Airport San Juan


Wim Van Roey

I'm looking for information about the airport in San Juan . San Juan is locaded 125 km nordwest from Santo domingo . When I look on the map of the Dominican Republic I find their a airport . my questions is now is it a local airport or is it also a airport with internaticional flights ?
Is this San Juan the same name like San Juan de la Maguana . If not where is it locaded ?

Thanks for your help .

Greetings Wim .


On a hillside, maybe?? Definately NOT

An international airport. Probably like the field in Mao and the one in Cotu?, among other places that are solely used for agricultural purposes, and maybe, just maybe, for military or local stuff. certainly not paved!!


There are several airports that you will find on maps of the DR that you would never likely have or want the opportunity to use. Other than the main airports you hear about on a regular basis, these "airports" are little more than airstrips/landing zones for military or private craft (no tech. equipment/radar, etc.)

Barahona is your closest for San Juan in the "west".

Best, Dave