Sanki Panki Video in Spanish


Jan 2, 2002
Wow so there it is right out of the mouths of sankies.

Dragon you should translate it for those that don't understand although a picture or in this case a video is worth a thousand words. ;)

I think that shirt should be entered into the sankie outfit contest.


New member
Jan 27, 2006
Wow, I saw this segment a few years ago !

Hey the experienced sankie pankie is smart by claiming on TV that he is not pursuing more women and has fallen in love, while he waits for his visa.. :D


New member
Feb 9, 2005

If you don't understand spanish learn quickly, this video will open your eyes.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2002
Interesting that both sankies featured are Haitian.

The fact that a certain large country to the north was not mentioned will be gratifying to many on this board. Also, almost all the women featured did not fit the alleged 'elderly white whale' stereotype.

If it had been made in one of the north coast or Punta Cana AIs we would have a few broken hearts here, no doubt.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003
This video was featured a few years ago-

I have seen this video before. I think Telemundo did a good job on the clip.

There's not much to comment here other than the fact that if women are fooled by these opportunists and defend their conquest so be it. The Sanki in the blue shirt is definitely Haitian from way he speaks Spanish. He had a hard time saying 'despu?s' and the way he was saying 'habla', 'habla' 'habla' is just like a French person who speaks Spanish. I hear it all the time in Montreal.

The video clip serves as an example of Sanki behavior anywhere. Regardless whether it's the North Coast, Punta Cana etc. Also if you go to the beaches of Cartagena, Colombia you will see the same activity and many of the foreign female tourists are smitten by these sweet talkers.

Their MO is obvious to most of us but why women think they are a catch is beyond me. It's beyond sad. It's just downright ridiculous. A poor sense of judgment.

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Jan 3, 2002
Lesley D said:
Their MO is obvious to most of us but why women think they are a catch is beyond me. It's beyond sad. It's just downright ridiculous. A poor sense of judgment.


Agreed, Lesley. The women that are fooled by the sankies undoubtedly have serious self-worth issues. They don't believe in themselves, and often continue to spiral downwards by being overweight, abusing alcohol, or other self-abusive behavior. They believe they are not worth anything, and no one has told them any different, especially society in North America and NA men, so they reinforce the fact by eating/drinking/gambling/abusing themselves more - really, a bit like "battered woman" syndrome. They would love for anyone to tell them different about themselves, but no one does, so it must be true. They go to the DR on vacation for whatever reason, and are instantly greeted by men who are "different".

The sankies tell them everything they've (the women) have been craving to hear all their lives. No one would say they were beautiful before, because it wasn't true in their minds. All of a sudden, they go to the DR and find they're beautiful. The men love them, just how they are. In fact, they love them MORE in the DR because they are overweight, or whatever self-worth issue the sankie can play on. If I didn't know who these guys were, I'd say they're really quite brilliant (in a sick way) - but really, they just learn from their peers.


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003

Although I agree with you regarding the self-worth issues I although believe there are some underlying cultural factors i.e. Latino/ Caribe?o that I would never be fooled by because of my background and the same goes for other people of Latino/ Caribbean descent. The cultural icons were clear to me in the video as well. When I saw it my first reaction was -?qu? es lo atractivo? That's what I don't understand.

As well, don't these tourists see them working their way along beach from woman to woman saying the same nonsense "oh, you are so beautiful", "no sab?a que hab?a mujeres tan bellas en Canad?", "I want to go to your country". Nonsense! It's just pathetic and when they get burned they want so much sympathy. You know how saying goes "once bitten twice shy". These women need to learn from the mistakes of others.


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Jan 3, 2002
Lesley D said:
Although I agree with you regarding the self-worth issues I although believe there are some underlying cultural factors ie. Latino/ Caribe?o that I would never be fooled by because of my background and the same goes for other people of Latino/ Caribbean decent. The cultural icons were clear to me in the video as well. When I saw it my first reaction was -?qu? es lo atractivo? That's what I don't understand.

As well, don't these tourists see them working their way along beach from woman to woman saying the same nonsense "oh, you are so beautiful", "no sab?a que hab?a mujeres tan bellas en Canad?", "I want to go to your country". Nonsense! It's just pathetic and when they get burned they want so much sympathy. You know how saying goes "once bitten twice shy". These women need to learn from the mistakes of others.



I see you as a very confident, self-assured woman. Someone who is very authentic herself, so anything artifical would never fool you. I believe the same about myself, so a sanky wouldn't fool me, either. I know who I am and am comfortable with it.

I think the women (so-called "victims") probably see the behavior on the beach, but are oblivious to it because the sankies are so good and so convincing. They want to believe them, want to believe that someone can love them exactly how they are, so they do. As you mentioned, "once bitten, twice shy" - so true, however, we've probably both seen so many go from one sanky to the next and to the next. While I agree it's pathetic, I try not to judge because I'm sure each of these women have lived something in their life to make them feel and think the way they do. A small part of me wants to jump through the computer and shake some sense into them. :classic:


Jan 2, 2002
I'm hoping that dragon or anyone else will translate some if not all of it so I can make this a sticky.;)

When the guy in the fancy shirt :rolleyes: bent over and asked the women if she'd ever made love in the DR I was thinking " anyone ever dare talk to me like that he'd have a few missing teeth :laugh: Mess up his pretty shirt.:D

And regarding " does anyone know" question we get all the time, Rudy at the end said that even when they live with a Dominicana the Dominicana would be extremely jealous if he was with another Dominicana but with a tourist they are NOT jealous because she knows he'll be bringing money home.

And when asked but what if the tourist asks you to come live in her country,

he said, well she will know it means I'll be sending money home for her.

So much for asking " does anyone know" when the people that "know" them best don't have a computer. :paranoid:


Nov 10, 2003
Why warn the tourist!!!!!!!

This isn't anything new. Where ever you have a country that has large unemployment and minimun opportunities people will do what they have to do to survive. And as long as tourist from 1st world countries come down to paraiso to forfill their fantasies sanky pankies will always be employed.

The ironic thing about this "hilo" is people are disgusted with these young boys behavoir. Mi punto de vista, is as long both parties get what they want then what is the problem. In reality, the sanky pankies are the real victims because they are allowing themselves to be exploited. Meanwhile these two babosos feel that they are getting the better end of the stick but are a product of a ritual that has been going on since the americas was discovered(exploitation)..

Why not have a report on immoral tourist coming from 1st world countries preying on innocent people that will do just about anything to get out of their hell hole..Lets inform the sanky pankies that they are opening themselves to catching STD's and are just seen as sex objects to these tourist. Also as Lesley D has mentioned this form of exploitation is prevalent all over Latin America and other countries that have minimum opportunities..

Why inform the wolves in sheep clothing that when they arrive en el paraiso they are coming into the Lion's Den (unknown territory) and become the fresh meat in the jungle.

Lesley D the fulano in the blue shirt definitely has an accent like a french speaker even before saying despues..his tone gives him away..but his english was perfect...pero el otro fulano sounds like a pure dominican tiguere..The reality is these sankies are so full of themselves that they don't mind going on national tv to expose their scheme even b4 leaving el pais..just to tell how smart these idiots are...he's probably still roaming Duarte wondering why she cancelled the visa application..Again, they are payasos and are amateur sankies...

Geez, did I just post on this thread..


Former Spanish forum Mod 2010-2021
Dec 26, 2003

No lo puedo creer. I rarely post in this forum but sometimes I need to add my 2 cents. But you??? No puede ser.

Of course I noticed the guy in blue shirt was a French Haitian speaker long before 'despu?s' but I did not want to sound biased. His intonation, speech rhythm and accent give him away. In Montreal I always have to contain my laughter when I hear them speaking Spanish in the clubs. They try so hard to sound authentic but they can't do it. It turns out to be a French version of Spanish. The other guy speaks typical street Spanish which sounds horrible to listen to and that alone should tell the women something about who they are. The way the first guy speaks is embarrassing. Certainly not someone you bring home to Mom and Dad!

Nice to see you post.

Hasta luego

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Jan 2, 2002
Lesley D said:
The way the first guy speaks is embarassing. Certainly not someone you bring home to Mom and Dad!


That's just the problem Lesley, people that can hardly speak English :paranoid: find the accent soooo charming when they are full of rum and can't tell the difference between Rudy and the interviewer. Ummm the way they speak that is:cool:


Jan 2, 2002
Yes, thanks for posting Quisqueya. What you say makes a lot of sense and no one has any objections to well informed people doing what they want with their money it's the other group that needs enlightenment. ;)


Miami Nice!
Jan 31, 2002
I had never seen this video before, but that's only 'cause I don't watch Spanish language TV here...

Very interesting...but those 2...ugly!!! ugly!!! ugly!!! Now, who would pay attention to them??? That's beyond me!!! :(

The one and only time I was 'sankified' sankie was a gorgeous guy with green die for...and I was actually the one that came on to him!!!

But you really have to be desperate to pay attention to those two!!!

Anyway, good work on posting the video...maybe now the girls will realize that everything we say here on this board is their own words!!!

May 31, 2005
I would take a crack at translating it when I get off of work tonight. Right now I can't. It is an interesting video because I at least thought that to be a successful sankie you had to be good looking. Many sankies must be good looking but these two leave me wondering how they get any action. :)


Jan 2, 2002
Dragonfly32837 said:
I would take a crack at translating it when I get off of work tonight. Right now I can't. It is an interesting video because I at least thought that to be a successful sankie you had to be good looking. Many sankies must be good looking but these two leave me wondering how they get any action. :)

Wonderful. We have some bits and pieces but it would be a big help for those that don't understand a word of it.

Thank you


New member
Jul 13, 2005
Chirimoya said:
Interesting that both sankies featured are Haitian.

The fact that a certain large country to the north was not mentioned will be gratifying to many on this board. Also, almost all the women featured did not fit the alleged 'elderly white whale' stereotype.

If it had been made in one of the north coast or Punta Cana AIs we would have a few broken hearts here, no doubt.

one was haitian (the one that said he's in love).... the other one is dominican.
You can tell in his voice as compared to the haitian sankie.