

New member
Mar 3, 2005
soy ciudadana americana y quisiera traer una nina de Santo Domingo la cual aun no a sido declarada por la madre o el padre mi pregunta es puedo yo declaral la nina y pedirla

Alguna informacion por favor

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
Ud. puede pero no debe. Declarar como suya una ni?a que no lo es constituye una infracci?n penal.

[You can but you shouldn't. To declare as yours somebody else's child is a criminal offense].


New member
Mar 3, 2005
Informacion para una adopcion

Fabio J. Guzman said:
Ud. puede pero no debe. Declarar como suya una ni?a que no lo es constituye una infracci?n penal.

[You can but you shouldn't. To declare as yours somebody else's child is a criminal offense].

Gracias por su consejo, Yo quiero adoptar la nina pero no se como empezar la adoptacion, cual seria mi primer paso a dar, es dificil querel hacer algo en Santo Domingo cual uno esta en Boston, MA pienso ir a Santo Domingo a final de Mayo y me gustaria prepararme un poco quizas hay algun documento que necesito trael a Santo Domingo para la Adopcion.


Jan 1, 2002
And stop writing in Spanish for God's sake

What you are contemplating is also a federal offense. You will be lying on your declaration of birth. You will be lying in your request for a passport.

It has been done, just ask Mary Jo Fern?ndez' parents.

You need a very good doctor friend at a friendly and "believeable" medical facility (not a dump fer crissakes!)

A) Either the birth mother or your wife and you say that the baby is yours-out of wedlock, no matter. You get the doc and the clinic to issue a Notice of birth.
B) With the paper from the clinic, You file for a Dominican Legalized Birth Certificate naming you as the father and the mother as the mother (or you can even have your wife as the mother, the women never go to the Registro Civil anyway.
C) You go to the US Consulate and pay the fees they request ( a few hundredc dollars nowadays) and deposit the necessary papers including a picture of the baby. If it does not look like you or your wife, make sure that you use the birth mother for this and claim it as an out of wedlock child.

Remember, the Consulate is filled with people that have "been there, done that" and they will be suspicious. You will be grilled. So will the mother.
The US just does not hand out citizenship. And I am reminding you again, what you are contemplating is a federal offense.