Purchasing Land - How?


New member
Feb 8, 2006
We?re considering moving to the DR in the near future, and we?re toying with the idea of purchasing a plot to build our ?dream? home in the Caribbean ? it is more to get away from mundane city life (rat race) and create a new start for a better quality of life.

Regarding the purchasing of land (lots) in the DR ? I?ve read many horror stories ? specially to do this the property Deeds.

In April-06 I will be in the DR and will be spending two weeks looking for a plot and getting acquainted with the country ? as the last time we were there it was purely a holiday ? great it was. Hopefully we will find a plot we like.

Basically I would like to know as much as possible about the property purchasing in the DR and how I can minimise not being caught up in one of the very many situations that I?ve read up on.

Any information regarding the above would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks



New member
Jan 8, 2002
Do your research first please !

If I can be so bold as to make a suggestion from the frontier where we are a little more blunt not haven been influenced by all the tourist.

Do your research first please !

If you had taken the time to JUST review the last 50 to 100 entrys in this forum you would have found numerous threads started covering the various aspects of your question. Some very good and insightful thought has been given and expressed OVER and OVER again by what I consider to be some very PATIENT individuals on this subject.

There is an EXCELLENT search engine within DR1. USE IT. You will find yourself in a fantastic world of comment and discussion, insight and solutions all at your finger tips.

And I assure you, that once you have seen what has ALREADY been written on this subject BY those you are now asking to RESTATE it again JUST FOR YOU, your next request will be more subject specific.

Sorry my DR1 nieghbors, on this one I am firing the first shot. There is a vast wealth of knowledge you all have already contributed for NEWBIE DEFENSE and it lies within the reach of all who seek it.

This is a computer linked world, check what lies within before asking for what already exist.

k francisco de Cabral


New member
Jan 17, 2006
Joe...kfranis is quite correct. I am currently (and have been researching for a year now) looking in the Saman penninsula area and will be viewing proerties again in 2 weeks....this is my 4th trip to look!!

All of this being done with the knowledge that you'd (as i will) best consider renting for 3 months (where ever you plan to relo) to make sure this is for you and yours.

This takes alot of patience!! And above all make sure you have a good lawyer [/B][/B]and talk to as many realtors as you can.

If you are interested in the Samana area I can recommend several people who live there you can talk to....good luck!!



New member
Feb 8, 2006
More specific Info

Thanks Francisco and Shuffine for your comments.

I had already read many threads relating to property purchase in the DR and this is why I entered my thread.
I was/am looking for more specific info about how not to get caught up the many situations that others have unfortunately found themselves in. It seems that hiring a good Lawyer is just not good enough and basically I'm after any other info, besides instinct and judgement, that might make a go/no go decision on a purchase.

Many thanks



Jan 1, 2002
It also might help to know what area of the country you are looking at...

The big traps are those lots along the shoreline. BEWARE.

You are a little better off inland. Look around.

HB :D:D Live from Santiago, the first Santiago of the Americas!

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
You Are Forgetting The # ! Rule About Buying Realestate In The DR!!!!

You want a "Dream Home" in the DR??? Be careful it does not become your "Nightmare Home"!

Come and actually "live" here first!! Then RENT!! You really must do that!! Rent for a year! Then you "might" know if you actually want to stay,or purchase property here! Rentals are relatively inexpensive,and your "Nest Egg" is still safe and SECURE in your home country!!
If you rent,you loose that sense of "urgency" that makes you get involved in a purchase you really shouldn't buy!If you wait,find that you love it here,want to buy something,you can wait for a "Deal" to come along!

"Decisions made in haste,can be regreted at leisure"!!!!!

Marie Charland

New member
Feb 11, 2006
Hy, good morning to all,

my name is Marie Charland, I am from Canada, and I work in the Real Estate sector in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, for a company named Caribbean Solutions. I have lived here for 1 year and a half now. Criss Colon is right. Punta Cana is going through a real estate "boom"development. The offer of residencies, appartments and villas here is so great, that you may easily shop for a "dream-like" house to rent first and see if you want to buy it in the future.

Your dream house does not have necessarily to be right on th beach. You may find very nice appartments or villas that have access to the beach. In that sense, there are a couple of details to check:
-- year of construction of the project
-- location in relation to supermarket, stores, shopping centre, ....the closenesss to all of these essential services that the hotel normally offer you.
-- access roads to get to your property
-- connection to water supply, electricity services (and the cost of them)

To be able to check all of these details, better to rent first, no rush, there is so much to see here that just in one trip it's impossible to see everything.

Good luck.



New member
Aug 16, 2005
hey Marie ... my name is Israel I will be in sto. dgo. from the 28th of Feb. on . I'm interested in working with you and or your company . I've many contacts in the D.R. and would like to take advantage of this . I speak , read, and write english and spanish and am vey resourceful . If I interest you please contact me , and I promise I'll do my best for you .

Thanx .

Marie Charland

New member
Feb 11, 2006
Response to Ichinobond

Dear Ichinobond,

yes, it would be very interesting to collaborate together. I would like to have more information, and at the same time, I will give you more information on my company.

Here is my e-mail, feel free to contact me.

