What are the shiny red balls?


New member
Apr 24, 2006
Last week on the Boca Chica beach there were boys selling something that looked like mini candied apples. They were red and shiny; about an 1" in diameter; appeared to have toothpicks sticking out. The boys carried cookie sheets with these stuck on (even when turned perpendicular, they stuck).

What are these?


El Tigre

El Tigre de DR1 - Moderator
Jan 23, 2003
In my neck of the woods they are called "palitos de coco".

Caramel filled with coconut.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
here's a chance to practice your Spanish...

Dulce cubierto de caramelo

Tiempo: 35 mins
Dificultad: Medio
Sirve: 4 personas
Preparaci?n previa: Unte una superficie lisa o bandeja de hornear con un poco de aceite.

~Para untar la bandeja
1 cucharadita de aceite

~Para el relleno
1/2 taza de coco rallado
1 taza de leche evaporada
1/2 taza de azucar

~Para el caramelo
2 tazas de azucar
4 cucharadas de agua
1 cucharadita de colorante rojo para alimentos

Mezcla los ingredientes para el relleno en una olla y pon a hervir. Remueve regularmente para evitar que se pegue al fondo. Cuando endurezca retira del fuego y deja enfriar a temperatura ambiente. Pon cucharaditas del relleno en la palma de la mano y da forma de bolitas con el relleno, reserva.
Mezcla los ingredientes para el caramelo y pon a hervir. Cuando comienze a hervir retira del fuego. Sumerje las bolitas en el caramelo y da vuelta para que se cubran por completo. Con una cuchara saca inmediatamente del caramelo y pon sobre la placa aceitada. Clava un palillo en la bolita y deja enfriar hasta que el caramelo endurezca.


On Permanent Vacation!
Apr 15, 2004
Hipocrito Mejia said:
El Tigre got the name. Brings back memories of my childhood in DR.

Wrong! El Tigre (aka "El Pl?tano" ...;-) got it wrong. 'Palitos de coco' are white coconut crispy sticks. The shiny red balls are called 'memelos'...


El Tigre

El Tigre de DR1 - Moderator
Jan 23, 2003
Mirador said:
Wrong! El Tigre (aka "El Pl?tano" ...;-) got it wrong. 'Palitos de coco' are white coconut crispy sticks. The shiny red balls are called 'memelos'...


Hey there. Before you say I'm wrong read what I wrote carefully ;) :ninja:

I said where I grew up they call it like that. You won't believe this but before I posted that on here I called 2 little cousins of mine in Santiago. They both said palitos de coco jejejeje. One is 12 the other is 9 LOL

I know you guys are going to say - dude get a life LOL but I wanted to be sure before I posted.