Cueva de las maravillas without tour operator


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Tell me if this is realist and possible. I think it is.

Someone is picking me and my mom up in Santo Domingo in the mid to late afternoon.

That morning, I will be leaving from the El Cortecito area (Bavaro)...I'm busing. I would like to stop at the Cueva de las maravillas in the morning.

I know I'll have to guagua it up to Higuey, and then get a bus...what I'm not sure is where exactly Cueva de las maravillas is. Do I go until La Romana, or up to San Pedro?
I'd get a motoconcho from whichever stop if I wasn;t with my mom, but...

I suppose I'm essentially searching for clarification on getting there. I find tour operators ridiculously expensive. Thanks.
Feb 7, 2007
OK, cueva is about 10-15 kms before San Pedro (20 kms after La Romana).

You can take a regular bus from Higuey to Santo Domingo, pay a fare to San Pedro and ask the driver or cobrador to stop you at Cueva. It's about 5 minute easy walk from the main road.

After you finish the tour, get back on the main road, and flag down the regular guagita from La Romana to Santo Domingo.

But if you have luggage, this may be a bit tedious.


Jan 8, 2002

PJT thinks you will really be pushing your time limits to arrive in Santo Domingo by mid to late afternoon if you wish to depend on the logistics of bus service from El Cortecito to get you to La Cueva and then onwards to the Capital.

Keep in mind that express bus service from the Cortecito area to Santo Domingo takes about 3-4 hrs with a relief stop in La Romana. Then think doing same route using separate legs of the journey, stops, waiting, transfering to alternate buses. By the time you arrive at your final destination it may be late in the day.

Also, be aware of the tropical heat, waiting for a bus in the open sun can be uncomfortable for a local and hazard for those not used to the climate. The main road in front of the Cueva to my most recent memory has no shelter if you plan to wait for a bus there.

The Cueva is a place to see, it is unique and worth a visit.

PJT would suggest you plan the use of a taxi from Cortecito to La Cueva, request the driver to wait for you there and then have the taxi bring you to the bus station in San Pedro for the final leg of your trip to Santo Domingo. I would like to believe the taxi fare would be less than what a tour would charge, mindful that a tour includes round trip costs and PJT doubts they will discount the unused portion of the transportation if you intend to proceed in the direction of San Pedro.

Good Luck and Regards,
Also, be aware of the tropical heat, waiting for a bus in the open sun can be uncomfortable for a local and hazard for those not used to the climate. The main road in front of the Cueva to my most recent memory has no shelter if you plan to wait for a bus there.
You can wait in the shade there.
A taxi is very expensive.
With the bus is no problem, but leave very early from Punta Cana.


Jan 8, 2002
Taxi fare will be about US$150 to San Pedro from the Cortecito area, does not include the wait cost involved with a stop at La Cueva.



Sep 17, 2004
Here is a picture of the entrance to the cave. The arches/booths are probably 80-100 feet from the highway. There is no shelter at all any closer. To say you can wait in the shade for a gua gua is a stretch at best.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>