Daily News is delayed!



We have had a few technical problems today, life on the Internet!

Daily News should be with you sometime later tonight.



ROB, in this regard, is your problem YOUR problem or is it because of CODETEL. I know since last Saturday, almost a week ago, the service has been very sporatic to non existent. I know Codetel erased all passwords, for security reasons, or so they said and I had to wait over three hours to connect and get a new one. Nothing has been the same since then. Mail is two sometimes three days late arriving and departing. To send a photo will take 30 to 45 minutes (used to take less than 2 minutes). Is all of this (CODETEL screwup) part of DR1 problems and if so, do you know the cause and if and when it will be fixed. When I call Codetel they are aware of the problem but don't seem to have a clue as to what it is or how or when it will be fixed. Please, if you can, shed some light on this. thanx ECH



Yes, it's due to them. They are caught in a time warp I think :)

I find it very surprising how bad they are on a technical level, especially as they are part owned by GTE. Some very basic ISP principles are ignored. I'm not sure if this is ignorance or stupidity. I like to think ignorance.

The bottom line is they do not have the technical personnel or the infrastructure to support as many dial-up and ADSL accounts they have.

I prey for some ?real? competition one day?


Re: Codetel!

I hope it is ignorance. Ignorance can be overcome with education. Stupidity is forever! Just for your info....the DR1 never came yesterday or last night. (I pulled it up from the message board though). My outgoing mail is delayed by 48 to 72 hours at times before the party receives same and sometimes I just get the message it was undeliverable! They get the same response trying to send to me. And to upload a transcript or document.....forget it....it takes hours!!! I am not kidding. Is there a solution on the horizon? What about Tricom? Same problems? Is there any other ISP's in the area? This is becoming intolerable. Pretty soon snail mail will overtake them once again.


Re: Codetel!

Their main mail server, mail2.codetel.net.DO, was not responding. They just need some networking monitoring for that.

I think they will have some stiffer competition soon; the need for dependable communications will start to bite them.


Re: Codetel!

Codetel was the wholly owned subsidiary. GTE has sold Codetel to Taiwanese interest. My guess, Codetel is so incompetent that GTE had no clue what to do about it and therefor sold it. Good news is that a french company and a Puerto Rican company obtained licenses to operate here. Bad news, it will still take a few years before we will see results.

Good news several companies have obtained licenses to deliver Internet service by Satellite. Might be expensive how ever.


Re: Tricom vs.Codetel - internet?

Has anyone had any extensive experience with Tricom as an ISP? For example, more than 9 months? Better than Codetel? Worse? the monthly costs seem @ the same. I'm currently using both; I can't figure out which is worse! Also, are there usually specific days or times of day when internet usage is faster & more efficient? With Codetel? With Tricom? Help, if possible. Any more info available on satellite services in the DR? Thank you.


Re: Codetel!

SOMBODY is responsible for this mess. Fraudulant billing practices were reported earlier, now inferior service.

Let's see how short our memories are when real competition tries to establish itself and Codetel reacts by offering super attractive rates. Will we pay high rates to a competitor promising world class service or blindly "take advantage of Codetel's generousity".

Think about it now while your mind is clear. Loyalty has to go down before it goes up.

BTW, MCI is no victim in my opinion. This is a real black eye!