in a month of real work. In a lot near the entrance of Jimani cases of clothes cover an area bigger than the Duquesa garbage dump in Santo Domingo. All the material is now gone product of the pillage by these mobs. There were as many light trucks leaving with merchandise out of town as trucks coming in with aid. Already, merchandise from foreign aid is being sold in Santo Domingo in the barrios’ colmados and trucks posted in corners. The ultimate gyp is an ad in El Caribe newspaper that offers “pacas” or cases of clothes for $250 to people who wish to donate to the victims of Jimani. The painful part is that these are the same cases being taken out of Jimani, being resold and recycled time and time again in what is turning into a very profitable venture. Incredible!!! The quantity of aid shipped to Jimani is so large that would be enough to help the entire country, not just that region’s poor victims. Nevertheless, 90% is being directed to Jimani, while many other towns languish in the same conditions, except that these towns did not have the large quantity of dead. Towns like Tamayo, Nagua, those near SFM, the Yuna, Yaque Del Norte and Ozama River areas, Sabana Perdida, Cristo Rey, Guachupita, La Barquita and others have received no aid. There is not a single crop left in the northern growing fields. Rice, plantain, vegetables and other crops have disappeared entirely. This is the worst flood in our history . The government and civil defense authorities are not capable enough to manage this disaster due to their inefficiency and lack of prevention plans and now the man who runs the water resources in the country is being accused of building a dike for a fish pond for his personal use that was the caused of the disaster. Silvio Carrasco head of the INDHRI and a partner are now the culprits in this badly planned fishery which created a dam full of mud, dead trees and rocoks that buried Jimani. This was the reason for the sudden flash flood that nobody was able to predict. Admiral Lora Salcedo, head of the civil defense continues to show off in TV with his hands tied. He does not even have a helicopter at his disposal. Here is big general who supposedly commands every single department in emergency situations, but is not capable of garnering enough help. Only the church and civil society have done a commendable job. Some politicians have shined with their permanency and consistency in helping the people, like El Gallo Acosta Moreta, and Freddy Beras Goico from the entertainment field. In a certain way, the government would have looked worst, being that everything the Freddy does somehow sticks to the government. Not even the house that Hipolito promised to build come from his administration. These house being built come from the European Union and the Sur Foundation. Yet, the mayor and the congressman from Jimani have being causing delays in the construction with their complaints that the houses should be built in concrete instead of wood and zinc. And being truthful, most of the houses destroyed had concrete as the main construction material, but this is not time to be too demanding when the aid is free.The worst part is the treatment being given to dead bodies. This appears to be a scene from “The Night of The Living Dead”. Bodies are being thrown in common burial holes that are scarcely 3 feet deep and all show stiff limbs sticking out of the ground. The bodies of the dead are not being buried according to international regulations, have not been washed out of the mud and are stacked in huge piles one on top of another and some sticking together by the mud. Lora Salcedo declared that the body bags had not arrived from Puerto Rico, something that does not jive with previous declarations that he did not have the budget to purchase these items at US$150 per bag.. The bodies were thrown like animals in empty lots without as much as a sheet to cover them. Yet, there were hundreds of sheets donated and in warehouses.The bodies were not photographed, listed, identified or descriptions given, including where they were buried. Now familiy members will not be able to prove their death and make legal claims since death certificates are not available and cannot be made without proper identification. Inheritance law requirements have now being buried with the dead. In a worst case scenario we will have thousands of claims by false claimants that will turn legitimate claims into a nightmare and take years to sort. Ladies and Gentlemen, inefficiency, vulgarity and inhumanity of the Dominican government can not be described. No horror film can document scenes like this. Those who keep sending aid will be taken like fools by Hippo’s government. Hipolito was not sensitive enough to speak to the victims’ families when he arrived at the scene four days later as if nothing had happened. He drove around in his air/conditioned armored jeepeta and did not open the windows and came out only once to meet the press covered with protection for his nose. The secretary of health was not even seen in the withcraft houses nearby. Now the real victims are more afraid of the advancing invading mobs that the flood itself.


New member
Mar 1, 2004
Golo100 said:
The pity of this whole effort by my Miami friends to contribute with the victims in Jimani is that the whole effort may be in vain since the majority of the donations coming from independent sources other than foreign and government aid ends up in the hands of ?false refugees? who come from all over the rest of the country who are professionals at taking advantage of situations like this.I am here and I know what goes on. Those of you abroad do not know the extend of the fraud vested upon you. You are being taken like ?pariguayos?. Of course, people here think you are laundering gold abroad. And that?s why thousands of lazy Dominicans continue to survive and live well with your hard earned money..All the merchandise that has arrived in containers, trucks and other means of transport is being thrown in empty lots at the entrance of Jimani so that these savage ?buscones? who have invaded Jimani could be held back from the main warehouses full of aid from international agencies. It is almost like throwing a bait to hungry dogs chasing you so you can save your life. The government and the military have not been able to control these mobs that have exceeded the real population of Jimani. The invading mob, which includes thousands of illegal Haitians that were allowed to cross the border by the military thru bribes is five times greater. Many of the house destroyed by the river were built by illegal Haitians. Nobody knows who was a real resident frim Jimani and who was just planted there. I have seen caravans of Haitians driving from the East coast bateyes in light trucks ready to retrieve goods from Jimani. It is a profitable trip, where if you pay as little as $200 for fare you can get back much more in food and supplies given to real victims. Many of these implanted thieves could leave with a bootie full of fans, electric appliances, cooking oil and cereals that can be sold for much more than they earn in a month of real work. In a lot near the entrance of Jimani cases of clothes cover an area bigger than the Duquesa garbage dump in Santo Domingo. All the material is now gone product of the pillage by these mobs. There were as many light trucks leaving with merchandise out of town as trucks coming in with aid. Already, merchandise from foreign aid is being sold in Santo Domingo in the barrios? colmados and trucks posted in corners. The ultimate gyp is an ad in El Caribe newspaper that offers ?pacas? or cases of clothes for $250 to people who wish to donate to the victims of Jimani. The painful part is that these are the same cases being taken out of Jimani, being resold and recycled time and time again in what is turning into a very profitable venture. Incredible!!! The quantity of aid shipped to Jimani is so large that would be enough to help the entire country, not just that region?s poor victims. Nevertheless, 90% is being directed to Jimani, while many other towns languish in the same conditions, except that these towns did not have the large quantity of dead. Towns like Tamayo, Nagua, those near SFM, the Yuna, Yaque Del Norte and Ozama River areas, Sabana Perdida, Cristo Rey, Guachupita, La Barquita and others have received no aid. There is not a single crop left in the northern growing fields. Rice, plantain, vegetables and other crops have disappeared entirely. This is the worst flood in our history . The government and civil defense authorities are not capable enough to manage this disaster due to their inefficiency and lack of prevention plans and now the man who runs the water resources in the country is being accused of building a dike for a fish pond for his personal use that was the caused of the disaster. Silvio Carrasco head of the INDHRI and a partner are now the culprits in this badly planned fishery which created a dam full of mud, dead trees and rocoks that buried Jimani. This was the reason for the sudden flash flood that nobody was able to predict. Admiral Lora Salcedo, head of the civil defense continues to show off in TV with his hands tied. He does not even have a helicopter at his disposal. Here is big general who supposedly commands every single department in emergency situations, but is not capable of garnering enough help. Only the church and civil society have done a commendable job. Some politicians have shined with their permanency and consistency in helping the people, like El Gallo Acosta Moreta, and Freddy Beras Goico from the entertainment field. In a certain way, the government would have looked worst, being that everything the Freddy does somehow sticks to the government. Not even the house that Hipolito promised to build come from his administration. These house being built come from the European Union and the Sur Foundation. Yet, the mayor and the congressman from Jimani have being causing delays in the construction with their complaints that the houses should be built in concrete instead of wood and zinc. And being truthful, most of the houses destroyed had concrete as the main construction material, but this is not time to be too demanding when the aid is free.The worst part is the treatment being given to dead bodies. This appears to be a scene from ?The Night of The Living Dead?. Bodies are being thrown in common burial holes that are scarcely 3 feet deep and all show stiff limbs sticking out of the ground. The bodies of the dead are not being buried according to international regulations, have not been washed out of the mud and are stacked in huge piles one on top of another and some sticking together by the mud. Lora Salcedo declared that the body bags had not arrived from Puerto Rico, something that does not jive with previous declarations that he did not have the budget to purchase these items at US$150 per bag.. The bodies were thrown like animals in empty lots without as much as a sheet to cover them. Yet, there were hundreds of sheets donated and in warehouses.The bodies were not photographed, listed, identified or descriptions given, including where they were buried. Now familiy members will not be able to prove their death and make legal claims since death certificates are not available and cannot be made without proper identification. Inheritance law requirements have now being buried with the dead. In a worst case scenario we will have thousands of claims by false claimants that will turn legitimate claims into a nightmare and take years to sort. Ladies and Gentlemen, inefficiency, vulgarity and inhumanity of the Dominican government can not be described. No horror film can document scenes like this. Those who keep sending aid will be taken like fools by Hippo?s government. Hipolito was not sensitive enough to speak to the victims? families when he arrived at the scene four days later as if nothing had happened. He drove around in his air/conditioned armored jeepeta and did not open the windows and came out only once to meet the press covered with protection for his nose. The secretary of health was not even seen in the withcraft houses nearby. Now the real victims are more afraid of the advancing invading mobs that the flood itself.

Una pregunta: Cuales fueron las areas afectadas en Macoris? Con todas las noticias de Jimani, no habia escuchachodo nada del los otros pueblos.


Jan 5, 2002
Verifica en los siguientes:

Almost all newspapers, like,,,, and even have reported most towns in the San Francisco area devastated. The owrst situation is the Villa Riva area, where water covers the entire area.



On Vacation!
Apr 8, 2004
Simple question

Golo100 said:
The pity of this whole effort by my Miami friends to contribute with the victims in Jimani is that the whole effort may be in vain since the majority of the donations coming from independent sources other than foreign and government aid ends up in the hands of ?false refugees? who come from all over the rest of the country who are professionals at taking advantage of situations like this.I am here and I know what goes on. Those of you abroad do not know the extend of the fraud vested upon you. You are being taken like ?pariguayos?. Of course, people here think you are laundering gold abroad. And that?s why thousands of lazy Dominicans continue to survive and live well with your hard earned money..All the merchandise that has arrived in containers, trucks and other means of transport is being thrown in empty lots at the entrance of Jimani so that these savage ?buscones? who have invaded Jimani could be held back from the main warehouses full of aid from international agencies. It is almost like throwing a bait to hungry dogs chasing you so you can save your life. The government and the military have not been able to control these mobs that have exceeded the real population of Jimani. The invading mob, which includes thousands of illegal Haitians that were allowed to cross the border by the military thru bribes is five times greater. Many of the house destroyed by the river were built by illegal Haitians. Nobody knows who was a real resident frim Jimani and who was just planted there. I have seen caravans of Haitians driving from the East coast bateyes in light trucks ready to retrieve goods from Jimani. It is a profitable trip, where if you pay as little as $200 for fare you can get back much more in food and supplies given to real victims. Many of these implanted thieves could leave with a bootie full of fans, electric appliances, cooking oil and cereals that can be sold for much more than they earn in a month of real work. In a lot near the entrance of Jimani cases of clothes cover an area bigger than the Duquesa garbage dump in Santo Domingo. All the material is now gone product of the pillage by these mobs. There were as many light trucks leaving with merchandise out of town as trucks coming in with aid. Already, merchandise from foreign aid is being sold in Santo Domingo in the barrios? colmados and trucks posted in corners. The ultimate gyp is an ad in El Caribe newspaper that offers ?pacas? or cases of clothes for $250 to people who wish to donate to the victims of Jimani. The painful part is that these are the same cases being taken out of Jimani, being resold and recycled time and time again in what is turning into a very profitable venture. Incredible!!! The quantity of aid shipped to Jimani is so large that would be enough to help the entire country, not just that region?s poor victims. Nevertheless, 90% is being directed to Jimani, while many other towns languish in the same conditions, except that these towns did not have the large quantity of dead. Towns like Tamayo, Nagua, those near SFM, the Yuna, Yaque Del Norte and Ozama River areas, Sabana Perdida, Cristo Rey, Guachupita, La Barquita and others have received no aid. There is not a single crop left in the northern growing fields. Rice, plantain, vegetables and other crops have disappeared entirely. This is the worst flood in our history . The government and civil defense authorities are not capable enough to manage this disaster due to their inefficiency and lack of prevention plans and now the man who runs the water resources in the country is being accused of building a dike for a fish pond for his personal use that was the caused of the disaster. Silvio Carrasco head of the INDHRI and a partner are now the culprits in this badly planned fishery which created a dam full of mud, dead trees and rocoks that buried Jimani. This was the reason for the sudden flash flood that nobody was able to predict. Admiral Lora Salcedo, head of the civil defense continues to show off in TV with his hands tied. He does not even have a helicopter at his disposal. Here is big general who supposedly commands every single department in emergency situations, but is not capable of garnering enough help. Only the church and civil society have done a commendable job. Some politicians have shined with their permanency and consistency in helping the people, like El Gallo Acosta Moreta, and Freddy Beras Goico from the entertainment field. In a certain way, the government would have looked worst, being that everything the Freddy does somehow sticks to the government. Not even the house that Hipolito promised to build come from his administration. These house being built come from the European Union and the Sur Foundation. Yet, the mayor and the congressman from Jimani have being causing delays in the construction with their complaints that the houses should be built in concrete instead of wood and zinc. And being truthful, most of the houses destroyed had concrete as the main construction material, but this is not time to be too demanding when the aid is free.The worst part is the treatment being given to dead bodies. This appears to be a scene from ?The Night of The Living Dead?. Bodies are being thrown in common burial holes that are scarcely 3 feet deep and all show stiff limbs sticking out of the ground. The bodies of the dead are not being buried according to international regulations, have not been washed out of the mud and are stacked in huge piles one on top of another and some sticking together by the mud. Lora Salcedo declared that the body bags had not arrived from Puerto Rico, something that does not jive with previous declarations that he did not have the budget to purchase these items at US$150 per bag.. The bodies were thrown like animals in empty lots without as much as a sheet to cover them. Yet, there were hundreds of sheets donated and in warehouses.The bodies were not photographed, listed, identified or descriptions given, including where they were buried. Now familiy members will not be able to prove their death and make legal claims since death certificates are not available and cannot be made without proper identification. Inheritance law requirements have now being buried with the dead. In a worst case scenario we will have thousands of claims by false claimants that will turn legitimate claims into a nightmare and take years to sort. Ladies and Gentlemen, inefficiency, vulgarity and inhumanity of the Dominican government can not be described. No horror film can document scenes like this. Those who keep sending aid will be taken like fools by Hippo?s government. Hipolito was not sensitive enough to speak to the victims? families when he arrived at the scene four days later as if nothing had happened. He drove around in his air/conditioned armored jeepeta and did not open the windows and came out only once to meet the press covered with protection for his nose. The secretary of health was not even seen in the withcraft houses nearby. Now the real victims are more afraid of the advancing invading mobs that the flood itself.

Have you been to Jimani since the floods?


Jan 5, 2002

Sorry, I could not paddle my way out there. I have seen enough here in Santo Domingo to make my stomach turn.This is a small neighborhood. We all know what goes on, except those who don't want to know anything.



On Vacation!
Apr 8, 2004
Golo100 said:
Sorry, I could not paddle my way out there. I have seen enough here in Santo Domingo to make my stomach turn.This is a small neighborhood. We all know what goes on, except those who don't want to know anything.


So your information is provided by?


Stay Frosty!
Jan 2, 1999
It's all over the newspapers, radio and TV. You do not need to be a rocket scientist to form an opinion on Jimani. The public has been blasted by the media in the past 10 days. The TV coverage at times made me feel physically ill, they hold nothing back here, they show everything. CNN give you what they feel you should see, here they give you everything and let you make the choice, they censor nothing.

Even the BBC are covering the problems.

"We are concerned that people who are outside the immediate vicinity are now coming in to possibly take advantage of the fact that food is being distributed," said Colonel David Lapan, a spokesman for the outgoing force.
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