New richest man


The "REAL" SantiagoDR
Jan 12, 2006
Owner of DR telco "Claro".. among other things obviously. Delete if not DR related enough.

Claro has the highest Cell Phone rates compared to Tricom and Orange.

Tricom and Orange charges you the same rates no matter which company you call, all within the 7+ pesos per minute rate.

Claro, will charge you about 10.5 pesos per minutes if you call anyone besides Claro customers.

Claro has large banners at the Claro stores advertising their new lower rates.
BUT, they NEVER advertise how much they charge the Cell Phone Customers.

Tricom gives you nights and weekends free for calls to other Tricom customers. Unfortunately, I have Claro. Mexico also has very high phone rates, thanks to Carlos Slim. Who also states he does not believe in being charitable like Santa Clause..

Don SantiagoDR
Feb 7, 2007
Mr. Fat Slim, Not being charitable ... quite a big contradiction to Gates and Buffett

Mr Gates has headed the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest for more than a decade. But, like Mr Buffett, he is rapidly becoming as well known for giving his money away as he is for accumulating it. Both he and the "Sage of Omaha" have promised to give most of their money to charitable causes.