Log home



We're thinking to build a log home in the DR. Has anyone built or been to one in the DR? If so where? Thanks

Phillip Bertrand

I live in Northern Ontario where log cabins are relatively cheap. Cost in DR probably very high. For me I am checking out fibrous cement. Combination of water, cement and paper. Light cheap, labour intensive maybe, but adaptable for free form moulding

Good luck


Have you thought about a little insect called a atermite. Everywhere I have been in the Dr you have to battle them constantly. Imagine the fun they could have with a log home.

Al Waggoner

There is (or was) a representative for Lindahl Cedar Homes in Santo Domingo. Although I didn't visit the site, they claimed to have an assembled house there. These houses are kits, all pre-cut and marked, and are assembled on a site built foundation. The cost was comparable to a quality concrete home. DR1 could provide you with the representative's name since they used to advertise in the old Santo Domingo News.

Although there are wooden houses in the tropics, including the DR, there are tremedous problems with termites and dry rot. I have seen structures that were only a few years old that were crumbling from rot and infestation. Pressure treated wood lasts longer but it is not very attractive and very expensive in the DR.

I tried to bring various new concrete technologies using plastic foam blocks and/or panels into the country but the import duties are prohibitive. Unfortunately, concrete block construction seems to be the most practical construction technology for the DR.