Safe in Punta Cana???


On Vaction without a return ticket!
Mar 18, 2006
We have decided to take a little get away from our stressful life here on the north coast and check in to an AI in Punta Cana for a few days.

My question is: Will we be safe?

I've heard stories about these places and I don't know what to believe.

Is it true that if you refuse to wear your wrist band they dip you in hot oil?

Is it true when you have your hair braided by a Haitian woman on the beach it causes you to loose all sense of fashion?

And, what happens if you leave the compound and can't find your way back? I've heard that they have a trained pack of Sankie Pankies that are sent to locate you. Is it true that Sankies have a super natural ability to find and any gringo's dayr or night?

I'm just so worried I don't know what to do, like some of the other posters I'm considering cancelling my trip because of the stress all of this is causing.

................. :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:


We have decided to take a little get away from our stressful life here on the north coast and check in to an AI in Punta Cana for a few days.

My question is: Will we be safe?

I've heard stories about these places and I don't know what to believe.

Is it true that if you refuse to wear your wrist band they dip you in hot oil?

Is it true when you have your hair braided by a Haitian woman on the beach it causes you to loose all sense of fashion?

And, what happens if you leave the compound and can't find your way back? I've heard that they have a trained pack of Sankie Pankies that are sent to locate you. Is it true that Sankies have a super natural ability to find and any gringo's dayr or night?

I'm just so worried I don't know what to do, like some of the other posters I'm considering cancelling my trip because of the stress all of this is causing.

................. :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

Forget about all these stupid woodoo stories!

You will have a great time anyplace in DR as long as you concentrate on the beach and ocean and avoid human contacts.

The real problem is of a different nature.

Due to unbelievable small vacation time that most american working people have in a year, travel agents train and lure them into very short 5-10 day trips (sometime even three day - Friday , Saturday, Sunday!!))

In reality trips of this short duration do to your body and health more damage than good.

Consider STRESS from preparing yourself for travel,

STRESS from getting in heavy traffic to the airport,

STRESS from spending in airport several hours at least (they require you to be there at least two hours before the flight),

STRESS from almost guaranteed one-three hour delay and sitting in the plane on the ground and another four hour flight without blood circulation in a crampy chair and dehydrating yourself without water as water now is considered a terroristic tool and not allowed onboard,

STRESS from going from airport to hotel and doing all formalities. Very often - not smooth at all.

STRESS from jet leg, sharp change of temperature, atmospheric pressure, unfamiliar food

With all this travel STRESSES you will need AT LEAST a week for adaptation and actually starting to have rest. But exactly at this moment you have to pack and go to airport for a huge chunk of new STRESS related to your return trip.

If you really want to enjoy DR or any other beautiful Caribbean places like this one and not to suffer from the trip, save your vacation/leave days and go only when you can afford to stay 15 days at least.

!Bien viaje!


New member
Jan 12, 2006

did someone really tell you that the things you mentioned really happen? Because you need to stop taking advice from whoever that was.

None of those things happen. If they did do you think there would be so many people going to the DR so much and so often????
Plan your trip and have a great time wherever you decide to go.

Rick Snyder

Nov 19, 2003
If you are driving and you have the time and or desire you are always welcome to take a little zig and stop by El Seybo.

We don't have any 'Sankie Pankies' but we do have hot oil for dipping and don't care if you have a bracelet on or not. The only stress experienced in this neck of the woods is listening to all the roosters crow that all the neighbors own.

Have a good and enjoyable trip.



On Vaction without a return ticket!
Mar 18, 2006
Forget about all these stupid woodoo stories!

You will have a great time anyplace in DR as long as you concentrate on the beach and ocean and avoid human contacts.

The real problem is of a different nature.

Due to unbelievable small vacation time that most american working people have in a year, travel agents train and lure them into very short 5-10 day trips (sometime even three day - Friday , Saturday, Sunday!!))

In reality trips of this short duration do to your body and health more damage than good.

Consider STRESS from preparing yourself for travel,

STRESS from getting in heavy traffic to the airport,

STRESS from spending in airport several hours at least (they require you to be there at least two hours before the flight),

STRESS from almost guaranteed one-three hour delay and sitting in the plane on the ground and another four hour flight without blood circulation in a crampy chair and dehydrating yourself without water as water now is considered a terroristic tool and not allowed onboard,

STRESS from going from airport to hotel and doing all formalities. Very often - not smooth at all.

STRESS from jet leg, sharp change of temperature, atmospheric pressure, unfamiliar food

With all this travel STRESSES you will need AT LEAST a week for adaptation and actually starting to have rest. But exactly at this moment you have to pack and go to airport for a huge chunk of new STRESS related to your return trip.

If you really want to enjoy DR or any other beautiful Caribbean places like this one and not to suffer from the trip, save your vacation/leave days and go only when you can afford to stay 15 days at least.

!Bien viaje!

Thanks Batich,

Maybe I'll move to Sosua and buy a wonderful villa........:D :D

(sorry kids, I live in the DR and am taking a short break to Punta Cana, I just posted to have a little fun)


Thanks for the offer and one day we'll take you up on it, if you're ever up in Sosua please let me know as I'd be happy show you around.


Thanks Batich,

Maybe I'll move to Sosua and buy a wonderful villa........:D :D

(sorry kids, I live in the DR and am taking a short break to Punta Cana, I just posted to have a little fun)


Thanks for the offer and one day we'll take you up on it, if you're ever up in Sosua please let me know as I'd be happy show you around.

Good for you!

But this kind of a joke maybe not very nice to those poor creatures our bretheren who live in places like Chicago, NY, NJ,PA and work hard all year and have only 10-15 days vacation/leave in the whole year!!!

Those people live to work, and not work to live. But without having a choice unfortunatelly.


New member
Jul 9, 2006
We have decided to take a little get away from our stressful life here on the north coast and check in to an AI in Punta Cana for a few days.

My question is: Will we be safe?

I've heard stories about these places and I don't know what to believe.

Is it true that if you refuse to wear your wrist band they dip you in hot oil?

Is it true when you have your hair braided by a Haitian woman on the beach it causes you to loose all sense of fashion?

And, what happens if you leave the compound and can't find your way back? I've heard that they have a trained pack of Sankie Pankies that are sent to locate you. Is it true that Sankies have a super natural ability to find and any gringo's dayr or night?

I'm just so worried I don't know what to do, like some of the other posters I'm considering cancelling my trip because of the stress all of this is causing.

................. :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

PMSL!!!:D :D


May 28, 2004
Poor you, you really should reconsider your trip. I mean, what is more stressful than drinking a pi?a colada or an ice cold Presidente on the beach while you watch the waves running in and out. Then in the evening stressing out again because some of the cute animation guys just can resist taking you out onto the dancefloor for a quick merengue. I mean, come on! You can relax a lot more at home sweating while you wait for the electricity to come back on to watch Sabado de Corporan o any of those other great spanish speaking shows....:rolleyes:


Tropical geek in Las Terrenas
Jan 1, 2002
The OP is a joke, isn't it ?

The OP must be kidding... It looks like a "pastiche", like an ironical caricature of a scared newbie's post asking for info...


New member
Jan 27, 2007
when to the grand flamenco at christmas but i prefer the north coast but the mangu OK if you like beautiful dominican girls


On Vaction without a return ticket!
Mar 18, 2006
I'm back and wasn't dipped in hot oil

Yes it's a joke. He's actually going to rope Donald Trump into the cleanup campaign. ;)

Lambada: You know me too well. Actually The Donald (as only his closest friends call him:cool: ) didn't want to participate in my project so I had the last remaining strands of his comb over braided by my Haitian hair dresser.

Seriously folks :)D :D) here's my trip report;

We decided not to drive the 8 1/2 hours to Punta Cana and instead sold one of our remaining children to finance the round trip airfare from Puerto Plata. I don't know if any of you have taken this 'airline' (????) but I was the only one on board that didn't get a seat belt. Not that it woulda made a difference in the end, but at least I'd of had the illusion safety...... the only 'real' issue I had was with one of the passengers being selected to sit in the copilots seat (since of course there is no copilot). I wouldn't have been worried except on our flight there the 'co-pilot' was a talkative tourist from one of the northern hinterland regions of the earth. I kept thinking to myself 'shut the f'k up and let the only pilot fly the plane'. Boy if we had gone down I would have really let her have it.......

We stayed at the Excellence Punta Cana....... Where the poor workers are threatened with a whip if they don't answer 'Como Esta?' with 'EXCELLENTE'!!...

It was like staying at Disneyland, of course in place of rides there were gallons and gallons of rum and in place of magical creatures there were little bugs that crawled all over my poor exposed tooth brush, for me the best thing was watching the other inmates, sorry I meant guests at play. It was like watching some really bad horror movie without a plot or the great acting. No wait let me explain. I mean that because every where you looked there were these like android people wandering around bored out of their minds. I think most of them came to relax but just didn't have a clue how to just let go and rest. I met one woman at the bar (duh) and she told me she didn't really sleep on her vacation because she was afraid she'd miss something. Miss something? Like maybe you'd miss Billy Bob getting out of the pool with his ass hanging out?

So we all drank, ate and drank and then drank. The food was over salted and way too fancy looking for the quality, but hey it was all included in the price, so why complain? I did meet one guy from some place called Canada that complained that the drinks weren't stiff enough so the bartender handed him an unopened bottle of Brugal, now that's service!

Would I ever go back to an AI? LOL :cheeky: :cheeky: :cheeky:

As for the posts I've read about the AI's causing all kinds of havoc with the local economy, please let me assure you, you don't want those people loose in your neighborhood. They'd just wander around like zombies asking one really annoying question after question after question....

All in all I had a fabulous time and can't wait to take my next vacation, I think I'll go on a cruise for the first time!

Jackieboo - travelling man


Mar 4, 2004
the only 'real' issue I had was with one of the passengers being selected to sit in the copilots seat (since of course there is no copilot). I wouldn't have been worried except on our flight there the 'co-pilot' was a talkative tourist from one of the northern hinterland regions of the earth. I kept thinking to myself 'shut the f'k up and let the only pilot fly the plane'. Boy if we had gone down I would have really let her have it.......

If he had his headset on he probably didn't even hear her. Since there was only one pilot he would have been working the RT as well as flying, yes? Wonder what the insurance regulations are.........? What was the aircraft?

But I must do that trip (the flight not the AI). I'll take my pilot's licence along & ask if I can sit in the RH seat. :) Mind you, I haven't renewed my medical in quite a few years................. :ermm: Last time I asked that question I got in the RH seat of a 707. Such fun.