Dominicans.... and the MLB Draft..(Are they for real)


Feb 27, 2004
ESPN announced that the MLB draft will now be televised from disney wide world of sports in Orlando FL, sometime in the fall/winter this year, this got me thinking!!:paranoid: the NFL and the NBA draft are so popular because players come from major Universities, and we were able to follow there college careers...but how will this benefit a Dominican prospect, who is told to leave school, to enter a baseball academy for peanuts and has a middle school education, on top of that.... then presented on national American television addressing an American public....of all the pro players only a few handful of players are worthy of an interview to address a nation wide American audience:ermm: (this will be very interesting)

First... will this draft hurt or help Dominican and players, because I am getting this gut feeling that this draft will only be to showcase players coming out of major Universities, these drafts will really show what those baseball schools are all about in D.R...I've been saying for years in this forum of how Dominican young boys are being manipulated and used as day laborers for the minor league system to stay afloat, only being used as a front for the good ole boy network to take over slowly but surely.

what do you baseball fans feel about this draft for Dominicans? will we be on national television, will they be presenting sad stories of rags to riches on so many poor Dominican players?, or is this just for the the good ole boy network and University prospects only? :ermm:


Jun 2, 2006
only top draft choices get seen or speak on TV so i don't think you have to worry about that with the Dominican players unless they are at a major school. but this in my opinion doesn't reflect any thing bad on them because WE ALL know that dominican baseball players are in high demand but only get the props once they make it in MLB or NBA. then of course the rags to riches stories come out on ESPN.....


ESPN announced that the MLB draft will now be televised from disney wide world of sports in Orlando FL, sometime in the fall/winter this year, this got me thinking!!:paranoid: the NFL and the NBA draft are so popular because players come from major Universities, and we were able to follow there college careers...but how will this benefit a Dominican prospect, who is told to leave school, to enter a baseball academy for peanuts and has a middle school education, on top of that.... then presented on national American television addressing an American public....of all the pro players only a few handful of players are worthy of an interview to address a nation wide American audience:ermm: (this will be very interesting)

First... will this draft hurt or help Dominican and players, because I am getting this gut feeling that this draft will only be to showcase players coming out of major Universities, these drafts will really show what those baseball schools are all about in D.R...I've been saying for years in this forum of how Dominican young boys are being manipulated and used as day laborers for the minor league system to stay afloat, only being used as a front for the good ole boy network to take over slowly but surely.

what do you baseball fans feel about this draft for Dominicans? will we be on national television, will they be presenting sad stories of rags to riches on so many poor Dominican players?, or is this just for the the good ole boy network and University prospects only? :ermm:

You are saying that there is a conspiracy by the gringos to have the Dominicans work in the farm system for peanuts and then call up only the gringos right?

No offense but owners and manager don't care about the nationality of the players anymore - this is big business - they want to win games period.

It is just counter intuitive to say that an increase in the amount of Dominican players in the farm system will eventually amount to a net DECREASE in the majors. Let me set it straight for you - there is no conspiracy against Dominicans in the mlb. There are more Dominican players making more money in the majors now more than ever and as long as talented players are available from the DR there will be a market.

Also, if this is a grand scheme of the gringos to use Domicans to prop up minor league baseball why do they have so many teams that have million dollar complexes here in the DR with more to come?

I realize from your previous posts that you have been prejudiced against as a coach in Central Fl and there is no excuse for that. However, to extrapolate on that and say there is some grand conspiracy on the order of Louis F. throughout mlb to minimize the number of Dominican players would be to deny reality.

As far as the draft goes - the mlb isn't going to put this young kids on the spot if they aren't up to it - yes it is about money but these guys have a heart too.

Also, If you really want to help Dominican kids in the DR why don't you come back and set up a buscon agency here and charge reasonable rates, not like los maiditos co?os like Polonia that charge 40% pa' na'.


Feb 24, 2002
First year player draft?

That draft is in June, not the fall (I don't know of another draft besides "Rule iV" in MLB).

Dominicans do not fall into the draft, it's for North American players only (I'm presuming that's why it's been redefined the past few years to "First year player draft").

It's far more complicated than I'm going to get into here, but they can't really be included.

For one, there's a greater risk with foreign players, most especially the Dominicans and Cubans. I would throw Venezuelans in that group too, but I know less about them; basically any prospect coming from an underdeveloped country where there is a very small sample size of history to go by, faulty or non-existant documentaton, etc.

In addition, not being citzens (US) increases the risk to MLB teams.

I don't agree with your slave labor proclamations of the MLB Minor systems. Are they making them cut the grass, paint the foul lines and sell hot dogs?

Get your slave labors off the streets wiping windshields and to attend school and graduate, go to a school in NA and they'll get drafted. Then they'll go to the minor leagues just like the rest of them.

It seems to me, being "manipulated" to play minor league ball in a country that has electricity might be a step above cracking and selling coconuts on the Malecon.

But that's just me, I don't like coconuts.


Mar 8, 2004
Can't agree

Not sure what your point really is.

The NBA draft includes kids from all over the world, as long as they meet the age limit and have the proper skills to succeed. Been doing that for years.

The NFL draft would do the same IF American "football" was more popular outside of the USA. Believe me, they're trying everything. NFL Europe is designed to do that.

I would NOT place the blame on the quality of education in the DR on MLB. That's ridiculous. Blame the people who continually vote in corrupt official after corrupt official to the point where school is a joke for the average person, and an even bigger joke if you're flat poor. At least, from what I witnessed when I was there.

If it's such a concern, step up your pressure on the DR government. Then maybe such short-sighted decisions wouldn't be so common among DR players.

Dominicans, Venezuelans, and players of other nationalities will be fine. Many MLB players come from very humble backgrounds and turn out fine. Dominicans don't have the trademark on being poor. MLB will not leave out any talent pool with ripe talent. They're keep capitalizing on it. Check out the "now-legal status" Cubans pitching in MLB. LOL!!!

The MLB draft is being televised now to make it more popular. You can thank ESPN for that. MLB just doesn't want to get left behind in popularity, which is the case in the USA. People REALLY get into the NFL and NBA drafts. It's easy to market. 20+ years later, MLB finally gets it.

For the record, contrary to your ideas, didn't MLB just sponsor the World Baseball Classic? How in the world would that be a front for "good ole boy" thinking? Just the opposite.

ESPN announced that the MLB draft will now be
televised from disney wide world of sports in Orlando FL, sometime in the fall/winter this year, this got me thinking!!:paranoid: the NFL and the NBA draft are so popular because players come from major Universities, and we were able to follow there college careers...but how will this benefit a Dominican prospect, who is told to leave school, to enter a baseball academy for peanuts and has a middle school education, on top of that.... then presented on national American television addressing an American public....of all the pro players only a few handful of players are worthy of an interview to address a nation wide American audience:ermm: (this will be very interesting)

First... will this draft hurt or help Dominican and players, because I am getting this gut feeling that this draft will only be to showcase players coming out of major Universities, these drafts will really show what those baseball schools are all about in D.R...I've been saying for years in this forum of how Dominican young boys are being manipulated and used as day laborers for the minor league system to stay afloat, only being used as a front for the good ole boy network to take over slowly but surely.

what do you baseball fans feel about this draft for Dominicans? will we be on national television, will they be presenting sad stories of rags to riches on so many poor Dominican players?, or is this just for the the good ole boy network and University prospects only? :ermm:


Feb 27, 2004
No offense but owners and manager don't care about the nationality of the players anymore - this is big business - they want to win games period.

That's where your wrong...I am in this business full time as a high school coach in florida and a scout for a private firm, there is only 8% of afro Americans right now in MLB, there are no academies in the ghetto's, plus have you seen college baseball players lately, or college afro american per squad, barely no Dominicans, playing at the division 1 level...don't get it twisted Dominican players are day laborers for minor league baseball...some will be career minor leaguers....

Remember this because someone else her had said.....if you are not in AAA you are making peanuts...these Dominicans are sent to towns like erie Pennsylvania and in the heartland of the U.S. playing A ball and AA ball, salaries for starters are $600.00 a week during season, off season players must have a job, to support themselves, A ball players make less then that per week, look past the MLB for a minute and look at those who are in great numbers past and present who have not been in the big show yet, and will never get there!


Mar 19, 2005
That's where your wrong...I am in this business full time as a high school coach in florida and a scout for a private firm, there is only 8% of afro Americans right now in MLB, there are no academies in the ghetto's, plus have you seen college baseball players lately, or college afro american per squad, barely no Dominicans, playing at the division 1 level...don't get it twisted Dominican players are day laborers for minor league baseball...some will be career minor leaguers....

Oh, maybe that more an indication of the interest young Afro-American have more baseball more than anything. ..I bet you the same applies to the Chicano areas in the west.


Oh, maybe that more an indication of the interest young Afro-American have more baseball more than anything. ..I bet you the same applies to the Chicano areas in the west.

Thank you for pointing out the obvious. I understand the OP's contention aboust this "grand conspiracy" based on his feeling that he is been prejudiced against as a Hispanic coach but to take it to the level that he proposed in his original thread would be really to ignore the reality that there are more Dominican players in the major leagues now than ever and if anything there numbers are going to increase. Also, I seriously doubt that one can find one major league team w/o a Dominican.

Futhermore, major league clubs don't build multi-million dollar complexes in the DR just to prop up sally leagues - give me a break.

As far as the pay the sally leaguers are making my nephew is working 12 hours or more a day in NY for $500 and soon he will be an illegal but that won't deter him. I think as long as the Dominican government keeps robbing it's people they will be literally dying to get off this island - and this is not in any way shape or form mlb's fault.

Finally, yes the US still has many of prejudiced people and policies propagated by the government, but baseball is business and all the owners want are titles, sold out stadiums and people the world over buying their merchandise.

Note to Daddy1 - I'm sorry you have been prejudiced against in the Florida area but mlb has not "secret" plan to keep white American boys as the predominant players. There is no doubt that you can find many people that will agree with you on this matter that there is a secret plan to keep out latinos and blacks but that doesn't mean it is based in reality, just a good example of the still poor race relations in my country that some people just won't let die.

Fortunately, IMO it has been professional sports, like baseball with Jackie Robinson as an example, that have helped our country out of this archaic and irrational mentality of judging a person by the color of their skin.


Feb 24, 2002
Can we all work with facts in our debates? Please?

there are no academies in the ghetto's
Daddy-1, you need to back some of your points with knowledge. There are academies (some full time) in at least 28 cities, all focused on underpriveledged youth (read between the PC lines).

MLB wants blacks in baseball so much they honor Jackie Robinson every single day - #24 is retired, it hangs in every single ballpark.

When I see Monroe and Granderson in Detroit make amazing plays in the OF, I can only wish there were more blacks in the game. Pardon if this sounds "racist" (it sure isn't meant to be) but I think blacks in general are better athletes than their white counterparts. Or, perhaps they just make the spectacular plays look easier. If they play well - or even if they don't - I couldn't care less if they're purple with blue polka dots and green stars. And I think I speak for every manager and general manager when I say that.

Blacks aren't into baseball for a variety of reasons. Just off the top of my head I'd offer the growth of the NBA (no minor leagues there - instant millions). I'm pretty sure the decline of white players in the NBA is very similar to blacks in baseball. I'd say NBA players are far more athletic than MLB players (in general). As John Kruk once said to a woman who called him an athlete "lady, look at me, I'm no athlete, I'm a baseball player".

When I was growing up it was pretty much the only game on TV worth watching (with 5 channels there wasn't any need for a remote). Now you have everything from ultimate fighting to fishing shows. Now that I recall those times, of the 5 channels I had Sox, MFY's and Mets on 3 of them, and I want to say we'd get occasional Cubs games as well.

I'm sure we're all old enough to realize the attention span of kids is at a negative number. Baseball is excruciatingly boring to watch unless you grew up on it, or had some seminal moment with the sport. If I was a teenager now I wouldn't watch any sports on TV (the commercialism is putrid and relentless) I'd be riding my skateboard and snowboard and would NEVER sit in front of the TV (until I discovered Homer Simpson and beer).

Daddy-1, for someone that works in MLB and coaches ball, you seem to know very little about what you speak of.

edit to add: great post chip.
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New member
Oct 30, 2006
No offense but owners and manager don't care about the nationality of the players anymore - this is big business - they want to win games period.

That's where your wrong...I am in this business full time as a high school coach in florida and a scout for a private firm, there is only 8% of afro Americans right now in MLB, there are no academies in the ghetto's, plus have you seen college baseball players lately, or college afro american per squad, barely no Dominicans, playing at the division 1 level...don't get it twisted Dominican players are day laborers for minor league baseball...some will be career minor leaguers....

Remember this because someone else her had said.....if you are not in AAA you are making peanuts...these Dominicans are sent to towns like erie Pennsylvania and in the heartland of the U.S. playing A ball and AA ball, salaries for starters are $600.00 a week during season, off season players must have a job, to support themselves, A ball players make less then that per week, look past the MLB for a minute and look at those who are in great numbers past and present who have not been in the big show yet, and will never get there!

I think you have some truth about that. UT baseball team division 1 have 38 baseball player and none of them are black, and this is in Texas!!!. A coach in another university said he will recuit Dominican and Puerto Rican player for his division 1 team .I think they do no want (Colleges or else) that dominican players push out from the spotlight their well-groom HS recuits because those kids have been in state championships, training courses, in the local news, and US parents have spend so much time and money into their development( that do not mean that they are better players).


I think you have some truth about that. UT baseball team division 1 have 38 baseball player and none of them are black, and this is in Texas!!!. A coach in another university said he will recuit Dominican and Puerto Rican player for his division 1 team .I think they do no want (Colleges or else) that dominican players push out from the spotlight their well-groom HS recuits because those kids have been in state championships, training courses, in the local news, and US parents have spend so much time and money into their development( that do not mean that they are better players).

No offense but "I think this" and "I think that" without stating your references or proof just won't hold water.

I don't understand why for some of you guys todo tiene que ser un conspiracion? It's as if some Dominicans go to the US and then convert into Louis Farrakan zombies or something.

If mlb wanted to get rid of blacks from basesball why is the Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig implementing programs to get them involved back in the game?

Major League Baseball has launched numerous programs to try to counteract the decline ? everything from the RBI (Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities) to building its first Youth Baseball Academy in Compton, Calif. But progress has been slow.

The fact is that black kids aren't playing high school ball - but whose fault is that?

Please, please POR FAVOR - cuando se trata de deportes professionales, la raza a uno NO IMPORTA, el dolar SIIIIII!!!!!!!


Feb 27, 2004
My point still stands..!!!!

Daddy-1, you need to back some of your points with knowledge. There are academies (some full time) in at least 28 cities, all focused on underpriveledged youth (read between the PC lines).

MLB wants blacks in baseball so much they honor Jackie Robinson every single day - #24 is retired, it hangs in every single ballpark.

When I see Monroe and Granderson in Detroit make amazing plays in the OF, I can only wish there were more blacks in the game. Pardon if this sounds "racist" (it sure isn't meant to be) but I think blacks in general are better athletes than their white counterparts. Or, perhaps they just make the spectacular plays look easier. If they play well - or even if they don't - I couldn't care less if they're purple with blue polka dots and green stars. And I think I speak for every manager and general manager when I say that.

Blacks aren't into baseball for a variety of reasons. Just off the top of my head I'd offer the growth of the NBA (no minor leagues there - instant millions). I'm pretty sure the decline of white players in the NBA is very similar to blacks in baseball. I'd say NBA players are far more athletic than MLB players (in general). As John Kruk once said to a woman who called him an athlete "lady, look at me, I'm no athlete, I'm a baseball player".

When I was growing up it was pretty much the only game on TV worth watching (with 5 channels there wasn't any need for a remote). Now you have everything from ultimate fighting to fishing shows. Now that I recall those times, of the 5 channels I had Sox, MFY's and Mets on 3 of them, and I want to say we'd get occasional Cubs games as well.

I'm sure we're all old enough to realize the attention span of kids is at a negative number. Baseball is excruciatingly boring to watch unless you grew up on it, or had some seminal moment with the sport. If I was a teenager now I wouldn't watch any sports on TV (the commercialism is putrid and relentless) I'd be riding my skateboard and snowboard and would NEVER sit in front of the TV (until I discovered Homer Simpson and beer).

Daddy-1, for someone that works in MLB and coaches ball, you seem to know very little about what you speak of.

edit to add: great post chip.

Cleef...THERE IS STILL NO BASEBALL ACADEMIES IN THE GHETTOs you see Dominican style baseball recuiting schools in Harlem, Miami, SC los Angeles etc...where they tell you at middle school age children to leave your formal education and become a supreme player...yes we have camps and schools but you are not signed and bound by a petty contract deal, you must pay alot of money to attend these places here and they don't change there prices for no one!....

I see hundreds of players, coaches and scouts on this issue, and at the amatuer college and pro level at best, the good ole boy network is alive and kicking....once again cleef look at the college division 1 many Dominicans do we have playing baseball today world wide, yes there are many, how about in high school ball how many there, OH wait how many ex-players are head coaches in colleges or in the pros?? how many are college legends? can you name just five major Dominican baseball draft picks coming out of College this year...the post is about fairness and if Dominican players will benefit from a televised draft, who are they really doing this for? and who will they exactly showcase, I don't think there doing it because there are alot of Dominicans, P.R., and venevuelen players coming out of our major Universities...

and for chippo... yes I agree there are a multitude of Dominican players in the Majors...BUT...BUT...there are more of them in the MINORS...and barely any in U.S. division 1, or 2 baseball, barely any traveling teams, and one active manager, one general manager in MAJORS right NOW!!!! and one potential hall of famer (Pedro Martinez) and don't even add Arod to this list either.

Oh and p.s cleef....Daddy-1, for someone that works in MLB and coaches ball, you seem to know very little about what you speak of. ....well cleef since your a critic and an authority on the issue (Jackie Robinsons # is 42 not 24):eek:


Feb 24, 2002
So I'm dyslexic, sue me.

Cleef...THERE IS STILL NO BASEBALL ACADEMIES IN THE GHETTOs you see Dominican style baseball recuiting schools in Harlem, Miami, SC los Angeles etc...where they tell you at middle school age children to leave your formal education and become a supreme player...yes we have camps and schools but you are not signed and bound by a petty contract deal, you must pay alot of money to attend these places here and they don't change there prices for no one!....
I didn't know they charged for them, but if they do so what, it's a very different country and kids here have options. In the DR, how many kids in the barrio get past middle school? Don't know the numbers myself - I'm sure no one really does - but the greater point is that the academies in the DR offer opportunity. Ability without opportunity is meaningless. They get 3 squares, excellent instruction and ESL. Not a bad deal compared to they're limited alternatives.

I see hundreds of players, coaches and scouts on this issue, and at the amatuer college and pro level at best, the good ole boy network is alive and kicking....once again cleef look at the college division 1 many Dominicans do we have playing baseball today world wide, yes there are many, how about in high school ball how many there, OH wait how many ex-players are head coaches in colleges or in the pros?? how many are college legends? can you name just five major Dominican baseball draft picks coming out of College this year...the post is about fairness and if Dominican players will benefit from a televised draft, who are they really doing this for? and who will they exactly showcase, I don't think there doing it because there are alot of Dominicans, P.R., and venevuelen players coming out of our major Universities...
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at. There are not many Dominicans coming out of college being drafted because they can't (themselves) get to college to begin with. From what I've learned while in the DR, the kids who have the means to go to school are not from the barrio and baseball is a barrio sport - almost entirely.

Again, the Dominicans are not involved with the draft because it's for first year pros. Dominican baseball players - almost entirely - are from academies. If you're saying that Dominicans should be enrolled in college first, then drafted I'm completely with you. However, considering most of the kids that are qualified (baseball talent-wise) barely speak and understand proper Spanish, I can't see them even getting a grasp of a syllabus, nevermind anything taught in English.

Again and again, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at, please explain. There must be a point in there somewhere.

and for chippo... yes I agree there are a multitude of Dominican players in the Majors...BUT...BUT...there are more of them in the MINORS...and barely any in U.S. division 1, or 2 baseball, barely any traveling teams, and one active manager, one general manager in MAJORS right NOW!!!! and one potential hall of famer (Pedro Martinez) and don't even add Arod to this list either.
I'm pretty sure there are a few Dominicans in the HOF (I know Marichal was the first), and we shouldn't be surprised to see a dozen more in the coming decades (Ramirez, Pedro, Guerrero should be locks. Big Papi certainly has a shot too.) Felipe Alou was a ML manager for decades, and a great one. As for GM's and Managers, well, I really can't blame any Dominican player who banks millions and can - or should be able to - live off that like a king on that pile of coral. The old boy's network doesn't really fit the Dominican habits, which certainly isn't a knock, probably more of a credit to them as a whole. Besides, many never take the time or opportunity to learn basic English, so they've paved their own path in that regard.

well cleef since your a critic and an authority on the issue (Jackie Robinsons # is 42 not 24):eek:
Numbers confuse me, I'm better with round and square objects. My bad.


Cleef...THERE IS STILL NO BASEBALL ACADEMIES IN THE GHETTOs you see Dominican style baseball recuiting schools in Harlem, Miami, SC los Angeles etc...where they tell you at middle school age children to leave your formal education and become a supreme player...yes we have camps and schools but you are not signed and bound by a petty contract deal, you must pay alot of money to attend these places here and they don't change there prices for no one!....

Digame una cosa - quien dijo que era la responsibilidad del gobierno o el mlb para poner escuelas de pelota por donde sea gratis? Los EEUU no es un pais socialista, si quiere todo gratis - mudese para donde Castro.

A pesar de eso, el mlb esta en poner escuelas de pelota sin tener ningun obligacion sino por el mejormiento del pueblo.

I see hundreds of players, coaches and scouts on this issue, and at the amatuer college and pro level at best, the good ole boy network is alive and kicking....once again cleef look at the college division 1 many Dominicans do we have playing baseball today world wide, yes there are many, how about in high school ball how many there, OH wait how many ex-players are head coaches in colleges or in the pros?? how many are college legends? can you name just five major Dominican baseball draft picks coming out of College this year...the post is about fairness and if Dominican players will benefit from a televised draft, who are they really doing this for? and who will they exactly showcase, I don't think there doing it because there are alot of Dominicans, P.R., and venevuelen players coming out of our major Universities...

No entiendo, me parece porque Usted vea que no hay muchos Dominicanos jugando pelota en las universidaded que obligado tiene ser una conspiracion o racismo. Oye primo, se nota DE LEJOS que Usted tiene MUCHOS PREJUICIOS. Es que si no hay Dominicanos en las universidades, pues es culpa de mi pais y no el hecho que noy hay muchos Dominicano en las Universidades. Una pregunta patron, ha sido estudiante en una universidad por mucho tiempo en Los EEUU como estudiante? Yo si, y hasta en las Universidades en el puro campo del sur de los EEUU hay milles tras milles de estudiantes estranjeros y muchos juegan deportes!!!!!! NO ME DIGA QUE ESO ES CULPA DE MI PAIS PORQUE NO HAY MUCHOS DOMINICANOS EN LAS UNIVERSIDADES. Otra vez mi pais es un pais libre, si uno quiere trabajar mucho, pues se puede lograr mucho. Si no, bueno ya usted sabe que uno no va a lograr mucho. En un pais libre, el futuro de uno depende por su gana de progressar, no por "papi gobierno".

and barely any in U.S. division 1, or 2 baseball, barely any traveling teams, and one active manager, one general manager in MAJORS right NOW!!!! and one potential hall of famer (Pedro Martinez) and don't even add Arod to this list either.

Puede ser que no hay sufficiente latinos como manageres, pero porque contigo todo tiene que ser una conspiracion, eh? No hay dudua que todavia hay racismo cuando se trata de del numero del manageres etc pero ningun pais en este mundo es completo. Con tiempo las cosas cambian, al paso firme. Reconozco que mi pais todavia tiene muchos problemas con el racismo, pero a lo contrario de la opinion suya, los deportes professionales estan al frente en la lucha para cambiar las cosas por mejor.

Desafortunadamente hay mucha gente en mi pais que piense que todo los problemas en la vida de uno son problemas del "papi gobierno" pero no es asi en un pais libre. Los americanos que logra mucho no tiene esa actitud de "que el gobierno puede hacer para mi hoy" sino "que puedo ser yo para mi pueblo".


Feb 27, 2004
I didn't know they charged for them, but if they do so what, it's a very different country and kids here have options. In the DR, how many kids in the barrio get past middle school? Don't know the numbers myself - I'm sure no one really does - but the greater point is that the academies in the DR offer opportunity. Ability without opportunity is meaningless. They get 3 squares, excellent instruction and ESL. Not a bad deal compared to they're limited alternatives.

I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at. There are not many Dominicans coming out of college being drafted because they can't (themselves) get to college to begin with. From what I've learned while in the DR, the kids who have the means to go to school are not from the barrio and baseball is a barrio sport - almost entirely.

Again, the Dominicans are not involved with the draft because it's for first year pros. Dominican baseball players - almost entirely - are from academies. If you're saying that Dominicans should be enrolled in college first, then drafted I'm completely with you. However, considering most of the kids that are qualified (baseball talent-wise) barely speak and understand proper Spanish, I can't see them even getting a grasp of a syllabus, nevermind anything taught in English.

Again and again, I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at, please explain. There must be a point in there somewhere.

I'm pretty sure there are a few Dominicans in the HOF (I know Marichal was the first), and we shouldn't be surprised to see a dozen more in the coming decades (Ramirez, Pedro, Guerrero should be locks. Big Papi certainly has a shot too.) Felipe Alou was a ML manager for decades, and a great one. As for GM's and Managers, well, I really can't blame any Dominican player who banks millions and can - or should be able to - live off that like a king on that pile of coral. The old boy's network doesn't really fit the Dominican habits, which certainly isn't a knock, probably more of a credit to them as a whole. Besides, many never take the time or opportunity to learn basic English, so they've paved their own path in that regard.

Numbers confuse me, I'm better with round and square objects. My bad.
don't worry about the cleef, it happens....but look at this point, first we have alot of Dominican Americans here in the U.S. if Dominicans are diamonds in the sport...where are the multi-deal scholarships and major signings? why does a domincan have to be in the majors for three to four years to get big money...Sammy sosa I believe recieved $3,500 when he was signed, Tejada $2,500 Dominican prospects now don't sign in the six figures as a Majority!!!
they are given MINOR .... real minor league contracts, to keep there minor league businesses afloat, you can't do that American children you must pay them and pay big money!!!

Another riff about Dominican baseball academies you probably don't know, baseball academies, keep the Domincan goverment from working on there educational issues and responsibilities....the goverment, and MLB have mastered the art of see no evil hear no evil....both are getting paid big money...I scratch your scratch mine! the Dominican government gets millions of dollars by MLB to run these academies...yes MLB pay the government, baseball washes there hands, and say they are not responsible for the countries crumbling education!....and like many have said here they only offer oppurtunity...we Dominicans are still at the bottom of the food chain in baseball both in the U.S. at the amatuer level, college, travel ball, managerial, and major signings and scholarships...and now this draft:ermm: why do you think that many Dominican ballplayers don't pour money into these academies...because they now know that it is all a front and they don't want any part of it...that info was told to me by three active famous Dominican major leaguers;)


I didn't last long...
Jul 2, 2003
"Uncle Leo, what are you saying"......

Digame una cosa - quien dijo que era la responsibilidad del gobierno o el mlb para poner escuelas de pelota por donde sea gratis? Los EEUU no es un pais socialista, si quiere todo gratis - mudese para donde Castro.

A pesar de eso, el mlb esta en poner escuelas de pelota sin tener ningun obligacion sino por el mejormiento del pueblo.

No entiendo, me parece porque Usted vea que no hay muchos Dominicanos jugando pelota en las universidaded que obligado tiene ser una conspiracion o racismo. Oye primo, se nota DE LEJOS que Usted tiene MUCHOS PREJUICIOS. Es que si no hay Dominicanos en las universidades, pues es culpa de mi pais y no el hecho que noy hay muchos Dominicano en las Universidades. Una pregunta patron, ha sido estudiante en una universidad por mucho tiempo en Los EEUU como estudiante? Yo si, y hasta en las Universidades en el puro campo del sur de los EEUU hay milles tras milles de estudiantes estranjeros y muchos juegan deportes!!!!!! NO ME DIGA QUE ESO ES CULPA DE MI PAIS PORQUE NO HAY MUCHOS DOMINICANOS EN LAS UNIVERSIDADES. Otra vez mi pais es un pais libre, si uno quiere trabajar mucho, pues se puede lograr mucho. Si no, bueno ya usted sabe que uno no va a lograr mucho. En un pais libre, el futuro de uno depende por su gana de progressar, no por "papi gobierno".

Puede ser que no hay sufficiente latinos como manageres, pero porque contigo todo tiene que ser una conspiracion, eh? No hay dudua que todavia hay racismo cuando se trata de del numero del manageres etc pero ningun pais en este mundo es completo. Con tiempo las cosas cambian, al paso firme. Reconozco que mi pais todavia tiene muchos problemas con el racismo, pero a lo contrario de la opinion suya, los deportes professionales estan al frente en la lucha para cambiar las cosas por mejor.

Desafortunadamente hay mucha gente en mi pais que piense que todo los problemas en la vida de uno son problemas del "papi gobierno" pero no es asi en un pais libre. Los americanos que logra mucho no tiene esa actitud de "que el gobierno puede hacer para mi hoy" sino "que puedo ser yo para mi pueblo".
English please!!.

PLEASE understand Chip00, NOT all members know how to read and speak "Dominican" as well as you do, wink wink.


Feb 24, 2002
I'm not following you

I think your understanding is that there is a conspiracy against Dominicans to have them support the minor league system. Is that right? You don't need to convince me, but I don't get your point, or where you see that being even a remote possibility.

What are "multi-deal scholarships"? If a player from the DR doesn't have basic spanish, let alone english, why would any university offer them a scholarship? Further, if the prospects were worthy of academic entry, why wouldn't US universities let them in? Point being, they'd obviously love to have them.

Many kids with formal US accredited education can't cut in college, how can you expect a student from a public school in the DR to cut it? Doesn't seem like a fit to me.

Do Albert Pujols or Moises Alou count towards this DR/American contingent you refer to? I'm confused at what you're getting at.

Nearly all ML players make peanuts in their first 4 years until they reach arbitration. Further, Domincans are a much bigger risk; if they get into any trouble, they get deported. That's a huge financial risk.

Sosa and Tejada were nothing special in the greater realm of things when signed. They were diamonds in the rough - and there seems to be dozens upon dozens of the same every year and a very small minority ever make it to the big leagues. That goes for ANY player from any country.

I can't remember his name, but there was a kid signed by the Sox in the summer of 03. He came with all the normal fan-fare of a can't-miss prospect and they signed him to a big deal (over a million I believe) he hasn't had a sniff of the big leagues and I'm not even sure if he's still playing.

I've said this before, and it bears repeating. Giving a kid who comes from the DR - or anywhere - where he and his family haven't had a pot to pee in their whole life will be forever changed by a big signing. Money changes people, especially those who, with one sign of a contract, are making more than his entire neighborhood has cleared in generations. The odds of that making them a better and stronger person is highly unlikely. Therefore, the spiral downward is rather predictable - based on history. The same isn't always true for someone who's grown up comfortably and has a multitude of other opportunities.

The American kids who get drafted high are "bonus babies" and they get huge money to sign because they have a very well defined track record. They have a family history, they're more stable. Every time a ML team signs a kid to an academy they realize that the chances of getting this individual to the majors might be a million-to-one. Very little history to go on, little to no knowledge of what baggage is coming with them - HUGE risk.

The dominican kids who come to the states are put in a tough position, they have a harder hill to climb; less educated, language barriers, social barriers, racism, more than likely no family nearby, little to no support systems, etc.

Putting the blame of the DR school system on the ML is absolutely ridiculous. It's no one's responsibility but the DR's to fix their school system. It's the class system that runs the public schools into the ground. Why would the upper class of the DR (mainly the politicos) want to elevate their slave labor? We have the same system in the US, but it's more covert.

I think every player starts at the bottom of the food chain, even the bonus babies have to cut their teeth in the minors. It's an American sport, how can you expect the Dominicans to be running every facet of the game? They're still a minority in the Majors, although that gap has certainly shrunk, you can't expect the recent influx in the past 20 years to flip the game on it's head.

I'll give you this, MLB is most definitely an "old boys network" and as I tried very hard to get involved, and kissed much arse and dropped all the names I could to get in, I still didn't have a history for them to assess me on. I was a kid with bright eyes and big ideas who had a dream to work for the Red Sox. After 3 years of calling, writing and begging (even moving to the DR to beat the bushes) I only got a sniff of the Academy system and knew I'd have to start at the very bottom too, I stil had to prove my worth and network every angle. I was doing it for all the right reason as well - I wanted to help Latinos transition to the culture by way of language attainment and social integration. They basically told me they're not going as far as I wanted to go with it until the player landed in the states.

It's not rocket science; why put the resources into the whole, when the very best they can expect is a 1-2% return (of talent) on their investment. They said to wait until they (the prospects) get to the states before they begin the intensive training I was wanting to do. It makes perfect sense to me. Like it's been said, this is a business, and they're not in the business of rebuilding a country's education system, it's all about talent (i.e. wins and championships). I agree with them.

And again, there is NO draft for foreign players. It doesn't work that way.

Why would any Dominican pour money into an academy? I'm not following you there. Omar Minaya has certainly put his team's resources into the academies, but again, he's not a savior, he's an MLB GM, his job is talent acquisition.

If the minor league system is a "front" as you say, I say that's baloney. It doesn't add up in any way, shape or form.

They want certifiable talent, nothing more, nothing less.