Let's try again


May 3, 2000
Dear contributors,

Frequent visitors to the board may note that we have edited different threads. This has been done because of inappropriate language and insulting posts that led to long threads maintained by a small group of contributors. While much of the information contained was interesting, we remind all that for the better development of this board we must adhere to the guidelines for civility. Insults spur more insults, and inappropriate language brings more inappropriate language, thus we have preferred to delete the threads.

Let's start again. Please think twice when choosing your words.

And please refer to the DR1 Guidelines to understand the mission and scope of the board.


Re: Let's try again (OK)

Julio Cesar:

Mi orgullo por un compatriota ha crecido al maximo. Yo sinceramente apruebo todo tu argumento. Todos estos ex-pats que se creen expertos en nuestras costumbres y nuestro pais se pasan el tiempo hablando, como decimos nosotros, pura "caballa".

Ya era una buena hora de que alguien los pusieran o pusiera en su buen merecido lugar. Como Dominicana, no se quien les ha dado el derecho de analizar nuestras costumbres y a nuestra patria cuando solo nosotros tenemos el derecho de criticar nuestras buenas or malas experiencias.

Asi, mi buen amigo, como decimos aqui, keep it up.

"Viva Quisqueya la Bella"

Hasta la proxima y buena suerte,


PS. Todos los Dominicanos que pueden comunicar en espanol, por favor continuemos haciendolo periodicamente para discutir y aclarar toda la misinformacion que aparece aqui.


Wise choice

I think you made the right decision in removing the threads. I am sure that most people who view the board would agree that they were distasteful.


Re: Let's try again (OK) - some people never learn

***All those ex-pats that believe they are experts in our customs and our country that spend their time talking, as we say, pure horse shit. Now's a good time for somebody to put them in their deserved place. As a Dominican, I don' know who has given them the right to analize our customs and motherland when only we have ther right to criticise our good or bad experiences. So, my good friend, as we say here, keep it up. ***

Are you going to start that #@*^% again? Get off your damn high horse. The country is not YOURS!!!! You stole it from the indians and then bred with the slaves.


>Let's start again. Please think twice when choosing your words.


I agree, some of those threads were getting out of hand. Maybe the next time you should 'nip it in the bud' to prevent this from happening again.

Having read most of the threads, you do have several regulars that post many times each day. They're not all reliable, either. Some of them are the biggest violators of the guidelines. For example, not having to mentioning any names because they and the board will know who they are, one particular person heralds his right to free speech on this board, while on the other hand he spearheads a drive to ban someone off of the Bravenet board because he doesn't agree with her and just doesn't want them on the board. Yet, last year he was complaining about being censored on this board. Go figure! A little self-serving, don't you think?

In essence, I think the 'nip it in the bud' approach will serve you and the readers best, and eliminate problems, name-calling, and babies whining before it can begin.



Re: Let's try again (OK) - some people never learn

To correct you. We are the descendents of the Tainos and the African Slaves. We did not invade our own country. The Europeans came over and they invaded it. I'd advise you to read a good book by Moya Pons called the Dominican Republic.


Re: Let's try again (OK) - some people never learn

The Taino Indians were virtually wiped out by murder and European diseases. The vast majority of Dominicans are decensdents of Spanish Europeans and Africans slaves.



That statement could apply to any number of disgusted people, anyone particular in mind?



Re: Let's try again (Julio Cesar)

?Hola! Julio Cesar:

Solo unas lineas para darte las gracias por el poema que me enviaste. Siento mucho no haberlo archivado antes de que lo cancelaran. Si para algo te sirve, yo aprecio mucho tus mensajes, la calidad de tus ideas, y mas que todo, respeto tus opiniones. La razon for la cual yo creo que tu eres un periodista o algo similar,es porque yo trabaje para Rafael Molina Morillo a quien admiro por ser una de las personas mas inteligentes de nuestro pais. Su estilo es directo y sus ideas son expresadas sin importarle opiniones de aquellos que no quieren acceptarlo. Asi que yo espero que tan precioso poema vuelva aparecer en este medio para que nosotros que apreciamos tan bellas palabras que me han llenado de nostalgia.

Gracias del alma.


p.s. Esto lo estoy dirigiendo a quien tradujo mi mensaje anterior, por favor hagalo responsable y correctamente, yo no uso vulgaridades. "Caballa" does not mean horse-shit, it means non-sense. Got it?

}{Are you the equivalent of dos viejas pendencieras de patio?}{


Re: Let's try again (Julio Cesar)


Estoy de acuerdo contigo. Julio Cesar es uno, si no el mas inteligente de este board. Yo tambien estoy cansado de oir a esto jodio gringos y los Dominicanos vendidos insultar nuestro pais. Nosotros somos una raza que a peliado por todo lo que tenemos, y en este board nos dejamos pisotiar. Yo propongo a empezar la guerra!!!!!

Guerrillero Dominicano

Dios, Patria y Libertad


Re: Let's try again (Julio Cesar)


Les imploro que actuemos con un poquito m?s de civilidad. Una guerra de pal?bras no lleva a nada. Yo entiendo totalmente la reacci?n de Julio Cesar. Porqu?? Porque yo tambien he notado que muchas veces nos ridiculizan. A veces veo algunos de estos mensajes y me pregunto si de verdad lo escriben en serio. Creo que Julio ha reacionado de una forma combatiente (ni no me equiboco) porque est? harto de ver el relajito que algunos tienen con nosotros.

Lo que hay que hacer es tratar de re-educar aquellos que muestren ingnorancia y seguir corrigiendo la mala informac?on que aqu? aparece. Debemos hacerlo sin insultos porque si elejimos ese camino, entonces caemos en el mismo livel de los que est?n denigrandonos. Por favor dominicanos sigan por aqu? contribuyendo en este foro pero hagamolos pac?ficamente.

Saludos a todos,


Re: Let's try again (OK)

idea quisqueyana

ya es tiempo de que nosotros
nos hagamos sentirnos

pero no de la forma pasiva que estamos acostubrado
para que no se sientan mal

hay gente que se pueden tratar con delicadesa
pero hay otros que hay que darle por donde mas duele


matt n

Re: Let's try again (OK)

Roberto, tu dijiste asi-

"hay gente que se pueden tratar con delicadesa
pero hay otros que hay que darle por donde mas duele


Mi mama me enseno

"Siempre y cuando le das a uno donde duele, resulta que ese le vuelve a dar mas duro..."

No se para ti que significa la palabra "peace" pero para mi no significa que tengamos una "guerra de palabras."