Another New Form

Jan 9, 2004
The D.R. has another new form for people to fill out as you leave the country.

Prior to going through security and before you reach the X-ray machines, a new Declaration de Aduanas must be completed.

While passengers on incoming flights have to fill out this form, you must now do so again before leaving.

The new form is new in size, color and has some additional questions.

The good news, if there can be any good news with more bureaucracy, is that on the back of this form it outlines, in English and Spanish, what items can be brought into the country...presumably without duty.

This should help some people who were previously asked for a propina when bringing in certain gift items like laptops, etc.

One general highlight is that passengers who reside overseas
can bring gifts valued up to $500 USD once every three months. There is a reference in another section about having an invoice for merchandise bought in commercial free zones (duty free areas) so I think it is safe to say you should have a receipt for items you are declaring as gifts.

This should give people a little more leverage when dealing with aduana.



May 5, 2004
can i bring a slim dvd player and say it is for my personal use in my room? (which in part is true...but then i am going to leave it with my friend) I am talking about a cheapo 50 dollar player.
Jan 9, 2004
While the form lists certain personal items like a cellphone, laptop, typewriter (yes typewriter), 5 different toys for children, it does not address others.

It would appear that your item would fall into the gift category..and would be exempt up to a value of $500 USD. Just make sure you have a "real" receipt.

Of course, all this assumes you declare it AND that they even look at the form.


can i bring a slim dvd player and say it is for my personal use in my room? (which in part is true...but then i am going to leave it with my friend) I am talking about a cheapo 50 dollar player.


Staff member
Jan 9, 2009
South Coast

My husband and I, along with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson spent 2 weeks in the DR in October. We brought along 2 laptops [we left one with my husband's cousin], a DVD player, cellphones, bunches of toys, a stroller, etc., etc. Not to mention 10 suitcases - 2 for each of us. Half of those stay behind usually. [One goes back filled with Santo Domingo Coffee Beans, at least 20 pounds each trip.] No one even looked at us twice - coming in or leaving. I think we had to fill out that form, I remember thinking it was something new. My husband is Dominican, and the rest of us are typical gringos - which I think makes a difference. (Many Dominicans don't realize he is one of them, you wouldn't believe the things he's overheard through the years from people wanting to sell something to us - and their faces when he responds to them in Spanish - he says it's because he dresses like an American). I've been flying there for over 30 years now, and the passengers I see pulled aside by the aduana with their suitcases opened up are always Dominicans. I think they leave anyone resembling a tourist alone. I'd bet that's particularly true now, when the resorts and tourist industry are hurting a bit.