info on reason for evacuation from sunscape punta cana grand


New member
Sep 22, 2004
confused too

club hurricana said:
Has anyone any other info on why we were evacuated when is saying it is open and was only affected in a minor way.Anyone else there at same time as us and feeling confused and a little angry at being at home when we should still be there!!! :disappoin

Are you saying that you really feel you should have stayed, or was that sarcasm? My wife and I are planning to travel to sunscape on 10/14 for our 10th anniversary. A trip like this is a bit of a stretch for us, and it would be totally dissappointing to get there and have it be mostly under repair...I am little concerned that the information being posted by the hotel is less than accurate. Pictures can be misleading, but it looked pretty bad. Could anyone who is there now, or has been there since the storm give me the straight story? Thanks, I appreciate it.


New member
Mar 4, 2004
club hurricana said:
Has anyone any other info on why we were evacuated when is saying it is open and was only affected in a minor way.Anyone else there at same time as us and feeling confused and a little angry at being at home when we should still be there!!! :disappoin
probably the answer you don't want to hear...but to sell their resort & make money


Jul 3, 2002
My guess is you were evacuated since there was no power, water, and access in and out of the hotel and you would have become miserable very fast.

They were probably able to fix the problems faster than anticipated.


New member
Sep 14, 2004
What I found out...

After reading this thread...and being only a month out from our honeymoon at Sunscape Grand and being a self-proclaimed drama queen...I decided to call our travel agent and find out... She called APPLE vacations (who we went through for the trip)...and they said that there was no structural damage. There was some flooding issues...but nothing that would cause construction throughout the rest of this month. I would suggest calling the person who you arranged this trip through...see what they can find out. I would think that you would want to get out of a place where they were evacuating for a hurricane... Did you happen to get travel insurance when you booked your trip...they may reimburse you...


New member
Sep 22, 2004
Thanks Octbride

OctoberBride04 said:
After reading this thread...and being only a month out from our honeymoon at Sunscape Grand and being a self-proclaimed drama queen...I decided to call our travel agent and find out... She called APPLE vacations (who we went through for the trip)...and they said that there was no structural damage. There was some flooding issues...but nothing that would cause construction throughout the rest of this month. I would suggest calling the person who you arranged this trip through...see what they can find out. I would think that you would want to get out of a place where they were evacuating for a hurricane... Did you happen to get travel insurance when you booked your trip...they may reimburse you...

Thanks for the info...sounds like we are going about the same time. The receptionist at my travel agent's office said a friend of hers is going there next week and the resort definately is open. The agent (Bob at told me he would make some calls and find out the actual condition of the resort and call me back. I will post when i know...We are not leaving until 10/14.


New member
Sep 14, 2004
Next Step...

I just wanted to let you all know that I emailed the manager at Sunscape Punta Cana Grand to ask what the situation is. So once I hear from him, I will post the email.


New member
May 18, 2004
From speaking to some friends who work there two of the buildings lost their roofs. Not sure how much of the roof but they are three story buildings and if they are missing any part of the roof I'm sure that there will be alot of moisture in the walls etc.. from rain coming in so they will need alot of drying out or replacement.But bear in mind they have three other buildings that didn"t receive damage from what I've been told so..... maybe they are open but with limited rooms available.


New member
Sep 22, 2004
looking around this am

foundthis onthe travel impressions website this am...

This is updated from last night, although the date is yesterdays. Says Sunscape is re-opening 10/1/04...I still haven't heard from my travel agent. I understand the hurricane was unforseen, and I pray those affected will recover quickly...not all that worried about a silly vacation when i consider what the folksthere went through. However, I do not understand why the hotel, and seemingly everyone involved, doesn't just tell us the straight story. From what I can gather the hotel was damaged, is currently closed, and they will get it back in order asap. It should be noted, Secrets, which i think everyone knows was severely damaged, is listed with an Oct. 1 re-open date...doesn't make me feel much better re: sunscape. On a positive note, someone posted on trip advisor that they were at Sunscape during the hurricane and the staff performed marvelously, even continuing with room service! I still haven't heard from my travel agent.


New member
Sep 3, 2004
Sunscape during hurricane

I came back from Sunscape this past Saturday. I was supposed to be home on Sunday but everything was so wet and it was still raining when I left so it wasn't such a big deal to be leaving. Anyway, the first 3 days I had at the resort were wonderful. I am definitely going back. Hoping to get a travel vouchure for the day I missed.
A friend of mine at the hotel says that they are open. There were parts of the roof that came off of 2 buildings but it was metal on top of wood and the metal is what came off. Other than that, the pools had to be completely drained and all the trees along the beach came out, roots and all. But the people at the hotel work so hard, I truely believe that the hotel will be fine in no time.


New member
Sep 22, 2004

This is exactly the info I needed to relax. Thanks for taking the time to post it.