musicians in the DR


New member
Mar 12, 2005
i'm a musician who loves the DR and thinking of moving there... can anyone tell me what kind of music jobs are available in the DR? like working as a live musician? where i live we get payed pretty reasonably, about 100 USD every gig. is the pay similar in the DR and could it support me financially to live there?


New member
Aug 11, 2004
Are you serious?
An entire band makes less than $200 USD for 2 full sets!
I am a professional musician in the United States and can not depend on gigging to eat and support my travel addiction.

My advice, play for the love of performance and not as a profession, go to a few tipico venues and get friendly with a few musicians, perhaps buy the band a few Grandes. Maybe you can sit in once in a while!
Good luck!....What is your instrument, Yo soy una tamborista!

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New member
Mar 12, 2005
i live in singapore not the states. and being a regular musican here means you can afford a small apartment if you get gigs regularily. are there any other music careers popular in the dr where pay can support you? im a jazz pianist lechero ;)


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2004
Jazz in Cabarete

can be found at Miro's on Saturdays, featuring Roberto Santana, a gifted keyboard player. Local musician's often sit-in.
Pomodoro has jazz on Thursdays, featuring Alain, a great guitarist, with guest musicians, as well.
From my expierience (as a drummer), earning anything beyond gas money is really difficult. Jazz gigs are hard to find. I know one musician who takes a publico from Cabarete to Sousa, switches to a bus to Satiago, then a taxi to his gig. Stays overnight and returns the next day! Dedication to the art form exhibited, once again.


Mar 2, 2003
Most local musicians here are really damn good, not garage wankers like you find all too often in the US, also they generally have money from some other source. (source = mommy and daddy)

You could make good money if you manage to hook up with someone famous and tour with them regularly, I know some musicians that make a living at it here and that is the way they do it, of course these are world class instrumentalists that can sight read and play anything in any key any time - so naturally they get called to play concerts with Chi Chi Peralta, Juan Luis Guerra and the like.

I suspect that with a little creativity and flexibility as far as style goes it wouldn't be hard to get a buzz going on a new project, but I don't think there is a living to be made here as a lounge pianist or anything like that, (you can count piano bars in DR on your fingers) you'd do better in a country with more money, or at least more piano bars.


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2004
Response to Windeguy

windeguy said:
Hello Buzzard,

Is Roberto the same fellow that was playing in that little downstairs jazz bar on the ocean side but facing the street in Cabarete that seems to be closed now?

Hi there Windeguy,

Indeed, he is one and the same Roberto Santana! He ran that club for a year (or two?) but, as way too often is the case, was forced to close it up. He can now be found giging about at venues such as Miro's, as well as giving lessons. I consider myself very fortunate to have the opportunity to back him up, both at the Village Club and currently, at Miro's.


New member
Sep 1, 2004
seductress said:
... can anyone tell me what kind of music jobs are available in the DR? working as a live musician?

Have a good friend who is an excellent jazz piano player. He knows the scene well and makes his money off of his craft, but has a very hard time supporting his family on his income. He complains about the Music Scene on the Island and the lack of venues for a serious musician. He seems pretty depressed about it most of the time, just like the musicians I knew back in NY. It's always hard to make money as an artist, and here It might be a little harder.