Working in the DR


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I am from Canada and want to relocate to the Dominican. I have been there several times and love the Cabarete area. The thing is in moving there I would also need to find a source of income. I have thought of a few different things, I have thought about selling real estate, I have also thought of buying a buisness possibly a small hotel, or finding another job that I could make money with. Is there a good potential income selling real estate in DR or are there already to many agents? What about owning a small hotel can you make a living off that?

Feb 7, 2007
No. No. No.

Real estate. Hotels. = Crisis. = Problems

Your best bet is to own your business in a niche that is not exploited in the DR and that is profitable and with demand.

Or work from home for US/Canadian employer.
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New member
Jul 17, 2009

IMHO, you need to really plan what you are going to do; what are your strengths? Not to state the obvious, but it's usually best to utilise your strengths when considering any career, in any country rather than suddenly try to be a hotelier/estate agent. For example, what do you do for a living now??

I'm in a similar position to you- I want to move to the DR but obviously I'd need to gain paid work. I hope to teach as I've already got CELTA/TEFL and doing an English degree. I also want to do some volunteer work both before I move permanently and once residing- this satisifes two points. 1.) genuinely helping others to gain better education/ employment, etc 2.) To sample living in the DR, gain employment before moving, make new feiends in the volunteer groups and community, etc... Not rushing into it.

It seems a lot of people seem to travel to the DR, very ill-prepared, both in terms of earning a living/ expected standard of living and also what to expect/perils/benefits of living in the DR.

Most info I've found, has been searching on these forums, and there are a some very knowledgable people... Covering areas such as moving to the DR, protecting your house, integration, 'fitting in' etc...

Just my thoughts- hope it helps...


lot of people who know


Sep 17, 2004
In case you didn't understand what donP was getting at, "the Dominican" would refer to a person, not a country. The country is the Dominican Republic, or the DR for short. Correcting this error is obligatory in all DR1 threads.;)

Cabarete is lovely, but you should know that it is one of the most expensive places to live in the DR.

Unless you are very experienced and successful in real estate where you are, your chances of succeeding on the North Coast are slim. Even if you are, the competition is fierce, with many sharks who are much more familiar with the waters. The same would apply to operating a bar or restaurant.


The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
don't worry about starting real estate down here without experience,
90% of the suckers who try to do that down here are not experienced on that field neither, even that they try to tell everybody how good they are on that.
none of those 90% made a real living for more than a few months out of it, neither.

you OP is the 100% blue eyed sankie blended "what can i do" request.
YOU should know what you are capable to do,
YOU should know what you are DOING(if you do) right now at home.
so what is your profession?
what are your experiences in the life of work?
what languages you speak?
how many years of experience you have running a 'lil' hotel?
how many years of experience you have on the real estate sector?
aso aso aso
bring up some details,
but pleeease,
don't say you wanna be president and need advice how to do so.

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
I would definately suggest selling Real Estate but you will need an office first and I just happen to have one for sale but you will have to hurry because I have 2 prospects flying here......Don't miss out on this opportunity of a lifetime!


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Well I was hoping to be the president of DR but Mike since you tell me that's impossible I will put that dream to rest, lol.

What I currently do for my career is I am a parts and service manager for a new car dealership. I have been doing this for 12 years. My strenth is basically involving cars.

I own real estate and have been a landlord for the last 14 years of my life.

I am fluent in english and french and am learning spanish at this point in time.

I have never run a hotel but my thoughts behind that was for the start I could live there also and not have to worry about buying a residence right away. I have never been in the hotel buisness so I am leary on that.

don't worry about starting real estate down here without experience,
90% of the suckers who try to do that down here are not experienced on that field neither, even that they try to tell everybody how good they are on that.
none of those 90% made a real living for more than a few months out of it, neither.

you OP is the 100% blue eyed sankie blended "what can i do" request.
YOU should know what you are capable to do,
YOU should know what you are DOING(if you do) right now at home.
so what is your profession?
what are your experiences in the life of work?
what languages you speak?
how many years of experience you have running a 'lil' hotel?
how many years of experience you have on the real estate sector?
aso aso aso
bring up some details,
but pleeease,
don't say you wanna be president and need advice how to do so.


Dec 11, 2003
ok i don't mean to jump on you

you can't come here and make a living without spanish

half the people who live here can't figure out how to make a living

but some really clever people do figure out how to make a living here, anyway

but most of them are entrepreneurs and have figured it out for themselves lots of times before

not people who have just held jobs, if you sorta get the difference?

well used car sales are down 60% here so there probably a lot of really good deals to be had on used parts which Cuba really needs but getting there is tricky

there are no leases for cars which people on the
Board have asked about plenty of time but there are perhaps lots of reasons for that....

the landlord thing might have some promise.... but you would have to have a lot of apartments and in the right places... and the right tenants because well Dominican law about tenants is pretty tricky

best follow the standard advice

which is to come with a big fortune

mike l

Sep 4, 2007
I understand mike l has a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. ;)
But honestly, you and the hundred or so others already selling real estate on the North Coast during the worst time in recent history to sell property is the potential mistake we are trying to make clear to you so you can avoid it.

It is advisable that you learn much more about what it is that this market needs and see if that fits your funding and skills. Doing business here is vastly different than in North America. Sorry to say that you cannot learn this by reading a forum.

Windeguy is right, the Bridge Sold and that was to the first person that could not afford to fly to the DR!

Due Diligence is a concept most do not understand.

I suggest you stay out of shark infested waters!

But do bring your Cash!....this place is great!


Black Dog

May 29, 2009
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if anyone reading this thread knows a great way to make a living here, they would be doing it themselves not giving away the idea for free to a total stranger! Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the reality!


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Thanks for the help, and no I don't take it as being harsh. I'm trying to figure out info before making a move and any response is much appreciated. Last thing I want to do is proceed into something I know nothing about.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, if anyone reading this thread knows a great way to make a living here, they would be doing it themselves not giving away the idea for free to a total stranger! Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's the reality!


Jan 1, 2002
The jibe about 'come with a large fortune' was the tag end of the old saw: "How to make a small fortune in the DR?? COme with a big one!!"

I would take a long look at such a move. There are sharks and then there are the sharks that patrol the DR, looking for newbies that want to make a living.

As a parts and service manager of a new car dealership in the Great North, you have very little to offer the local market.

Take come community college courses on hospitality. Prepare yourself, since there has to be a reason that great universities have specialized degrees in Hotel ain't easy...

Then, properly prepared, you can come explore the area and see what is available.

Slow, ever so slow...



The Fisherman/Weather Mod
Feb 28, 2006
Punta Cana/DR
The jibe about 'come with a large fortune' was the tag end of the old saw: "How to make a small fortune in the DR?? COme with a big one!!"

I would take a long look at such a move. There are sharks and then there are the sharks that patrol the DR, looking for newbies that want to make a living.

As a parts and service manager of a new car dealership in the Great North, you have very little to offer the local market.

Take come community college courses on hospitality. Prepare yourself, since there has to be a reason that great universities have specialized degrees in Hotel ain't easy...

Then, properly prepared, you can come explore the area and see what is available.

Slow, ever so slow...


short and at the same time full of the best advice given.
specially like the first part, so true.


Dec 11, 2003
So keep the day job, study Spanish, perhaps figure out how to slide on over into a career that gets you laid off in the winter, like fire jumping in the Yukon, trade out one of the apartments for a condo somewhere on the North Shore or Bavaro or a bit of land in the Southwest which has not been quite so discovered and easeeeeeeee on into it..... just one toe at a time.