What is the procedure and costs to create a Junta de Vecinos?

Fabio J. Guzman

DR1 Expert
Jan 1, 2002
A Junta de Vecinos is a non-profit organization organized in accordance with Law #122-05 for the purpose of protecting the interests of a neighborhood.

The requirements are the same as for incorporating a non-profit:

a) minimum of 5 members
b) bylaws
c) meeting to form the Junta
d) petition to General Attorney's office for incorporation
e) publication of notice in newspaper
f) deposit of documentation in the courts.

Cost of incorporation range from 20 to 40,000 pesos.

The decisions of a Junta de Vecinos are not binding on persons who do not belong the organization.


New member
Feb 24, 2005
Am I correct in understanding then that you don't need a certain percentage of the neighbourhpod to form a junta? for example, if we had 8-10 homeowners and there was no junta in place, we could start one and sign the rest up as they became interested (if ever)?

Could there be two juntas for the same urbanizacion, or does the existence of one preclude the formation of the other?