How has your body adapted???


New member
Mar 5, 2007
Just curious to find out how your body has changed with the difference in food in the DR??? Considering that here in Canada and the US most of the food is full of antibiotics etc. I would like to know if you have noticed changes? Did you experience any side effects from eating better fruits/vegetables,( that being not full of pesticides), or has there been no difference at all?? Thanks all for your comments as I have been discussing this with my family and my thoughts have been that I expect that our bodies will be going through some changes when we move, but would appreciate to hear of any experiences you have had. Have a :classic: great day.


Jun 2, 2006
let me chime in to say as a visitor to the DR i lose 5-10 pounds in a matter of days in the DR. and in just 6 days my body goes through a big adjustment in food especially since i eat local. so i can't even imagine what a new resident goes through.


Jan 1, 2002
It is very common for people who come to live here to have diarrhea often on until they get accustomed to the water and the food. But this is not unique to the Dominican Republic.

Bob K

Aug 16, 2004
Have never felt better and even lost a few pounds with out really trying. BP is lower, Cholesterol is lower and controling blood sugar is easier. One can very easy if they are not careful develope a very healthy diet. On our last trip to the US we could not wait to get back to the food here.

Bob K


New member
Mar 4, 2006
To be honest we haven't noticed much difference at all because our diet here doesn't differ that much from our diet in the UK. We always ate lots of fruit, veg, fish, pulses, rice, spices etc. and bought organic whenever poss. Also has been pointed out, the supermarket chickens here are 'drugged up' and have been for some time. My partner's lost quite a lot of weight (don't men always!) and now his 'abs' are showing but that's more down to the fact that he does a physical job full time now (diving) 6 days a week. I've toned up quite a lot, but that's from walking everywhere and swimming more.

I love the fruit and veg here and have avocado and banana trees in the garden, but I'm very disappointed by the quality of the meat that I've found. They don't 'hang' the beef here so a lot of it's quite tough. Even the imported stuff I've found isn't that great. I also thought it would be a lot easier to find good seafood (I do shop in Charamicos for some things already but am going to investigate more re: thread about prawns).


I love the fruit and veg here and have avocado and banana trees in the garden, but I'm very disappointed by the quality of the meat that I've found. They don't 'hang' the beef here so a lot of it's quite tough.

This is true - just learn to cook it as the Dominicans do. The will boil/cook meat for three hours if they have too. Of course with a steam cooker one can do it in the fraction of the time.


New member
Mar 4, 2006
I understand what you're saying Chip. I like a good 'stew' with meat and veggies and I have cooked a few here. Made a gorgeous Ossobuco one day (with veal obviously). I've also cooked the beef for hours in curries....but with regard to steak, I'm a bit of a vampire so it it ain't bleeding I aint' biting!....;)


Mar 4, 2004
We both lost 30lbs in weight in the first 3/4 months (many moons ago). Clearly in UK we were sedentary calorie storage containers stocking up against the cold. Initially here we walked everywhere (no car & didn't want the dog on my lap on a concho). So more exercise + no junk food = healthy weight loss. Our weight stabilised during first year or so here & has been the same ever since (with one or two hiccups for toxoplasmosis & schistosomiasis in the very early years).

Sharlene, I don't eat red meat but I did when we first lived here. I can imagine the reaction of a Brit. to the idea of boiling it :laugh: so I'll tell you what I did - marinaded it for 24 hours in oil, wine, herbs etc. It seemed to tenderise just fine.

Criss Colon

Jan 2, 2002
Everyone Jusr "Assumes" That The Food Here Is "Natural",

and therefore "better" for you. Don't "assume" anything! If you saw how the produce was handled you might not be so enthusiastic! Forget about the meat and poultry! My brother-in-law raises and buys live pigs in the area around "La Vega". Then he brings them to the "Slaughter House" in Santo Domingo. The "So-Called" slaughter house would make you "Puke"! The flies,stench,feces,are all contaminating the "pork"! It is then resold to the meat packers like Induca!


Feb 18, 2006
The only difference I've noticed is that I packed on a few pounds and got older.

a few pounds, where?

ok but do you guys eat typical Dominican food, or do you try to incorporate your own traditional dishes from back home? I know many non Dominicans that when they first try to eat platano, they roll their eyes and ask, what's the big deal with this?


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Sharlene, I don't eat red meat but I did when we first lived here. I can imagine the reaction of a Brit. to the idea of boiling it :laugh: so I'll tell you what I did - marinaded it for 24 hours in oil, wine, herbs etc. It seemed to tenderise just fine.

D'you know what! I've got the steak, oil, wine and herbs here already, so I'm gonna do that right now! Yum! I have been making up marinades, but I haven't been marinading for long enough. I always end up putting them on half an hour before the BBQ. I obviously need to get myself a bit more organised.....;)

Lambada, is there any particular reason you don't eat red meat anymore? I did go veggie for a year once (when I was going through my born again 'student' phase) but I was 'seduced' by a jumbo hot dog at Leicester Square tube station at around 1am in the morning........:cheeky:


New member
Mar 4, 2006
Actually, now that I've thought about it, I'm actually eating a lot more salami and smoked ham and pork chops and pate because we have a German Butcher/Deli between us and the girls' school. Not that great for the arteries.....I did eat that sort of stuff in UK, but not half as much as I've been doing here. The only thing keeping off the excess weight gain is probably the five trips a day I do up and down the hill to pick the girls up....

Quite often in the evenings, if I don't fancy cooking I find it easy to quickly put together a plate of bread, salad, salami, leftover chicken, ham, olives, grapes, pickles etc. We normally put out a bowl of olive oil and balsamic to 'dunk' the bread in or use it as a dressing on tomato and red onion salad.... My girls love to eat 'picky bits' like this and as they have a hot meal at school, they don't always fancy another cooked meal in the evening.


Apr 11, 2004
You haven't seen me lately.
I've plumped up.
I see the cooks looking at me like they want to stick an apple in my mouth and roast me.

Speaking of plumped up, check out Ted. He is living large over here. I know he is not working at Rocky's but he can't stay away.