Another Scam.....or Something to be Aware Of


New member
Jan 2, 2006
This email recently appeared in my Inbox, has anyone received similar, or aware of this scenario?


I am a consultant working at Three Hospitals on the north coast of the Dominican Republic and as such have been privy to some disturbing information.

My colleague who works in obstetrics was arrested three weeks ago for rape and for infecting a female Dominican with HIV. The problem with this is my colleague was in the military and was injured so severely that he is unable to father children. What is this to do with you I hear you ask but this is a scam involving western men.

The men involved are normally from the USA the UK or Europe. The men have lived in the Dominican Republic for a few months and sometimes a few years. What they all have in common is that they have integrated into the local community thus leaving themselves open to this abuse.It would appear that local females who are pregnant are selling the details of the men they know for cash. It is sometimes not clear if the females know what is happening to the details they have provided but as the populace is predominately poor they are happy for the monetary reward. Sometimes it may be friends or family of the girls selling the details and I did know of a couple that have been sold by people with no knowledge of either party.

The names of these men are put on a Hot List and this list is handed to local gangs who make a living out of rounding up the named men and presenting them to the authority's . The gang bosses then get one of the pregnant females to make a statement to the authority's stating they are the ones responsible for the rape and either or HIV infection. This results in the males being arrested and placed in jail. None of the evidence would stand up in a court in the USA but this seems not to matter to the local lawyers.

The scam becomes apparent when no one ever gets to the court stage. My colleague has been told that to be released he will have to pay for his own lawyer the girls lawyer and pay her compensation. If he refuses he will remain in jail for the foreseeable future.The cost to him for his release is around $20,000 . He has decided to pay up and when he is released intends to return to New York USA.

This list is growing by the day and I have seen 23 names on this list but I have only managed to get 3 e mail addresses. This address I received from a female employee at a local hotel and to be honest I have managed to get the other two males details the same way this is always a good starting point when trying to locate people who decide to make the Dominican Republic a home or temporary home.

For your information if you are (My Name)
from the UK your name is on this list and has been given to the authority's and the local gangs are aware of this. The names are on lists at airports and police stations. They work like bounty hunters and who ever gets to someone on the list gets the reward and for some this is indeed easy money.

I hope you use this information wisely I do not know if you are still in the Dominican Republic but if you are you need to be aware of these facts.
I myself have decided to return to the USA in two weeks as I can not stand this type of deceit any longer. I love the Dominican Republic and the majority of the people I come into contact with are wonderful but I now need to return home , the fact that I am a consultant is no guarantee I will not at some time be added to this list. This is very sad indeed for me.

If you need to contact me feel free. I am working my last two weeks on call at night and have just finished a long night shift but if you require anything further please feel free to ask. I do not know if I can help any further but I just have to try. I am still trying to locate other males on the list before I return home.

Yours Sincerely
Charles Zanerman.

To try to authenticate this I have asked the writer to provide details of the person from whom he has received my personal information, but I am still waiting for a reply..................................


Jul 25, 2007
Sounds like total garbage to me. Nonetheless, If you don't have any pregnant girlfriends running around or HIV, you have nothing to worry about. I'm sure DNA tests are used and accepted here.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
What are you worried about?

Dominican have a saying "el que no tiene hechas no tiene sospechas" y you haven't done anythigh it doesn't pay to worry. perhaps technology is too advance to proof anything you want.


New member
Apr 22, 2008
One more thing I'm a fanatic of the news and I haven't hear anything Here in USA......If this would have been true it would be all over the news...........


Oct 26, 2004
Can you say S..P..A..M? Dont open anything in your Inbox if you dont recognize the sender, lesson #1.

J D Sauser

Nov 20, 2004
That's a new one. Especially scary, because this time it is not about some Bank president suffering an airplane crash in Nigeria, but something that is actually imaginable HERE where we live.
But lets analyze Charly's letter a little:

Charles Zanerman said:
My colleague who works in obstetrics was arrested three weeks ago for rape and for infecting a female Dominican with HIV. The problem with this is my colleague was in the military and was injured so severely that he is unable to father children.

What does one thing have to do with the other... the "claim" is imprecise.

Charles Zanerman said:
  • Sir,
  • What is this to do with you I hear you ask but this is a scam involving western men.
  • He has decided to pay up and when he is released intends to return to New York USA.
  • ... as the populace is predominately poor...
  • This address I received from...
  • I myself have decided to return to the USA... & None of the evidence would stand up in a court in the USA but this seems not to matter to the local lawyers.
I know, I might not be an authority in matters of English language, but for someone who seems to imply to be of Northern American origins, Charly kind'a talks (writes) funny... almost like some Bros out of Nigeria.

But then, where's the scam... besides scaring you/us?

Charles Zanerman said:
If you need to contact me feel free. I am working my last two weeks on call at night and have just finished a long night shift but if you require anything further please feel free to ask. I do not know if I can help any further but I just have to try. I am still trying to locate other males on the list before I return home.

He not only offers the recipient of his message to potentially be available but there is also a second sense of urgency built in, besides you being on a HOT list... HE who knows, might be leaving soon! "Hurry, hurry, call now!". Besides he IS a consultant, who better to consult about your risk than a consultant who knows stuff nobody else knows about?

I think the next one who gets this message should play ball with this fella... see how soon there will be little "fees" and "bribes" suggested here and there.

Charles Zanerman said:
For your information if you are (YOUR Name)
from the UK your name is on this list and has been given to the authority's and the local gangs are aware of this

This is probably the scariest part of the whole message... How did he get these 3 things together without the recipient's direct help?
Is the e-mail you have received this message too an e-mail which is publicly related to your NAME and some other personal data including citizenship? This can be the case of Forum ID's (not just dr1), dating sites and so forth...
In other words, our "consultant" surfes the web and may also even be reading on here.
He knows some things about the DR, like corrupt legal system and police, stories of foreigners having sit in jail for long times without the outlook of a proper trial and so forth... he might even be Dominican with a NY back ground (thus his mentioning of NY and funny English).

Btw: Zanerman is a very, very unique and rare last name. Google will only return 3 pages of search results on that "word", many of which not even related to a last name. "Charles Zanerman" returns only ONE relevant result... to THIS page here :bunny:! And Charly is a consultant?
Even a last name like mine returns 10's of pages!

I don't even know if it's worth the trouble to check some of the North Coast's Hospitals to find out if ANYONE knows Charly... and even then, we might find the real Charly to be quite surprised to find out what kind of e-mails he is said to mail out.

Just some thoughts... J-D.
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Mar 4, 2004
God work, JD.
And why is it that the OP (of this thread) does not mention that he no longer lives in the DR?

Well, he did come back................and left again very shortly afterwards, sources tell me. Not sure if that is in any way linked to the email or not.

Hey I know JD is good but that good............???? :);)


New member
Feb 24, 2005
Without going into the specifics of this particular case, so as not to comment on whether or not this particular email is legit or not:

I have heard of several occasions where prositutes have 'fingered' men as the fathers of their children, threatened allegations of rape, etc. The HIV is a new one though, as a simple HIV test would disqualify the man should he prove HIV negative.

That being said, let's be clear on something:

If you're paying a hooker for money, don't expect her to be anything but mercenary. Why do men get surprised that the women they exploit decide to exploit them in return?

How about this: stop whoring around in the DR. Get a girlfriend or three. Voila, problem solved.


Jun 11, 2006
Simply Said

"Why do men get surprised that the women they exploit decide to exploit them in return?"

Thank you for saying that very simple thing.
Cracks me up when men think they've outsmarted a woman. Of course I was raised by my Momma, so the brain is slightly tilted. Although we do see the many sanky hunters arrive, they pale in comparison to their male counterparts in volume and coping abilities. I see it everyday. Sorry boyz, is the frat house still open for membership?:bunny:


Jan 1, 2002
I am aware of the OP & know a little about his comings & goings relating to the DR. Because of this limited knowledge, some 'Words on the street' have been laid on my ears - but I give them no more credence than that .......... words/rumours!

My initial thoughts are that this person who sent the e-mail HAS got the OP's details from a friend (probably over a drink in a bar) & is trying to obtain additional information by this contact - either of the O.P's whereabouts &/or other men who might fall into the category of 'having had Dominican female consorts'. I do not know what information the OP has given to the sender of the e-mail but I strongly suggest he desists from giving ANY more info or details relating to friends/contacts made whilst in the DR. Some of us are 'Fireproof' as we have never sort out female attentions (other than our respective partners) & have become sufficiently street wise to counter any such ridiculous claims - others may be more at risk & vulnerable if accused.

Would the OP care to give an e-mail address for the original sender? Would you care to post here (or better still use the PM facility) to advise on any additional information that might be giving you concern? There is NO doubt in my mind that this is a scam/try on, the important thing now is to determine how best to avoid any further contact from the e-mail sender or how to ensnare him without giving information about yourself &/or your friends.

Good luck whatever you decide, it seems some is due your way ~ Grahame.


New member
Aug 20, 2007
Or just mail back that you were, in fact, previously known as Vera before the surgery, and so this kind of menace cannot in any way concern you....

and anyway you are far too busy hunting the alligators in the N.Y. sewers to chase dominican chicas...