Spanish Abbreviations (abreviaturas)

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Norma Rosa

Feb 20, 2007
After reading a post containing an error in this area, I decided to begin this thread.

Sr. -se?or
Sra. –se?ora
Srta. –se?orita
Dr. -doctor
Dra. -doctora

Ud. (V./ Vd.) –usted
Uds. -ustedes

Srta. Garc?a: ?C?mo est? usted, se?or Castro?
Sr. Castro: Muy bien, gracias. ?Y usted, se?orita Garc?a?

Here is a partial list of Spanish abbreviations. Feel free to add to the list.

(a) - alias
a.C. – antes de Cristo (d.C. – despu?s de Cristo)
a.n.e. (antes de nuestra era)
Apdo. – apartado
Art. - art?culo
A.T. – Antiguo Testamento
Atte. - Atentamente
c/u – cada uno

D. – don
D?a. - do?a
Dr. – doctor (Dra. doctora)

E.P.D. – En paz descance
etc. -etcetera

EE.UU. Estados Unidos
Lic./ Licdo./ Ldo. - licenciado

N.S.J.C. – Nuestro Se?or Jesucristo

p?g. – p?gina

Pdte. - Presidente

N.- S.- E.- O. – Norte, Sur, Este, Oeste
NE.- Nordeste or Noreste
NO.- Noroeste
SE. – Sudeste (Sureste)
SO. - Sudoeste (Suroeste)

S.A. – Sociedad An?nima
S.R.L (S.L) – Sociedad de Responsabilidad Limitada

Vdo. Vda. – widower, widow


New member
Mar 28, 2008
c/u = Cada uno.
CxA = Compania por Acciones.
S.A. = Sociedad Anonima.
Apto. = Apartamento.
Depto. = Departamento.

Maybe later I'd remember more...


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina = "El Jefe" = "Chapita" (when you had a death wish)...

Given the high probability of coming across an article detailing an event where a member of the Police or Armed Forces was involved, I think it would also be great to include those abbreviations here as well? What do you say?

Norma Rosa

Feb 20, 2007
Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina = "El Jefe" = "Chapita" (when you had a death wish)...

Given the high probability of coming across an article detailing an event where a member of the Police or Armed Forces was involved, I think it would also be great to include those abbreviations here as well? What do you say?

I am sorry but, I don't get it. Are you talking of an alias - an assumed name used to conceal a person's real identity? (i.e.:Rafael Trujillo Molina alias el Chivo)
If that is what you are talking about, no, that is not the purpose of this thread. However, it could be interesting to begin a thread on that topic.

To abbreviate is to reduce a word (or words)to a shorter form by leaving out some of the letters.


One Dominican at a time, please!
May 15, 2003
Santiago de Los 30 Caballeros
The Trujillo's comment was not related to the article, but a failed light hearted pun...

The comment on the usual abbreviations on military ranks in the DR is however serious and something commonly used by the press, mostly when it involves details of the personnel details in regards to the events reported...
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