


Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

The three options in the upcoming are 1.Balaguer 2. Hipolito and 3. Danilo

Reformista- Balaguer is a 93 year old maniac obsessed with power. He is blind and totally unfit for power. I would not let him administer a colmado let alone the country. But if he does get in power it will be the ring(el a?illo) of people around him that will govern the country. Patriotism will be the order of the day meaning that everything will be done on a bribery basis. Those that are 'connected' with this party are the ones that get what they want.

Partido Revolutionario- As the name suggest, this is a leftist orientated party led by Hipoliti Mejia "el Burro" the donkey! Every time he open's his mouth he puts his foot in it. He recently in Florida, refereed to Dominican women as sexual objects available as an attraction for foreigners. He also speaks with a Campesino (backward country person) and clearly stated that he knows very little about macro or micro economics or where all the money for all the many things he is promising will come from.

Danilo- Pardido Liberaci?n- This party is presently in power. He is by far the best candidate; He is very educated. He thinks before he talks and has proposed very viable policies to govern this country. His campaign is led with the slogan "Tranquilo with Danilo" which means Tranquil with Danilo meaning there will be peace and harmony if you vote for him.

I can't vote and have no interest in either party but observing from an outsiders point of view to continue the prosperity that this country is experiencing, there is only one option.


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!


Concerned Investor

Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

And when your country bumpkin that wants to take this country backwards is elected, I hope the economy can take the 4 year hit. It's going to hurt.


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

I prefer Danilo of the three myself, but, like too many, can't vote either. It is not the campesino that bothers me about Mejia, but that he says what you want to hear while the opposition is getting killed. I am not into financial investments either so don't need an economist, but a person of integrity and reason.

Dominicano Ausente

Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

Hi, I agree with you 100%, and your worries are shared by the vast mayority of educated dominicans who see Hipolito (Dan Quale) Mejia as a threat to our economic future.

What can we spect from a person who's against installing and teaching computers in public schools, who openly says he's going to demolish the new highways and overpasses that are currently being build?. The only thing Hipolito talks is about PLATANO and YUCA, can you imagine a person like that representing the DR in the UN?


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

I really think Hipolito will do a good job if he wins, people just have to give him a chance. However I don't agree with many of the things that he has said of course. The PLD party has done many good things (nobody can deny that) but ever since I came back from the States two years ago everything has gone up big time. The Electric Company has been privatized, but we still loose electricity up to ten hours a day and we are paying more. People are still starving, there's lack of jobs, Hospitals could be doing better, yes, they may look better but is that really the important thing, to LOOK better?? Poor people can't get sick because who can afford to buy medicine. They need to pay better school teachers, etc. Once again, I UNDERSTAND THAT THE PRESIDENT LEONEL FERNANDEZ HAS DONE A GOOD JOB, but people don't eat with tunnels and overpasses.


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

Viendolo todo desde Atlanta - no entiendo por que la gente en Santo Domingo se queja tanto. El PLD ha sido el MEJOR gobierno que ha tenido el pais en TODA su historia. Por que cambiar?

a)demasiado platano & yuca en la masa cerebral
b)poca alimentacion durante la ni?ez
c)deseo de coger (robar) $$$ para si mismo?
Sera el miedo al cambio a la republica del futuro?
Donde es LA RESPONSABILIDAD de cada ser humano de echar pa'lante (y no la de un gobierno darle el "dao") - Si es la responsabilidad del gobierno de darle el primer empujon... con el desayuno escolar, educacion, universidad gratis, acceso a las herramientas del siglo XX - computadoras y el desarrollo de la mente.... pero si el pueblo lo que quiere es yuca y platano y quedarse a la saga del mundo moderno... que voten pues por el Burro, pues se lo merecen!!!


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

Los Dominicanos want change to happen overnight. Leonel and the PLD can only do so much in 4 years. They want everything to happen right away. Leonel did a wonderful job as president. People want the government to give them everything. It is a shame that he can't run for re-election consecutively. He did a wonder ful job bringing the Dominican Republic to world-wide recognition and bringing technology to the country.

Nassef Perdomo C.

Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

I just came back from voting and everything went about in an orderly fashion. I voted for Hip?lito Mej?a (guess I should make that clear up front) and just wanted to contribute my two cents to this thread. I have to agree that the Fern?ndez administration has has astounding success in many areas but in the areas I believe matter the most for any developing nation (institutionality and respect for the Constitution) it has a less than sterling record. True, no president has ever shown enough respect for these, but Mr. Fern?ndez came to power at a crossroads for our democratic development and has much to keep all power in the executive branch. For example, Mr. Fern?ndez (together with Rafael Peguero M?ndez -Speaker of the House- and Amable Aristy Castro -President of the Senate-) tried to modify the Constitution by law to cripple the power of what has to be the first independent Supreme Court in our nation?s history. Of course, both Peguero and Aristy Castro got their payoffs. The first got the finantial backing from the government to buy votes to be reelected as Speaker of the House, the second was served the Chaimanship of the Dominican Municipal League (even though he couldn?t run -he was still a senator and the Constitution forbids it- and the President had to use the National Police as his party?s brownshirts to achieve this, going to the lenghts of almost shooting thirteen senators who tried to break an ilegal police blockade of the Municipal League?s headquarters).

Corruption has been widespread and shameless, earning government officers the nickname "comesolos", which means that they "eat alone" form the government?s resources. I myself do not use this nickname to refer to anyone -I find it distasteful-. Finally, the economic boom we are enjoying depends on mainly three factors: dominicans sending money from abroad, tourism and free zones, all of which depend on the economic conditions of other countries (the US, our main commercial partner and home to close to 1.5 million dominicans has enjoyed an unprecedented 10 year long economic growth period ?coinidence?) so I don?t think he can take full credit for it. Although I do have to admit that his economic policies have been a much needed breath of fresh air after 10 years of Balaguer?s feudal policies.

Finally, and answering to "elections" -I guess he-she wouldn?t give us the real name-. You say that "It is not the campesino that bothers me about Mejia, but that he says what you want to hear while the opposition is getting killed. ". You may want to remember that it was Euckides Guti?rrez F?lix -a PLD leader- who said that "politics is an immoral activity so anything goes when you want to gain power, even crime". This was just three days before the tragic event in Moca. Get the point?


Re: Tranquilo con Danilo for Presidente!

I do resent you using the name Dan Quail in a negative way. He would sure have been a better president in the US than what we have now. By-the-way, When I was younger we did spell potato like this p-o-t-a-t-o-e.


To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kennedy

And to my knowledge, DQ@ never spelled his name like a bird (Quail) Maybe you two have something in common, you lost.

Dan QUAYLE trying to compare himself to JFK, give me a break


Re: To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kenn

I know DQ is a much more moral person.

Capt. Larry Emmons

Re: DR1 Special Report on the Elections

Good job Delores.


Re: To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kenn

You know him to be, or the media has told you he is? Were you around during JFK's short tunure, or are you again depending on the media?

If Quayle is of high morals and your friend is like him, save our countries from the "moral leadership" of the Carter's and Quayles. Give me the good ole rotten Kennedys, Johnsons, Nixons anyday


Re: To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kenn

"DQ", do you mean Dairy Queen? Thats about all Quayle was fit to run.

Can you see Carter or Quayle telling Kruschev "we will blocade Cuba if you don't get your missles out now" Carter tried drawing his line in the sand and it kept getting kicked in his face. Carter was the nicest guy that was ever president, and the worst for the countries health. Do you remember 17% home mortagages, inflaltion that had to be calculated daily?

Carter tried his rescue of the Iranian hostages, his good ole "peach boy" advisiors had him pull the intake filters from the Pave Low CH-53's and they shit the bed in the desert, then crashed when fueling on the ground which made no sense as the Pave Lows are used for their air to air refuel capability.

Save us from Carter, let him build houses and hope the roof doesn't leak.

Hey, Maybe George "Wyah" will ask him to be VEEP? Not in this lifetime

Nah, give me a lying mean old SOB any day for the actual decisions



Re: To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kenn

>>Dan QUAYLE trying to compare himself to JFK, give me a break

That remark from Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas during the 1992 vice-presidential candidates debate, was totally uncalled for, as history will remember it.


Re: To Quayle, I knew JFK and you are no Jack Kenn


Why was it uncalled for? Quayle specifically stated "I am the same age as JFK when he ran for president. Sen Bensten simply reminded Quayle that he may be the same age in years, but he certainly was no JFK
