Holiday Fundraising for Dominican kids


New member
Oct 18, 2004
An idea to all the folks who want to help school kids in the DR. I've done fundraised at my workplace for several years during the holidays. I work with two local homeless shelters, and this year I added Dominican Dream's wish list as an option. All you do is connect with a non-profit organization, get gift suggestions, and then send out e-mails to your co-workers with gift suggestions, asking them to donate directly with you and you will deliver the gifts.

There are a lot of holiday gift-giving programs, but my coworkers participate in the one I coordinate because:
1. It's easy, they bring their gifts or cash to work.
2. They trust me and know it will be going to needy kids. I provide them with a receipt.
3. They are giving in the name of their workplace (this will often earn you a bonus with the boss, bosses will especially like to contribute so they can say "this year, we helped blah blah, blah.)

I just sent out an e-mail last week and have already gotten $50 in cash donations that I will spend on school supplies for Dominican kids, and 6 local homeless kids that got "sponsored" (homeless shelter provide me with names and gift requests). A fun part for me is I get to take the cash donations and do the shopping. We have about 40 employees, and by the end of December, I will have collected over $500 in cash and gifts.

YOU will get a big reward. You'll be amazed at how coordinating a holiday gift-giving program will keep you (and your friends and co-workers) centered on what the holidays are about, and how fortunate we are. Not surprisingly, it is always the lowest-paid people who give the most. Of course, this program will only work if your co-workers actually LIKE and TRUST you.

Ho, ho, ho (of the santa-clause type)