P.R. Visa to Canada....poster Johana start to finish


New member
May 24, 2006
I have read a lot of post regarding timelines for P.R. Visa's to Canada.
Most have stated that about 1 month after they received their letter as the approved sponsor they could see the status change online for their spouse's visa from Not Available to In Process.

I received my letter December 18th 2007 stating I was approved as of December 12th and his papers had been sent to Haiti. I know that was around Christmas and holdiays etc. however, two months later and still no update on the website.

Should this be cause for concern? Or have others experienced this kind of delay?? Any info would be appreciated :)


Jan 2, 2002
Don't be concerned, everyone has a different experience and depending on how busy they are in Haiti it might take longer than what others have posted in the past.


New member
May 24, 2006
thanks for the quick reply. They certainly make it difficult and torturous. The Haiti website tells you not to contact them if your case is within normal processing times. However, you read about people not knowing their spouse had been contacted for information or interviews and also that some were not contacted until the interview so it makes you wonder if no news is good news or no news is very bad news.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
The time for the whole process will be 8-12 months if you have provided them with all the correct paperwork and don't have any problems with medical, birth certificate....etc.


New member
May 24, 2006
Thanks for the info - I knew the processing times had changed as I check regularly. The problem is I can't call and as per the Haiti website they not only say not to contact them within "normal processing times" but also that they will not give out any info over the phone. My husband emailed them 4 weeks ago - we are only trying to get the B file number so that we can try to track online (isn't that what the online system is for??) and he has not received a response.
I tried calling Mississauga to see if someone could tell me how often the website is updated from Haiti. All I was told was that the papers must be there because they went in a diplomatic pouch. Not that he knew that for sure - I'm sure there has been at least one case in history where the documents got misplaced/lost.
Maybe it's my profession but the idea of waiting with my fingers crossed for the 8 month mark to come and go to finally find out the documents never made it, were delayed, there has been a missed phone call or there is a missing letter doesn't sit well with me. That would be time wasted when I could have been with my husband. I'm a production planner - I plan and replan and plan for the unexpected. Hard to plan for anything when you can't get any information. All I want to do is check the online system through my husband's file number - which from what I read is the only way to see the detailed information.


New member
Oct 25, 2006
my papers have been in Haiti for over 6 months and no update on the website, and it is very confusing as to whether you need a B file number or not. I am not turning things over to my MP to try and figure this out. I am with you I just want to know that the papers are there and they are working on them.

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
Port-Au-Prince 30 %- 8 months, 50% -11 months 60% -14 months 70 %-17 months
Of all embassies this is the slowest, probably because this is such a backwater place that they send the governments most incompetent employees.
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New member
May 24, 2006
when you check the website with your client number does it at least say In Process for your husband's papers?? Or still not available???
I feel for you as I know you have been waiting much longer than I have.


New member
Oct 25, 2006
when you check the website with your client number does it at least say In Process for your husband's papers?? Or still not available???
I feel for you as I know you have been waiting much longer than I have.

The website says unavailable. My MP's office called on Monday and got an answer on Tuesday. Canada says all the papers went to Haiti in Sept, Haiti says they did not get them uintil Feb. So who knows now how long it will take, they told hte MP they were screening the appication and when they had a file number they would send it to my MP. It is sad that we have to involve the MP office, but ti is the only way to get an answer.


New member
May 24, 2006
That's a long time to get there in a government mail pouch. That scares me because mine were sent in December and it still says not available. So if they didn't get the September papers till February then wouldn't they have had more time to start papers sent later? ay ay ay
It's very sad that you as the sponsor and the wife could not get an answer in I"m guessing months of trying and yet they could give that info to your MP. I'm going to be prepared to contact mine.


On Vacation!
Mar 2, 2002
Keep in mind what bob said.......

and remember.... the more you push a donkey, the more stubborn it becomes and the harder it is to get it to move!

Somethings are the way they are simply because when in a position of power some people like to 'exert' their influence as long as possible.:chinese:


New member
Mar 8, 2006
and remember.... the more you push a donkey, the more stubborn it becomes and the harder it is to get it to move!

Somethings are the way they are simply because when in a position of power some people like to 'exert' their influence as long as possible.:chinese:

I agree with this, I never once contacted Haiti and they got the papers in Mar 07, We got the visa in June 07.


New member
May 24, 2006
did you check the website and ever see it change to In Process? If so, how long after you were approved did it change?
And was there any contact with Haiti to your spouse (phone call, email, letter)?


New member
Mar 1, 2008
Time line question


I am new to this board and have learned alot so far and for that I thank all of you

Here is my timeline so far for my wife according to the website

Sponsership application received Nov 13, 2007
In process Dec 6, 2007

Permanant Resident

In process Jan 30, 2008

I will keep you updated.

It seems that applicants are going for interviews about 4 months after the "IN PROCESS" date...I was wondering which "in process" date should I go by?

I assume it is the Permant Resident one...please advise

thanks in advance



New member
Mar 8, 2006
did you check the website and ever see it change to In Process? If so, how long after you were approved did it change?
And was there any contact with Haiti to your spouse (phone call, email, letter)?

They called my husband only when it was time to set up an interview. Online it changed to in Process at the end of April I think.

If you sent everything they need and your papers were well organized you should be good.

When we went for the interview the immigration officer told me my case was easy because I sent all that was required and it was well organized.


New member
May 24, 2006
My husband got the call from Haiti

Although I had already heard via my MP yesterday that they are ready to issue the visa to my husband, Haiti also call his home yesterday afternoon. My father-in-law took the call :)

So he is off to Santo Domingo on Thursday to drop off his passport. And then we will see how long it takes to get it back.

Just to recap here is our timeline so far:
Oct 10/07 - married
Nov 20/07 - application mailed
Nov 22/07 - application rec'd at CPC Mississauga
Dec 12/07 - approved as sponsor
Dec 18/07 - rec'd letter stating I was approved as sponsor
Jan 31/08 - application In Process (although we didn't know until April)
April 4/08 - meeting with my MP - they sent an email requesting status update
April 21/08 - MP's office sends second request and receives an email stating that the application was rec'd and it is in the queue and currently being paper screened
April 22/08 - Haiti sends a letter requesting original marriage cert and copy of his birth cert
May 5/08 - my husband rec'd the letter from Haiti
May 7/08 - new documents sent to Haiti
May 9/08 - new documents rec'd in Haiti and my husband sent an email via their website requesting a confirmation of receipt of documents
May 16/08 - rec'd email from Haiti confirming receipt of new documents
July 25/08 - called MP's office to request a status update
July 29/08 - Haiti emailed MP stating they are ready to issue the visa. They also call my husband's home to tell him the same thing.
July 31/08 - my husband will go to Santo Domingo to drop off passport

Once again I would like to thank everyone in this forum for their information and their support. Being able to share information, news, dissappointments, frustrations and successes with people that are going through the exact same thing as you are truly helps :)


New member
May 24, 2006

no he did not get asked for an interview - I was pleasantly surprised about that.

It's such an exciting time and I truly hope that you are posting that your wife got her call one day very soon!!! I know you started just before me so I hope they just need the extra documents for the long version of the birth certificate and then they will be ready to issue her visa!!!! Alante Alante :)


Jan 25, 2008
Wow Congratualtions, you both must be very excited!! All this within 1 year!! It probably felt like forever!!