Setting up DR company online?

Feb 7, 2007
Some time ago there was a thread discussing DR companies or related matters, and in one of the posts somebody posted a link to a DR government website where it was possible to set up/initiate the process to incorporate and/or file the paperwork for the formation of the DR company online.

Anybody remembers the thread, the link, or can pinpoint me in the right direction?

Many thanks.


New member
Jun 2, 2007
When we were setting up our company I saw the link on DR1, sent it to our lawyer, she checked it out and said that the system didn't work. That was probably 8 months ago, you can try it might work now


Jan 6, 2004
First of all you have to fill out an online form with a proper tutorial which takes a lot of time to grasp and also the process itself involves the "coordinated" action of three entities: a) The Industrial Property Office (Oficina Nacional de Propiedad Industrial or ONAPI); b) the corresponding Chamber of Commerce and Production (depending on the jurisdiction of the company); and c) the Tax agency (DGII or Direccion General de Impuestos Internos). IMHO the ONAPI is probably the best goverment entity in terms of organization and efficiency and it carries out their government function with outstanding quality, on the other hand the DGII though it is very well organized, it sadly employs an awful bureacratic system that is way above of the capacity, and work attitude of most of its employees and officials which in most cases delays any operations performed through its system. So basically what i'm trying to say is that you still don't have a firm guarantee that everything will turn out straight.