what does this say


New member
Jul 18, 2006
i have never been able to read or write spanish. this is about my fathers death
would somone be so kind as to translate this for me

Oscar Gobaira fallece a los 78 a?os

SANTIAGO.- Falleci? ayer tarde, a la edad de 78 a?os, el inmortal del deporte dominicano Oscar Gobaira, ligado a distinguidas familias de la sociedad santiagu?s y que durante su juventud fue uno de los m?s sobresalientes basquetbolistas de su ?poca.
El deceso del deportista, que ven?a sufriendo quebrantos de salud, se produjo a las dos y diez de ayer tarde y su cad?ver est? siendo velado en la Funeraria Blandino, de la avenida Juan Pablo Duarte. El sepelio ser? hoy, a las diez de la ma?ana, en el cementerio municipal de la calle 30 de Marzo, de esta ciudad.
Hace algunos a?os que Gobaira fue llevado al Pabell?n de la Fama del Deporte Dominicano. Tambi?n el Ayuntamiento de Santiago lo distingui? como ??Hijo Adoptivo??.
Su profes?on de m?dico fue resaltada por su desprendimiento, especialmente en su consultorio del municipio de Navarrete, donde siempre estuvo a disposici?n de los pacientes sin tener en cuenta sus posibilidades econ?micas. Labor? por muchos a?os como m?dico del equipo de las ?guilas Cibae?as, donde gozaba de gran aprecio.
Era Oscar el ?nico hijo que quedaba vivo del matrimonio de don Salom?n Gobaira y do?a Dolores Abissad, quienes llegaron del L?bano y se establecieron en Santiago, donde instalaron el Hotel Gobaira, en la Calle Del Sol, donde se hospedaban las grandes figuras beisboleras de la ?poca, entre ellas los cubanos Mart?n Dihigo, Rodolfo Fern?ndez y Chiquit?n Cabrera. El fenecido era t?o del ex-presidente de las Aguilas Cibae?as, Ricardo-Tito-Hern?ndez. Por la funeraria Blandino han desfilado numerosos deportistas, muchos de ellos que recibieron los consejos de ?l.
Los hijos de Oscar y que residen en New Jersey (Jon, Judith y Michael), vinieron al pa?s para estar al lado de su padre, pero hab?an partido el d?a anterior de su fallecimiento.


New member
Jul 10, 2006
I'll give it a try.

I will try.

Oscar Gobaira dies at 78 years old.

SANTIAGO-He died yesterday afternoon, at 78 years old, the immortal of dominican sports Oscar Gobaira, who was linked to some distinguished families from Santiago (santiageiran?) society and who during his youth was one of the most outstanding basketball players of his time.
The sportsman had been suffering health problems for some time. His death happened at ten minutes after two yesterday afternoon and there is a wake at Funeraria Blandino at Juan Pablo Duarte Ave. The burial will be today at ten in the morning, at the Cementerio Municipal at 30 de marzo St. in this city.
Gobaira was exalted to the Dominican Sports Hall of Fame some years ago. Also, the Santiago City Council distinguished him as "Adopted Son".
His career as physician was punctuated by his generosity, specially at his Navarrete medical office, where he was always available for patients without taking into account their financial possibilities. He worked for many years as physician for the Aguilas Cibae?as team, where he was deeply appreciated. (loved).
Oscar was the only living son from Don Salomon Gobaira and Do?a Dolores Abissad, who came from Lebanon and settled at Santiago, where they founded the Gobaira Hotel at Calle Del Sol, which hosted big baseball stars of that time, amongst them Cubans Martin Dihigo, Rodolfo Fernandez and Chiquit?n Cabrera. The deceased was uncle to Aguilas Cibae?as' ex-president Ricardo-Tito-Hernandez. Many sports people have marched past funeraria Blandino, many of whom received his advice.
Oscar's sons, who live in New Jersey (Jon, Judith and Michael) came to the country to be at their father's side, but had left the day before his death.

He seems to have had a good life.

Sorry for your loss.