Salary in DR


New member
Jan 25, 2008
I know what minimum wage is in the DR, but is there a way to find out what certain jobs pay? Salary range so I can know what to aim for in job negotiations?
For instance, a salaried, non-commission, mid-level office job: what is the median pay? $20k, $40k, $60k? I realize of course that this would vary from industry to industry, just trying to get a general idea. For the North Coast.
Also, do most companies (that just have offices there, but are based in Europe or US) offer the same basic benefit plans that U.S. employees have?


New member
Mar 26, 2006

First off, when you write $20K, $40K, $60K do you mean thousands of dollars or thousands of pesos?? Because, a typical non-managerial office job may only get you 20-30K in pesos per month. Maybe less. For a manager you could be in the 30-50K pesos per month if being bilingual is important.

I cannot speak to the benefit package but I suppose it would depend how much they need you.

I know what minimum wage is in the DR, but is there a way to find out what certain jobs pay? Salary range so I can know what to aim for in job negotiations?
For instance, a salaried, non-commission, mid-level office job: what is the median pay? $20k, $40k, $60k? I realize of course that this would vary from industry to industry, just trying to get a general idea. For the North Coast.
Also, do most companies (that just have offices there, but are based in Europe or US) offer the same basic benefit plans that U.S. employees have?


New member
Feb 3, 2008
I was just offered a job in San Pedro for 27,000 pesos or about 820 USD per month. Not much. I too would be interested to know how to make more "American type" Salary. Even in the 30K USD range which would be good in the DR.