Want to complain?


New member
May 4, 2009
In the short time I have been a member of dr1, I have noticed a lot of justifiable, for the most part, complaints about the DR ranging from AMET to customer service and beyond. Because of this, I wanted to share this website with everyone:

QU?JESE.com.do | El portal de quejas y servicio al cliente de la Rep?blica Dominicana

It's a chance to make your complaint heard and if you're lucky see some reaction and improvement. It's like a forum where you have to register, then you can post complaints under a wide variety of areas. They need to be legit complaints, with specific details such as times and locations, and should not be general criticisms. From what I have heard, per request of the site the AMET receives every complaint they get about them, reviews it and tries to respond.

The site has been up since last year but as much as people like to and should complain here, there seems to be little activity. I have yet to post anything because I don't see any other obvious foreigners on there and feel intimidated I suppose. I think it has a lot of potential and dr1'ers should really check it out and make their voices heard!

Here is a description of the site from their page:
QU?JESE.com.do nace como el primer portal de denuncias, quejas y servicio al cliente de la Rep?blica Dominicana.

"Somos un grupo de ciudadanos interesados en crear conciencia sobre la importancia del Servicio al Cliente en todos los escenarios empresariales, gubernamentales o sociales del pa?s.

QU?JESE.com.do ofrecer? a los consumidores informaci?n sobre las empresas, personas y/o servicios que no ofrecen los niveles adecuados de calidad. Dicha informaci?n ser? recopilada a partir de las quejas y denuncias de los usuarios registrados en el portal.

QU?JESE.com.do trabajar? para conectar a las empresas con los usuarios que tienen problemas de satisfacci?n y servicio, tratando de buscar soluciones que sean beneficiosas para todas las partes involucradas.

Pertenecer a la comunidad de QU?JESE.com.do es completamente GRATIS.

Reg?strese en QU?JESE.com.do, b?sque la categor?a del servicio sobre el que desea compartir su experiencia de Servicio al Cliente, o simplemente divi?rtase y sorpr?ndase con los casos aqu? expuestos."
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