Up date on drug situation!

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New member
Nov 17, 2006
The beat goes on. Sense the Fiscal from Sosua was brutally murdered. The little quiet village of "la Cienega" has become a drug haven for the young "Drug Thugs." Weapons at their side, visible for all to see. These thugs roam the street with no fear of reprisal. The only fear the seem to have is of them selves. Last night there was another shoot out.[very common these days] seems. On the main street. One Thug killed another over a power struggle. No police anywhere. They took the victim away in a Taxi. Where I hear, he died later. Needless to say the community is in a state of shock, and fear.
For me the hand writing is on the wall. Unless I see a change soon, I will change. By the way! Protect your self. Wear that seat belt. They where stopping every other car, and ticketing you if you did not have it on. Don't complain. It's for your own protection. Yuk
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