Dominican conversation methods



Hi everybody,

I'm a fourth year student at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and I'm writing a research paper on conversation methods during meetings.
About two weeks ago I sat in on a meeting between someone from Spain and someone from the Dominican Republic. Since it is difficult to find information about conversation methods during meetings in the Dominican Republic I wondered if someone on this page could help me?
What I need to know is:
-How do you start a meeting?
-How do you introduce yourself?
-What is the one thing you absolutely should not do?
-What is the one thing you absolutely should do?
-How does the decisionmaking go?
-What is done to get someone to do what you want?

I really hope someone can help me!


De Leenheer Corinne

it is like somewhere else. Never say your country is the best!
Do like for other nationalities like spanish persons


You ask six questions

1)Meetings of business people are generally started by the host calling the meeting to order.
2) Next, if the parties do not know each other they are either

a. Introduced by the host or

b. Asked to identify themselves by the host
3) It is considered gross to do those things considered impolite in most formal situations-manners are important. However, to ridicule another person's position on a topic is very bad, and can cause lasting damage on any further inter-personal relations. Another major blunder is to assume that you, by being from another country (perhaps one that is perceived to be 'superior' in technology or something else), are always right. This was the case of the "Ugly American", and still holds true of lots of people from all over.
4) As with most situations, being a gentleman is respected. You may state your position, but without being blunt or too direct. This is considered to be bad form, and poor manners.
5) Most decisions are reached by concensus or by doing what is most prudent at that moment. While this is sometimes not the most efficient way of doing business, it does seem to work, and feelings are not hurt. "Honor" "Face" That sort of thing.
6) This is the most difficult one. Generally speaking, businessmen are the same all over the world--> Show them a bottom line and they will agree. Patience and K.I.S.S.-type explanations are effective. Visuals and other media can also be used. Above all, showing how your positions will bring about more business. (FYI-KISS= Keep It Simple, Stupid!)
