Criminal Record Checks


New member
Nov 1, 2008
What's the story with criminal records checks ?

Do they also have to be authenticated at the Dominican-Embassy at the persons country of residence, just like a birth certificate ?
What if you recieve it through a consulate in santo-domingo do you then need to send it back to your homeland for the Dominican embassy there to authenticate it ?

I was told that it arrives in english and that it can't be handed to me by hand but rather can only be sent from the consulate straight to the immigration department in santo-domingo.

Shouldn't my lawyer have access to it first ?

Do you know about this ?


New member
May 4, 2008
It will be done by the Interpol

I assume you are talking about residency.
You do not need a criminal background check from your country.
It will be done here, the DR immigration will pull your info from Interpol. If it's clean they will continue your process. Hopefully I'l have my residency / cedula next week. They did not asked CBC from my country.
I hope it will help.



New member
Nov 1, 2008
I assume you are talking about residency.
You do not need a criminal background check from your country.
It will be done here, the DR immigration will pull your info from Interpol. If it's clean they will continue your process. Hopefully I'l have my residency / cedula next week. They did not asked CBC from my country.
I hope it will help.


So for provisional-residency i don't have to get a criminal record check from my own country ?

Why do all the sites dealing with provisional-residency say that you DO need that police-check from your home country aside from the world-interpol check that they do themselves ?


New member
May 4, 2008
I don't know. Who needed this??
Maybe those countries who are not member of the Interpol has to provide CBC ???
I did not need it, that's for sure. They asked only 3 things to b ring:
1, a translated birth certificate ORIGINAL - not a copy, certified by a Dominican Consulate. (it's a rip off joke)
2, copies of all pages of my passport
3, my money
after I had to take a basic medical test. Chest x-ray, blood and urine test.
I turned in my papers on the 18th of September and this week I got a call that I need to go to the Immigration pick up some papers, than go to a different office to get my cedula first, than back to Immigration to get my residency card / papers.



New member
Nov 1, 2008
I don't know. Who needed this??
Maybe those countries who are not member of the Interpol has to provide CBC ???
I did not need it, that's for sure. They asked only 3 things to b ring:
1, a translated birth certificate ORIGINAL - not a copy, certified by a Dominican Consulate. (it's a rip off joke)
2, copies of all pages of my passport
3, my money
after I had to take a basic medical test. Chest x-ray, blood and urine test.
I turned in my papers on the 18th of September and this week I got a call that I need to go to the Immigration pick up some papers, than go to a different office to get my cedula first, than back to Immigration to get my residency card / papers.


O.K. thanks a lot to you "theHun".

by-the-way, Did you apply for your provisional residency from abroad or from within the Dominican-Republic, and if you applied from within the Dominican-Republic could you please tell me how you got your birth certificate translated to spanish and authenticated here ?


New member
May 4, 2008
I got my birth certificate officially translated to spanish first, which you can do with any official translator in your country or here. I got it certified in the US. It cost US$ 75 if it is translated, if it is not they will do it for you, but than it will be US$ 135 +shipping. If I remember correctly they translate only english documents in the US, otherwise they will tell you to take care of it yourself.
Which country are you from? Are you in the DR now?



New member
Nov 1, 2008
I got my birth certificate officially translated to spanish first, which you can do with any official translator in your country or here. I got it certified in the US. It cost US$ 75 if it is translated, if it is not they will do it for you, but than it will be US$ 135 +shipping. If I remember correctly they translate only english documents in the US, otherwise they will tell you to take care of it yourself.
Which country are you from? Are you in the DR now?


Did you also get it authenticated at the Dominican embassy in the U.S. ?


Jan 31, 2007
you do not need a criminal record from home country normally

if you apply inside Dominican Republic. I can see you come from Morocoo and I do not know there is special requirement or not. Any document issue or certified by morrocoo consular in Dominican Republic can be used in Dominican Republic after certified by dominican foreign ministry. But I doubt foreign consular willing to certify domestic document. You seems to seek second citizenship. Dominican republic is not place to get quick citizenship. If you do not live in Dominican Republic, you need to travel four time to get residency for at least two years. For citizenship, you need at least travel down 2 time for at leat one year depending how much money you want to spend.
What's the story with criminal records checks ?

Do they also have to be authenticated at the Dominican-Embassy at the persons country of residence, just like a birth certificate ?
What if you recieve it through a consulate in santo-domingo do you then need to send it back to your homeland for the Dominican embassy there to authenticate it ?

I was told that it arrives in english and that it can't be handed to me by hand but rather can only be sent from the consulate straight to the immigration department in santo-domingo.

Shouldn't my lawyer have access to it first ?

Do you know about this ?


New member
May 4, 2008
Did you also get it authenticated at the Dominican embassy in the U.S. ?

Yes, I did. And I'm not a US citizen neither. I have sent my docs to the DR Consulate in California and they certified it. I think you can go to any DR consulate regardless in which country you are as long as it translated to spanish.



New member
Nov 1, 2008
Yes, I did. And I'm not a US citizen neither. I have sent my docs to the DR Consulate in California and they certified it. I think you can go to any DR consulate regardless in which country you are as long as it translated to spanish.

I'm sorry but this sounds very suspicious to me, and you still did not get your cedula anyways.

EVERYBODY-ELSE is telling me that i have-to certify my birth certificate at the closest Dominican embassy to my birth-place.
And you are telling me i can send it to California even though i have never stepped on American soil in my life ???????????

So why don't i just send it to Mexico ?

This is so confusing when everyone comes on this forum with a different idea, and a lawyer never interrupts to clarify and/or correct things.


New member
Nov 1, 2008
3.- Certificate of Good Conduct issued in the jurisdiction of origin. If the beneficiary has been more than three months in the country, it needs to be issued by the competent local judicial authority.


I copied the above from an official website stating the things you need to bring with you for provisional-residency.

So why do you tell me you only need interpol ?


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
why you don't read the stuff first before you copy that here and ask the same **** again??
here is your copy:
If the beneficiary has been more than three months in the country, it needs to be issued by the competent local judicial authority.

that says very clear if you are since more than 3 months here in the country you need the paper from the local authorities, the paper from home(criminal record) is only needed for people who apply for residency but they are not here in the country.

why no lawyer joins in this thread??
heck, the borad provides contact info to reliable lawyers, consult them, pay them and they help you, why you expect that a lawyer will resolve your problems without a upfront payment from your side???
\you got all needed info provided in a bunch of posts above,
if you don't believe them,
heck, stay in marocco and leave this lile Isle in peace,
we're not asking for ya
happy weekend

bob saunders

Jan 1, 2002
3.- Certificate of Good Conduct issued in the jurisdiction of origin. If the beneficiary has been more than three months in the country, it needs to be issued by the competent local judicial authority.


I copied the above from an official website stating the things you need to bring with you for provisional-residency.

So why do you tell me you only need interpol ?

If you are currently living in the Dominican Republic and apply for residency your police report needs to be from the local police.

If you are applying from another country your police report needs to be from that country, which means it has to be certified at the nearest Dominican Embassy, which in your case may be Spain. Stop the insults, it will get you no where.


Jan 31, 2007
This is copy and paste from immigration website

for the whole process, accompany tranlated text by google translator.
here is about no criminal reocrd
"CERTIFICACI?N DE NO ANTECEDENTES JUDICIALES emitido por la Fiscal?a del lugar donde se encuentre domiciliado en la Rep?blica Dominicana o en la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica. CERTIFICATION OF NO LEGAL BACKGROUND issued by the DPP's location domiciled in the Dominican Republic or the Attorney General's Office.

it is mentioned that sponsor need to be own property or car or 100000 peso ($3000 ) in the bank acount. I think $3000 in the bank acount is not big number. I am looking a sponsor who willing to sign garanty letter for me for my next time permenant residency application. I am willing to pay that to aviod to pay anthor $900 to the lawyer.

Here is whole process. I think this should authority about what is needed.

Provisional residences or Temporary
Requisitos indispensables para obtener residencia provisional: Prerequisites to obtain temporary residence:


El interesado debe dirigirse inicialmente a una casilla del Departamento de Extranjer?a para obtener la autorizaci?n a realizarse los ex?menes m?dicos correspondientes, con los siguientes documentos: The person concerned should be directed initially to a square of the Department of Immigration for permission to be carried out medical examinations related to the following documents:

Original de su pasaporte vigente, m?s una copia de las p?ginas donde figura: su fotograf?a, la fecha de su ?ltima entrada al pa?s, la visa de entrada si es nacional de un pa?s que lo requiera, y/o la Tarjeta de Turista utilizada. Its original valid passport, plus a copy of the pages where shape: his photograph, date of last entry to the country, the entry visa if you are a national of a country that needs it, and / or the Tourist Card used. En caso de p?rdida de ?sta, puede solicitar una Certificaci?n de Entrada. In case of lost it, you can apply for a Certificate of Admission.

Nota : El pasaporte debe tener una vigencia m?nima de seis (6) meses. Note: The passport must be valid for a minimum of six (6) months.

A continuaci?n, si es autorizado, podr? dirigirse a pagar los ex?menes m?dicos, tomarse las muestras y recibir informaci?n sobre el lugar donde se realizar? la radiograf?a . Then, if approved, may write to pay for medical examinations, taken samples and receive information on where will the x-ray. Al cabo de 10 d?as laborables podr? informarse en el Departamento M?dico si los resultados son satisfactorios y acudir a presentar su solicitud con los documentos requeridos. After 10 days may be reported at the Medical Department if the results are satisfactory and go to file his application with the required documents.


Nota: Entre la fecha de la toma de muestras y la de la presentaci?n de la solicitud no debe transcurrir m?s de seis (6) meses. Note: Between the date of sampling and the filing of the application should not be more than six (6) months. Documentos a presentar: Documents to be submitted:

FORMULARIO . FORM. Original y 3 copias. Original and 3 copies. Este formulario ser? comprado en una de las casillas correspondientes. This form will be purchased in one of the boxes.

Deber? ser llenado en letra de molde , perfectamente legible y firmado por el solicitante , completando todas las informaciones indicadas, incluyendo su direcci?n actual y n?meros de tel?fono del domicilio, celular y direcci?n de correo electr?nico si lo tiene. Must be filled in print, perfectly legible and signed by the applicant, completing all the information listed, including his current address and home phone numbers, cell phone and e-mail address if you have it. Debe llenarse el espacio correspondiente al garante, sea persona f?sica o compa??a. You must fill the space above the guarantor, either individual or company. No debe tener tachaduras ni borrones y los datos personales deben coincidir exactamente con los del solicitante en sus dem?s documentos. Should have no erasures or deletions and personal data must exactly match those of the applicant in its other documents.
Nota : No llenar el cuadro de la fecha de solicitud , lo cual har? el personal que lo reciba. Note: Do not fill the box on the application date, which will staff it is received.

Una (1) COPIA DE TODAS LAS PAGINAS DEL PASAPORTE DEL SOLICITANTE. One (1) COPY OF ALL PAGES OF THE APPLICANT'S PASSPORT. Todas las fotocopias deben ser totalmente legibles. All copies must be fully legible.

EL ORIGINAL DEL ACTA DE NACIMIENTO DEL SOLICITANTE, o una Copia Certificada del mismo (no se aceptar?n copias simples), mas y 3 fotocopias. THE ORIGINAL OF THE APPLICANT'S BIRTH CERTIFICATE, or a certified copy of it (single copies are not accepted), and 3 more photocopies.

Si el acta est? redactada en un idioma que no es el Espa?ol, o si ?ste no contiene la traducci?n m?ltiple de idiomas que incluya el castellano, se requiere TRADUCCI?N ORIGINAL realizada por un Traductor Oficial que est? autorizado a traducir documentos desde el idioma en que se encuentra originalmente el Acta. If the record is written in a language other than Spanish, or if it does not contain the translation of multiple languages including Castilian, requires original translation done by an official translator who is authorized to translate documents from the language in which Minutes originally located. Se aceptar? como alternativa el dep?sito del Libro de Familia original o una Copia Certificada en el pa?s de origen, o que est? legalizado por su Consulado correspondiente en nuestro pa?s. Will be accepted as an alternative deposition of the Family Book original or a certified copy at home, or who is legalized by the relevant consulate in our country.

En caso de personas que hayan obtenido una NACIONALIZACI?N de otro pa?s diferente a su lugar de origen, debe depositar el Original o una Copia Certificada del Acta de Naturalizaci?n. In the case of persons who have obtained a nationalization of a country other than their place of origin, must deposit the original or a certified copy of the Naturalization Act. Los nacionales de los Estados Unidos de Am?rica que no presenten una Copia Certificada, podr?n mostrar el original, dejando solo una copia a la cual se le indicar? ?visto el original?. Nationals of the United States of America who do not present a certified copy may show the original, leaving only a copy of which was marked "seen the original."

En caso de nacionalizaci?n, el formulario debe indicar su nacionalidad actual, especific?ndose el lugar de nacimiento. In the event of nationalization, the form must indicate their nationality, specifying the place of birth.

FOTOGRAFIAS. Se requieren cuatro (4) fotos de frente y dos (2) de perfil, tama?o 2x2 pulgadas. PHOTOS. It requires four (4) photos from the front and two (2) profile, size 2x2 inches. Todas deben ser uniformes, con fondo blanco, de buena calidad de impresi?n y perfectamente n?tidas. All must be uniform with a white background, good print quality and perfectly clear.

CERTIFICACI?N DE NO ANTECEDENTES JUDICIALES emitido por la Fiscal?a del lugar donde se encuentre domiciliado en la Rep?blica Dominicana o en la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica. CERTIFICATION OF NO LEGAL BACKGROUND issued by the DPP's location domiciled in the Dominican Republic or the Attorney General's Office.

Nota : Este documento debe estar vigente (no vencido) el d?a del dep?sito formal de su solicitud. Note: This document must be current (not expired) on the day of the deposit of its formal application.

CARTA DE GARANTIA . LETTER OF GUARANTEE. Se trata de un documento p?blico, con firma legalizada por un Notario P?blico de la Rep?blica Dominicana, legalizado adem?s en la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica, en el cual una persona f?sica o moral se compromete y garantiza a la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n que voluntariamente se har? cargo de todos los gastos de manutenci?n en que pueda incurrir el extranjero solicitante durante el proceso de Residencia en el pa?s, incluyendo todos los gastos por repatriaci?n o deportaci?n si fuere necesario . This is a public document, signed by a Notary Public legalized in the Dominican Republic, also legalized in the Attorney General's Office, where an individual or corporation undertakes and warrants to the Directorate General of Immigration who voluntarily be responsible for all maintenance costs it may incur the alien applicant during the process of residence in the country, including all expenses for repatriation or deportation if necessary.

DECLARACI?N JURADA . AFFIDAVIT. Se trata de un documento p?blico, legalizado por un Notario P?blico de la Rep?blica Dominicana, legalizado adem?s en la Procuradur?a General de la Rep?blica, en el cual una (1) persona, en la presencia de dos (2) testigos instrumentales declara bajo la fe del juramento, que conoce personalmente al Garante , y que ?ste tiene la suficiente solvencia econ?mica suficiente para garantizarlo. This is a public document, authenticated by a Notary Public of the Dominican Republic, also legalized in the Attorney General's Office, in which one (1) person, in the presence of two (2) instrumental witnesses said under the faith of the oath, who knows personally the Guarantor, and that it has enough sufficient funds to ensure this.

Este documento se presenta conjuntamente con la Carta de Garant?a y lo complementa como prueba de solvencia adicional del Garante. This document is presented in conjunction with the Letter of Guarantee and supplements it as further proof of creditworthiness of the Guarantor.

Nota: La Declaraci?n Jurada no se requiere en el caso de que el Garante sea una persona moral. Note: The Affidavit is not required in the event that the Guarantor is a moral person. Tampoco se requiere para solicitudes de menores cuando los padres son garantes. Nor is required for applications for children when parents are guarantors.

Si el Garante es una PERSONA F?SICA , se requerir? de ?sta: If the Guarantor is a natural person is required of it:

Copia -perfectamente legible y de ambos lados- de un Certificado de Titulo de propiedad a su nombre, o de la matr?cula de un Autom?vil (no motocicletas) a su nombre, de un a?o no anterior al 2000. Perfectly legible copy-and-on both sides of a Certificate of Title property in his name, or the registration of an Automobile (no motorcycles) to his name, not one year prior to 2000.

Alternativamente, se aceptar?n para fines de solvencia, cartas recientes, originales y selladas de Bancos comerciales que indiquen que el Garante tiene en dep?sito a plazo fijo en en Certificados de Inversi?n por un monto no menor de cien mil pesos dominicanos, (RD$100,000.00) o su equivalente en d?lares o euros. Alternatively, will be accepted for credit, recent letters, originals and sealed Commercial banks indicating that the Guarantor is in a fixed-term deposit certificates in investment in an amount not less than one hundred thousand pesos Dominican (RD $ 100000.00) or its equivalent in dollars or euros.
Copias (3) de ambos lados de la C?dula de Identidad y Electoral del Garante. Copies (3) on both sides of the Electoral identity card and the Guarantor.

Si es el Garante es un extranjero, (3) copias de su C?dula de Identidad y del Carnet de Residencia Definitivo. If the Guarantor is an alien, (3) copies of their identity card and permanent resident card. No se aceptan como garantes a Residentes Temporales o Provisionales. Not accepted as a guarantor or Temporary Residents Provisional.

Si el Garante es un nacional DOMINICANO, casado actualmente con el extranjero solicitante, no se requiere Declaraci?n Jurada ni documentos de solvencia, sino solamente la Carta de Garant?a. If the Guarantor is a Dominican national, now married with foreign applicant is not required Affidavit of creditworthiness neither documents, but only the Letter of Guarantee.

En este caso, ser? necesario depositar un acta de matrimonio legalizada por la JCE si el matrimonio se contrajo en el pa?s; si el matrimonio se formaliz? en el extranjero, depositar un original o una Copia Certificada de dicha acta de matrimonio, traducida si fuere necesario. In this case, you will need to deposit a marriage legalized by the JCE if the marriage was contracted in the country, if the marriage was formalized abroad, placing an original or a certified copy of the marriage certificate, translated if necessary .
Si el Garante es una PERSONA MORAL (Compa??a por acciones o entidad Sin Fines de Lucro), se les requerir? acompa?ar la Carta de Garant?a con : If the Guarantor is a legal entity (Company for actions or non-profit entity), will be required to accompany the Letter of Guarantee with:

Una (1) Copia de los Estatutos Sociales y dem?s documentos de constituci?n (asambleas, compulsa, listado de accionistas, etc), donde se establezca que la persona firmante es el Presidente, o en su defecto, alguien facultado legalmente para firmar la Carta de Garant?a en nombre de la compa??a o instituci?n. One (1) A copy of the bylaws and other documents of incorporation (assemblies, certification, list of shareholders, etc.), where it is established that the person signing is the President, or failing that, someone legally empowered to sign the Charter of Guarantee on behalf of the company or institution. Quedan exceptuados las companiias denominadas ?grandes contribuyentes? en la DGII. Except companiias known as the "greatest contributor" to the DGII.
Carta de Garant?a en original, escrita en papel timbrado de la entidad y con el sello gom?grafo de la misma. Security in the original letter, written on paper stamped by the entity and with the stamp in the same gom?grafo.
Copia reciente del Carnet del Registro Nacional de Contribuyentes (RNC), o de la inscripci?n en la C?mara de Comercio y Producci?n correspondiente a su domicilio. Carnet recent copy of the National Registry of Taxpayers (RNC), or enrollment in the Chamber of Commerce and Production for your home.
Copia del recibo de pago del ?ltimo a?o fiscal de la compa??a, a menos que la compa??a se haya formado en el ?ltimo a?o. Copy of the receipt of the last fiscal year the company unless the company has been formed in the last year.
Copia de la c?dula de identidad de la persona firmante. Copy of identity card of the person signing. N?meros de tel?fono de su domicilio, celular y direcci?n de correo electr?nico, si lo tiene. Phone numbers of your home, cell phone and e-mail address, if any.
Nota: La Declaraci?n Jurada no se requiere en el caso de que el Garante sea una persona moral. Note: The Affidavit is not required in the event that the Guarantor is a moral person.



Jan 31, 2007
copy and paste second part from immgration website

En caso de que el solicitante haya obtenido trabajo o estudie en el pa?s, conviene anexar adicionalmente una Carta o Contrato de Trabajo, y/o de Estudios. Where the applicant has obtained work or study in the country should attach an additional charter or contract work, and / or studies. Estas cartas no sustituyen los requisitos se?alados. These letters do not replace the above requirements.

En caso de que el solicitante haya realizado inversiones en el pa?s o que reciba fondos de su pensi?n para su sostenimiento, conviene depositar documentos que lo confirmen, lo cual le favorece al momento de ser evaluada su solicitud, valor?ndose ?la actividad a desarrollar y el provecho que pueda generar ?sta para el pa?s?, de acuerdo al art. Where the applicant has made investments in the country or who receive their pension funds for their upkeep, should deposit documents confirm, which he favors to be evaluated upon their request, and are adjusted "to develop the activity and from which it can generate for the country "according to art. 35 (8) de la ley de migraci?n. 35 (8) of the Migration Act.


Una vez recibidos todos los documentos que se han se?alado y el reporte m?dico satisfactorio, se remite una copia del expediente al organismo de seguridad correspondiente, para fines de su no-objeci?n. Once we receive all documents that have been identified and satisfactory medical report, refers to a copy of the security agency concerned, for the purposes of its non-objection. Esta fase se completa usualmente en un periodo de 1 a 3 meses. This phase is usually complete within a period of 1 to 3 months.

Recibida la depuraci?n se?alada, la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n evaluar? la idoneidad del solicitante para ser beneficiado con una Residencia Temporal o Permanente de acuerdo a los par?metros establecidos, la veracidad y originalidad de los documentos e informaciones aportadas y las pol?ticas migratorias del pa?s. Received indicated Debugging, the Directorate General of Immigration will assess the suitability of the applicant to be benefited with a temporary or permanent residence in accordance with the parameters set, the accuracy and originality of the documents and information provided and the country's immigration policies.

El hecho de haber depositado la solicitud de acuerdo a los requisitos no obliga a la instituci?n a aprobar la Residencia. The fact that he had lodged the request in accordance with the requirements does not require the institution to approve the Residence.

En cualquier estado de la evaluaci?n de la solicitud, el extranjero y/o su garante podr?n ser citados a comparecer personalmente a la Direcci?n para verificar las informaciones aportadas, o para los fines que ?sta entienda convenientes . At any stage of the evaluation of the application, the alien and / or its guarantor may be summoned to appear personally to the Directorate to verify the information provided, or for the purpose that it understands convenient. Asimismo, podr?an serle requeridos otros documentos, o enmendar alguno de los que se encuentren en el expediente. They could also be obtained other documents, or amend any of those in the dossier. En caso de rechazo, el solicitante tendr? a disposici?n los recursos administrativos previstos en la ley. In case of refusal, the applicant shall make available administrative remedies provided by law.


El Departamento de Extranjer?a tiene a su cargo emitir, para las solicitudes aprobadas, el documento denominado ?Constancia de Emisi?n de C?dula?, el cual, una vez pagadas las tasas correspondientes, ser? firmado por el Director General de Migraci?n y remitido a la Junta Central Electoral (JCE). The Immigration Department is responsible for issuing, for applications approved, the document titled "Record Release Card," which, once paid the fee, will be signed by the Director of Migration and sent to the Central Board Electoral (JCE).

El solicitante deber? dirigirse personalmente al Departamento de Extranjer?a para obtener un duplicado de dicha Constancia, documento imprescindible para que la JCE le expida su C?dula de Identidad . The applicant must go in person to the Immigration Department to obtain a duplicate of that Constancia, a document vital to enable the JCE issued his identity card. Inmediatamente despu?s de obtener la Cedula, se dirigir? personalmente a la Direcci?n General de Migraci?n para concluir el proceso con la entrega de su Carnet de Residente Temporal. Immediately after getting the charter, will be aimed personally at the Directorate General of Immigration to complete the process with the delivery of your Temporary Resident Card.

El carnet de Residencia Temporal tiene una vigencia de un (1) a?o, al t?rmino del cual el extranjero residente debe formalizar su solicitud para la Residencia Permanente. Temporary Residence Card is valid for one (1) year, following which a resident alien must formalize its request for permanent residence

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
In addition to the local "Certificate of Good Conduct", if the applicant is in the D.R., or the declaration from the police of the applicant's jurisdiction, if the applicant is abroad, applicants are also checked with the Interpol.


New member
Dec 11, 2008


I will be returning to the Domincan Republic the end of January 2009 to apply for a "Residence Visa-Provisional Residence Card".

My Attorney who I am working with in the Domincan Republic said, ' All I need to bring when we meet" is.

1-Valid Passport

2- Original Birth Certifcate

3- 7 Photos 2x2 (5 Front Face and 2 Profile)

4- $900.00

My questions and concerns to you are. Can I get my original Birth Certifcate Translated in Spanish , while i am still in the USA. And if so Does Certified mean the same as Notorized in the US?

Please Advice
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