

New member
Aug 30, 2005

The DR designated as part of a group of countrys as one of a ?failing country?, by an international institution. These included a few African Countries, along with Haiti. Does anyone question this derogotory description of our Country. Due to loco Hippolito and a cast of characters was created, including Pepe Goico, Paulino Corrino, Baez Figueroa and Hippolito Mejia. We elected a nut for President, and he proved to be even a bigger nut than anyone could imagine. Baez Figueroa head of Baninter treated ?his bank?as his own little piggy bank, and with the OK of Mejia they pilaged Baninter, and had a grand time buying homes and boats in Miami. Things got so hot for all of these thieves that Goico (with Mejias OK) managed to fly away to Spain, where according to recent news Pepe is studying some military tactic. Goico apparently was a self taught genius to buy two helicoptors from Paulino for $2.5 million dollars on a Colonels salary. But with creditcards supplied by Hippolito & Figueroa Goico went on sending Baninter into oblivion. Now a facade of deporting Goico for a ?window dressing trial? will prove to be another Teatro, to play games for the media and us Peons. Now we must pay the highest air fares, highest telephone rates, highets prices for food, and clothing, highest taxes to support Leonel?s Fiasco. Both Mejia, and Leonel must be laughing all the way to the Bank (Banco Leon) with the outragously taxed pesos flowing into Banco Central, all to become their ?wn little piggy bank?. Wait until Leonel gets his subway, and fantasy island, and note the pilferage that he, and his cronies will make off with. Isn?t it amazing the IMF intends to continue financial support of this fiasco, which Dominicans will pay for many years to come.

frank alvarez

New member
Apr 13, 2004
Difference is too large to describe.

Putting Leonel anywhere near 'EL BURRO' is really outrageous. Everything El Burro is, Leonel is not and vice-versa. The Leonel-bashing going on now is extremely unfair; it also demonstrates the ignorance of those that do it. The mess inherited by Leonel from El Burro should take 10 years to fix and Leonel has already done about 5 years' worth of correction in a year. The facts are there.

Now, the oil situation, a very serious one, for the U.S., for crying out loud, the richest nation in the world, is super serious for a poor little country like ours that depends more on oil, than the U.S. A big chunk of our energy is oil-generated while the U.S. has water, nuclear, etc.

Leonel is not responsible for El Burro's mess, which is really the responsibility of all the know-nothings that voted for such an obviously unqualified ding-dong. By the same token, 0 responsibility for the world's oil situation and in fact he gets an A+ for working out a good deal with Venezuela for us.

Now, as far as pursuing the corrupt in the previous administration and other acts of looking the other way or complicity with the totally corrupt system in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches, Leonel gets a D- from me.