Gang Operating in the Ulvero Alto - Macao Area


Jan 8, 2002

PJT normally would not be distributing this information without first obtaining some form of confirmation. However, because it was telecast last night, June 14, on the local Telecaribe/Spielcom cable channel #10 for the Bavaro Punta Cana area I will pass this on.

The telecast mentioned last evening in the there is a gang operating in the Macao ? Ulvero Alto area. They are robbing mostly merchants on the isolated and dark road(s) going to/from the resorts. The merchants are requested(?) by the resorts to make deliveries / pick-up during the early morning hours at the resorts before dawn so the guests will not be disturbed. The indirect result of this behavior makes the merchants easy targets for the gang(s)

The gang(s) are using a tactic of placing broken glass or other sharp objects on the road to cause the tires of any passing vehicle to go flat. The result is when the vehicle stops the gang(s) take the opportunity to rob the occupants.

PJT would recommend do not travel the roads during the nighttime hours. If you have to travel during that time do it with a large group or within a caravan of other vehicles. If you are stopped do whatever you are told by the bandits. Do not; repeat, do not - risk your life* by refusing to give up any valuables or obey any of their demands.

PJT laments having to pass this disturbing information on but in the interest of public safety does so.

*A young Santiago girl was killed last week by robbers for her pocketbook valuables and cell phone. It is alleged she was hesitant to give up her possessions.