PROLOTHERAPY in the DR? Back Pain Treatment Options?


New member
Jun 4, 2007
Hello everyone. We've found some great info on chiropractors here in Sosua/Cabarete from past threads on DR1 and did visit Larry Mason over at Servi-Med in Cabarete. We would highly recommend his services for anyone needing chiropractic care.

Our question, however, is if anyone knows of a reputable doctor in the DR who has experience with Prolotherapy? (See website for more info)

Mike's been fighting back trouble for over 18 months after a bad experience with an over-aggressive chiropractor in Austin,TX (who decided he had issues that needed to be fixed and recommended 2-3x/week adjustments for around 5 months before we quit going to him). Previously, Mike went to a chiropractor just once per month for general health maintenance as he did a lot of heavy weight lifting. But after all those visits to the Austin chiropractor, he was a MESS - constant pain and discomfort in his lower back and neck that chiropractic adjustment could only remedy for a few weeks. After never having had chronic back trouble/pain in his life, he is now in almost constant discomfort and can't go much more than a few weeks before needing another trip to the chiropractor. He's lost 25 pounds, can't really lift weights anymore, and is generally not himself.

We've done some research and it seems pretty obvious that he's suffering from "hypermobility" of the spinal vertebrae and the only nonsurgical cure seems to be prolotherapy. Any information on any doctors in the DR experienced in this procedure would be GREATLY appreciated as traveling back to the states to have this done would be massively expensive (the therapy is normally performed over several weeks/months in multiple stages of treatment).

We're hoping AZB or some of the other DR1 "experts" can offer some assistance with information on if there's anything like this in the DR.

Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,
Mike 'n Amy


Mar 4, 2004
Could I suggest you talk to Dr. James Bailes in Costambar? I have back & neck issues and osteo-arthritis of the hip - Dr. Bailes treats via manipulation & adjustment (not aggressively!) & deep tissue massage. He is a trained doctor & licensed to practice here in DR so it would be worth talking to him about the injection route you have found & getting his opinion on it.


Jan 2, 2002
I would also recommend Dr. James bailes. I think he can help you a great deal. I am also here in santiago if needed. I use flexion and distraction technique along with drop table. If I can only see your friend's x rays, I would have a much better idea of what we are talking about.
In any case, Dr. Jim bailes is the man in puerto plata area.