Dominican owned businesses



The conversation was interesting but I have seen a differnet side to business in the DR. Most of the business in the DR is owned by Dominicans. The power plants, sugar mills, airports, docks and others are receiving foreign investments, but the government owns 50%. The big supermarkets, hardware stores, retail distributors and other big business are owned by families from Spain and the Middle East who imigrated there from 40-120 years ago. Chinese and cuban (Jewish in Sosua) immigrants also have a large number of medium and small businesses. These people live a priviledged life and supporting their business activities will probably not raise the standard of living of the working person.
Government is very inefficient and corrupt in the DR. Electricity, water, roads, education, the justice system and sanitation do not function at adequate levels. The country needs to attract investments to accomplish these things but will never delivery them to the general public until corrpution in politics is addressed. Providing a solid education to everyone is probably the best way to help the Dominican Republic deal with their own issues.