Cabarete Sunday Night Street Parties

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New member
Jan 26, 2007
Does anyone know who is organizing the street party in Cabarete every Sunday night? The one held outside the smaller grocery store to the east of Janets.

I don't have an issue with the party itself, but with the volume of the music. It seems to be getting louder every weekend. Right now it's a quarter to midnight and it's so loud that I can feel the vibrations in the floor in my apartment.

If anyone knows who the person in charge is can you please give me their name (and if possible) cell number?

Thank you.
Jan 17, 2009
Still on at 12:15am. I don't know who the organizer is but Severino (the small grocery store next to Janet's) is hosting it. I completely forgot the name of the man who owns the truck playing the music; he's a blacksmith well known in town. I went over there earlier today to check it out cause the music was driving me nuts (still is although they just turned it down). If you want to call someone, call the police, but I guess he's got permission for the party; otherwise, they would've closed him down long ago.


Jun 11, 2006
His name is Moreno. He is very well known with the locals and the police and so my guess is that calling the police will serve absolutely no purpose except of course if you are looking to throw money away. Why not take a nap in the late afternoon and go join them.


New member
Jan 26, 2007
Thanks for your replies. Really not looking to call the cops as I really don't mind the party - and in fact I have been over to join the fun. It's just that the volume of the music is getting out of hand. When the parties first started the music wasn't nearly as loud and most times it was done by 11pm. Now? The last one was music blasting - windows rattling and floors vibrating - until 1:30am. Going to go over and talk to the grocery owner and see if some compromise is possible - like maybe just turn the volume down a bit after 11pm.
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