Faceless Dolls of Moca


New member
Feb 9, 2004
Does anyone have time to give me the "Cliff's Notes" version of the "faceless dolls of Moca?" I first saw them when I visited Moca and on the way to the airport as I was leaving, I stopped at a shop by the side of the road and purchased several. The shopkeeper made a valiant attempt to explain but as my Spanish is not that good, I did not understand much of what he said. They are lovely dolls and I'm intrigued by them. I bought several to give to friends, but I'd like to know their origin. Many thanks!

Don Tomas

New member
Jun 22, 2004
From what I have been told most dolls in the DR are faceless due to the fact that the people of the DR are of all different skin tones.

The Moca dolls might be special but I know you can find faceless dolls everywhere.