The Cost of moving Household goods to the States

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
Hi all;

I have just had a very rude awakening.

I had NO IDEA that the cost of moving our household goods, door to door,(transportation ONLY) would be so prohibitive.

I just received a quote from afirm in Santo Domingo for doing that.
I thought maybe a "typo" had been made, but upon looking aclosely at the document, I did discover that the quote was in US Dollars instead of pesos.

The price???
USD 10,000.00 for a 40' container, door to door from Santiago, DR to the Ft. Hood, Texas area.
And that's without insurance, or anything else tacked on.

Needless to say, I turned them down.

Texas Bill
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Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
It will likely be cheaper to buy all new stuff when you get back to Texas.

Bill are you moving back for good?

Yes. The Green Card Visa applications (I-130's and G-325A's) are complete with only a couple of the documents needing translation and legalization to complete the packages.
After having suffered an Angina attack 2 weeks ago, I have decided that the best place for me and my family is back in the USA where our medical costs will be minimum and much better than here. Besides, there I won't be subjected to all the frustrations I have encountered here.
Have selected the Ft. Hood, Texas area for obvious reasons. I'm retired Military and will have access to the best medical facilities there. On top of that, the area is full of retired military personnel of mixed ethnic backgrounds and therefore more acceptable of my wife and boys, who are of mixed blood.
In addition to that, the Base has a Thrift Shop with used houshold goods for sale. These items are usually priced very reasonable and in good condition.
Also, there are 2-3 big lakes in the area where I can while away the time fishing. Something I sorely miss doing here.
I won my battle with the IRS and got ITIN's for my boys, allowing me to take them as dependents and exemptions on our Form 1040. We got back the $776.46 we had to pay and the penalties and interest PLUS the $769.00 we had figured as a refund (plus some $17.00 in interest they paid us). In addition, we were able to file ammended returns for 2005 and 2006, further netting us an additional $4465.00 in delayed refunds. There will be interest on top of that. That's what one gets for being stubborn, knowing they're right, and not giving up in the face of adversity. But all that is off thread and different story altogether.

Texas Bill


Jul 25, 2007
It cost us US8k to make the move from Orlando FL to Santiago in early 2006, so US10k sounds in the right ballpark.

best of luck

Texas Bill

Feb 11, 2003
It cost us US8k to make the move from Orlando FL to Santiago in early 2006, so US10k sounds in the right ballpark.

best of luck

Thanks for that info.
I don't feel so bad about the price now. For a while there I was thinking I was being taken advantage of because I was a Norteamericano. Should have known better, HUH??

Texas Bill
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