Walk/caminata against Governmental corruption


New member
Sep 25, 2007
I?m an organizer, and in my own activities I only encourage a protest when it is strategically planned to accomplish concrete goals. But I know these organizations and they are involved in good work and even though we differ in approaches in the social justice field, I will probably be there just to show my support. If any one else wants to participate, let me know!

Caminata contra la corrupci?n
S?bado 29, 3:30 PM.
Punto de encuentro : Plaza Espa?a (Zona Colonial).
Coordinan :
Dominicanos por la Integridad / Red Dominicana Anticorrupci?n / Participaci?n Ciudadana / Fundacion Institucionalidad y Justicia (FINJUS) / Consejo de Organizaciones de la Regi?n Oriental (CORO) Asociaci?n Nacional de J?venes Empresarios (ANJE) / Coalici?n por la Transparencia y la Institucionalidad (CTI) / Centro Juan XXIII / Iglesia de Dios / Asamblea de Dios / Consejo Dominicano de Unidad Evang?lica / Comit? de la Zona Norte del D.N.



Jul 25, 2007
What gets me is why don't all of these concientous people form a new grass roots party and convince the poor people that they can effect a change?

What I see here is a real disconnect between the politicians and the people. Sure, the politicians show up right before election time and start doling out the rewards like extra police in an area, repaving, sending more water and power, but those last only a short time.

I have talked to so many Dominicans who are just completely unaware that there can be change. When I tell them that this is a democratic society and their voice counts and that they can kick out self seeking politicians they all tell me that they have never heard ideas as such!


Dec 15, 2006
I have talked to so many Dominicans who are just completely unaware that there can be change. When I tell them that this is a democratic society and their voice counts and that they can kick out self seeking politicians they all tell me that they have never heard ideas as such!

How could they know of such ideas if the educational system is one of the worst and perpetuates all of this corruption and , civic education doesn't exist. For a nation to wake up and realize that they can change things, there has to be one or more of these scenarios:

1) Revolution
2) Education Reform

Dominicans feel apathy bc frankly they are tired of all the lies and they are not aware of their role in society, it is only logical that they are so mis informed about voting and their rights.