Motoconcho Question


New member
Jun 27, 2004
I had read in the DR1 news a few weeks ago, about the motoconchos having a restriction on the number of passengers. As well as being required to have helmuts and vests to recognize themselves as motoconchos.

I was wondering if this has been enforced? And what is the penalty if you have three or more? (Driver, plus two passengers)

Is this just on the higways, or all through out the cities as well? (more specfically on the North Coast,in POP)



Apr 4, 2002
baileyboy said:
I had read in the DR1 news a few weeks ago, about the motoconchos having a restriction on the number of passengers. As well as being required to have helmuts and vests to recognize themselves as motoconchos.

I was wondering if this has been enforced? And what is the penalty if you have three or more passengers?

Is this just on the higways, or all thorugh out the cities as well? (more specfically on the North Coast,in POP)

What is planned, and what actually happens, remains to be seen, and anybody's guess will be as good as ours.
How many years have they tried to make them wear helmets? Eventually the cops tire of the game, and the conchos drive without them, not that I'm against that.
This part about wanting the passengers to wear a vest too, supplied by the driver, is not going to fly.
Can you just see a freshly showered tourist being told he has to wear this dirty dusty sweaty vest that has been worn a thousand times?
No way, Jose.
Ain't going to happen.


New member
Jun 27, 2004
That is true! Too funny.

It looks like another way for the police to get a little more pocket money for themselves ;) . It is a good idea for the helmuts though.

I know that things don't always go as planned, in the DR. They make up their own rules as they go along. But I was just wondering if anyone had encountered any instances of this new rule, and if it was being enforced at all.



Apr 4, 2002
baileyboy said:
It looks like another way for the police to get a little more pocket money for themselves ;) .
I really don't think that is what it's about. I think it's about security.
baileyboy said:
It is a good idea for the helmuts though.
M'frog's going to be all over you for calling them "helmuts".
It would seem that's someone's name in German, so I'll do it before he gets to you.

baileyboy said:
I know that things don't always go as planned, in the DR. They make up their own rules as they go along. But I was just wondering if anyone had encountered any instances of this new rule, and if it was being enforced at all.
I haven't seen it being enforced yet, but I imagine they will advise the drivers of a deadline date, force them to buy the vests (2 each) and then start a campaign of busting the ones not observing the rules.
Of course, when they go home at night, the Amet cops, that is, then nobody will wear them, as there will be nobody to enforce the law.
This ruling is going to turn out to be one big SNAFU.
Getting all the Sosua conchos to wear an ID vest is one thing.
Getting the passengers to comply, is another.
Let the fun begin.


May 22, 2004
Did you bring your helmut?

Rocky said:
IM'frog's going to be all over you for calling them "helmuts".
It would seem that's someone's name in German, so I'll do it before he gets to you.

That would be a good name for a German condom. :D


Apr 4, 2002
You won't get any flack from me.
90% of them are maniacs and they put my life and that of others at risk, everyday.
They're all big kids out of control, because the cops have let them be.
One big sensible crackdown that is maintained, and the problem would be resolved in no time at all.


New member
Jun 17, 2006
I dont understand why nobody wants to wear helmets there. What's even more stupid, the tourists (i have to admit, including me) dont seem to mind either.
I would never go on a scooter (let alone a motor!!) without a helmet here, but over there I do it on a regular basis...

They just dont seem to see that its so dangerous, or else they wouldnt take small kids or babies with them.


New member
Mar 20, 2006
helmet law

a friend of mine who lives in POP and rides a pazola was pulled over by a cop b/c he was not wearing a helmet. i thought that he was pulled over b/c he is white, looks like a tourist, and drives a brand new pazola = $$$. he explained that some motoconchos had been stopped too. to make a long story short, they were going to impound his pazola b/c he didn't have a helmet (scam i'm sure), but he borrowed a helmet from some random guy, tipped them both and went on his way.


Mar 18, 2002
Jostan said:
I dont understand why nobody wants to wear helmets there.
It's not only in the DR.

Remember Ben Roethlisberger of the Pittsburgh Steelers? He recently had a near death experience on a motorcycle when he was not wearing a helmet.


New member
Mar 20, 2006
people will always have excuses for not wearing helmets. some cite cost, comfort, the heat, laziness, ect.... besides, they are all extremely reckless and have no regard for the lives of others. they drive as though they are the only ones on the road. they don't drive over our hoods b/c they would need a ramp, but God knows they have tried.


New member
Mar 20, 2006

i missed my point, i was going to say that the same thing applies to seat belts. there is a law out there that says you can't drive w/o your seat belt, but who is going to enforce it. cops will stop you so they can make extra spending money and thats it. they are not going to stop a dominican and expect to recieve dollars or euros.


New member
Jun 27, 2004
Rocky said:
I really don't think that is what it's about. I think it's about security.
M'frog's going to be all over you for calling them "helmuts".
It would seem that's someone's name in German, so I'll do it before he gets to you.

Lo siento m'frog, & Rocky--- I knew when I was typing it, it didn't look right, but was too lazy to figure it out....:bunny: Not the strongest speller out there! ;)

I do have a friend who lives int he DR named Helmut who is German, so I guess out of habit I typed that as the word! Lesson learned! LOL
Nov 5, 2004
We got pulled over on a random check for not having a helmet about 2 weeks ago.

They were very rude, the AMET guy even pushed me when I asked him why they stopped us, and not the 5 in front or the 20 who passed by after with no helmets. (ok..maybe it was because I asked him repeatedly, when he didn't answer me the first few times. But the way he dealt with it was very unfair.)

I do believe that whenever they need a bit of extra money they will just go out and randomly stop people. Especialy if the random someone is a grigno/ them that equals more $$. If anyone disagrees with me on this..we should just agree to disagree...!!

It was a borrowed motor, so we had to pay a motoconcho (with NO helmet) to drive us home and get the papers from our neighbour, and drive back and pay some silly fine (around $300pesos)so they would give us the motor back.

Now, I TOTALLY agree that helmets should be law. But not if they are primarily going to inforce it on random motors or pasolas that are carrying white people for some extra pesos!!!