Stressed or anxious?


Oct 15, 2008
Las Lomas de Azua
As a folk healer in the hills north of Azua I'm very familiar with local herbal remedies. Here's a favorite for stress, insomnia, and related conditions.

The amounts are approximate handfuls of each ingredient, unless otherwise stated.

Tilo (linden leaves)
Valeriana (valerian root)
Limoncillo (lemongrass)
Jengibre (ginger root) (half a handful of peeled chunks)
Manzanilla (chamomile) (half a handful)
An?s Estrella (star anise) (3-4 seeds)
Hoja de naranja (Orange tree leaves (6-8 leaves)
Canelilla (Pimenta haitiensis, Landrum) (half a handful)

After washing in tap water, to eliminate residues and dirt, throw all ingredients in a kettle containing approximately one galon of boiling water. Bring to a boil, and let stand for about 10-15 minutes. Sweeten with brown sugar or honey, to taste. Let cool, and tranfer to several containers. Place in the refrigerator.

Like all medicines, dosage varies, depending on weight, sensitivity, etc. Drink one cup before bed. 2-4 cups can give you the effect of about 10mm of benzodiazepine (valium).