Furn. 1BR "Americanized" apt in SDQ?


New member
Dec 11, 2004
Although I have made roughly 25-30 trips to the D.R. over the last 11 years, I just recently discovered this board. Over the last week, I've probably spent 20+ hours reading the excellent, informative posts here and have learned quite a lot.

My question is pretty simple: I'd like to get a short-term apartment similar to the one featured here in dr1 as available to rent, but closer in to the center of Santo Domingo. My knowledge of various neighborhoods is superficial, at best, but I was thinking it might be fun to stay for 1 - 2 months in area within walking/close taxi distance of a lot of upscale bars, restaurants, etc. In particular, some of the areas along Ave. Abraham Lincoln looked kind of interesting.

I want something that features the amenities a typical American might expect (i.e. reliable power, a/c, decent security, comfortable bed, DSL, etc.). Although only 40 years old, I've visited nearly 50 countries in my lifetime (most of them 3rd world), and have lived in Mexico, Hong Kong, and Saigon, so I'm not a novice at this sort of thing. I also studied Spanish for awhile at a Mexican university, so I can communicate in the local language (although, believe me, no one will confuse me for being a native speaker).

Is there anything like this available, or should I just strike an extended stay deal at one of the hotels?