US Military Base in the DR

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New member
Dec 3, 2005
doomed, doomed!

You'll see, one day soon, the most popular message boards will be in English.:glasses:

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
I don't lnow how this will be received by the DR as a whole,
But, I posted my commentary on Dominican Today as an "Opinion".
Why not address your comments there. Should make for interesting reading.
Needless to say, I'm for it, because of the reasons stated.

Texas Bill


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
How's our friend Chavez going to react to this?
The U.S. has a military presence of one type or another in a little over 170 countries worldwide.

The US military has been involved in the DR since the first invasion of 1916. Since that time, US military has been training Dominican military in various tactics, among them how to topple goverments. In fact, the American Military School in Panama is where many heads of Latin American militaries are trained.

Why would this most recent move be any surprise to anyone?

It will not change anything of the DR, because what the DR is today is in part due to the passive allowance from the part of US officials and military personnel.

The proof of this is how swiftly the US reacted to remove Bosch from power in the 1960s, but did nothing to remove either Trujillo (until he was of no use to them) or Balaguer and they are going to do nothing to the DR now because for all its problems, the DR is still a great place for multinationals to make nice profits.

But, I'm saying nothing new here, everybody knows this.

I support this move.


Mike S

New member
Sep 22, 2004
Of course all american replys are in favour of a presence in the DR. But reality tells those of us who are sick and tired of self serving American arrogance, that their bullyish attitudes are only making it more and more difficult for the rest of the world to travel freely about the globe. Why? Because there is such a hate for their intrusive self beneficial ways, that god forsaken terrorism will stop at nothing to attack any U.S. installation anywhere in the world. Therefore, those of us who enjoy quiet & peace loving cultures will no longer be able to enjoy travel to destinations such as the DR. Yes, the american arrogance will tell us not to bow to terrorism, yet they bring it with them where ever they "invade". It is unfortunate that the DR will soon become the next Bali or such, so long as the U.S. makes a presence. I love travelling here and have done so for many years, but it is only a matter of time before paradise is lost.
Please reconsider this unneccessary "invasion", I'm confident many of us travellers would be more than willing to pay a larger entry/exit fee to help the Dominican people with there border problems etc.
Canadian & proud of it.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
I was gonna wait for comments, but Nal's post brings up another approach to the subject.
This Base, no matter where itis placed, and I have a preference to the Manzanillo area for many reasons--no, I don't own property there.
To begin with, this project will, during its building and staffing, will create several thousand jobs in either of the depressed areas which come to mind. In addition, the annual payroll for indigenous civilian personnel will amount to a couple of million annually; plus what the troops spend during their off time.
Also, the petroleum products sold to the base will be an enormous quantity--those helicopters and hummers use a lot of gas and jet fuel, not to take away from the transits which will be plenty. Re-supply schedules have a way of getting frequent once a base is extablished. They call it "training".
On top of all that, the DR Military will benefit from the introduction of modern equipment and updated tactics in dealing with the druggies ind illegals constantly entering the country.
The down sideis that GI's do get rambunctuous when off duty andI can see where
there will be the occassional altercation between locals and the troops, especially where the girls are concerned. Mostly, the troops will behave themselves, but there are always those few who---- if you get my meaning.
I will state plainly that the USA has no eyes focussed on the DR in-so-far as incorporating it into Statehood or, like Puerto Rico, a Commonwealth so set your minds at ease over that factor and don't get carried away over events of the past.

Texas Bill
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Mike S

New member
Sep 22, 2004
Well with a name like Texas Bill, of course yur in favour of it. You have absolutely no qualms invading another country.

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Of course all american replys are in favour of a presence in the DR. But reality tells those of us who are sick and tired of self serving American arrogance, that their bullyish attitudes are only making it more and more difficult for the rest of the world to travel freely about the globe. Why? Because there is such a hate for their intrusive self beneficial ways, that god forsaken terrorism will stop at nothing to attack any U.S. installation anywhere in the world. Therefore, those of us who enjoy quiet & peace loving cultures will no longer be able to enjoy travel to destinations such as the DR. Yes, the american arrogance will tell us not to bow to terrorism, yet they bring it with them where ever they "invade". It is unfortunate that the DR will soon become the next Bali or such, so long as the U.S. makes a presence. I love travelling here and have done so for many years, but it is only a matter of time before paradise is lost.
Please reconsider this unneccessary "invasion", I'm confident many of us travellers would be more than willing to pay a larger entry/exit fee to help the Dominican people with there border problems etc.
Canadian & proud of it.

Looks like this thread is going to desolve into another "Hate theUSA" campaign. Sorry you feel like you do about your neighbor to the South, Mike, but admittedly you have a sound basis for doing so. It is a little one-sided, though.
National Pride is a helluva thing, ain't it??

Texas Bill


New member
Jul 30, 2006
Mikey said:

"Therefore, those of us who enjoy quiet & peace loving cultures will no longer be able to enjoy travel to destinations such as the DR."


Honest question. What is your definition of " quiet and peace loving"?

Just an attempt at clarifying your position beyond your disdain of the US. Or mabey it was just Texas?


Seems to me that during the recent visit to Washington, El Jefe made such a request.


Economist by Profession
Jan 20, 2003
Of course all american replys are in favour of a presence in the DR.
I'm not an American, but rather a Dominican 'hasta la tambora' and I am in favor of this presence.

For one, it will create much needed jobs as Texas Bill has pointed out and it will have a positive impact on the economy.

Second, it has already been agreed that this base will be created, thus any opinions to the contrary will not cause much change and its not as if the public were ever going to be included into such agreements in anycase.

These are military agreements, they hardly take the public's opinion in consideration, except when such agreements are stratigically unimportant as was the case with Vieques and the anti-US military sentiment there.

Third, there is a thin line which divides pure hate towards the US and all things American and simply seeing the US and its institutions for what they are, which is not to say to see it as an all good thing, because its not that either.

The US and its institutions have their positive and negative points and both must be recognize.

However, the installation of this base will do nothing other than offer a new source of economic development in a certain region of the DR. The DR has little to no agency when it comes to making deals with the US (whether they are economic, military, etc), so the presence of this base will not change a thing from that perspective.

In fact, if the US truly wanted to invade the DR they could do it at the blink of an eye and no one will be able to do or say much that is meaningful in changing the actions. Just look at Iraq, despite the largest protests in human history, Iraq got invaded no matter what and we are talking about a country the size of California. Imagine the DR, the size of NYC in population and Vermong and New Hampshire combined in territory!

Even I am not oblivious to the US military influence in the Caribbean region!



Pro-Bono Demolition Hobbyist
Jul 24, 2004
Of course all american replys are in favour of a presence in the DR. But reality tells those of us who are sick and tired of self serving American arrogance, that their bullyish attitudes are only making it more and more difficult for the rest of the world to travel freely about the globe. Why? Because there is such a hate for their intrusive self beneficial ways, that god forsaken terrorism will stop at nothing to attack any U.S. installation anywhere in the world. Therefore, those of us who enjoy quiet & peace loving cultures will no longer be able to enjoy travel to destinations such as the DR. Yes, the american arrogance will tell us not to bow to terrorism, yet they bring it with them where ever they "invade". It is unfortunate that the DR will soon become the next Bali or such, so long as the U.S. makes a presence. I love travelling here and have done so for many years, but it is only a matter of time before paradise is lost.
Please reconsider this unneccessary "invasion", I'm confident many of us travellers would be more than willing to pay a larger entry/exit fee to help the Dominican people with there border problems etc.
Canadian & proud of it.
Osama? Is that you? Do you have broadband or dial-up in the cave?


Tomorrow, the DR. Next Tuesday between 9am and noon, Canada...


Mar 4, 2004
I will state plainly that the USA has no eyes focussed on the DR in-so-far as incorporating it into Statehood or, like Puerto Rico, a Commonwealth so set your minds at ease over that factor and don't get carried away over events of the past. Texas Bill

I'm sure you're right Bill and I'm so pleased because there might be problems of egress and ingress if this proposed legislation doesn't get altered and that may not be good news for some folks. See entry dated Oct. 26th.
Mark Nestmann

Joshua R

New member
Jan 2, 2006
The Dominican People wont stand for this if they were bitching when the came in with the New Horizons project imagine when they see a base being built up! they'll riot and if they dont i would whos with me?!!!!
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