make sure that you dont get a flooding parking there, such is easily available in Santiago, too, lol.
the map cleared up and i don't see chances to get anything up again out off our East.
Invest 1, a bit less than 1000 miles East of the Islands,
is a WNW runner and should brush the NE'ern Islands,
but conditions out there will not allow a Storm to form, so it will just be a blobb of water wandering through.
I am pretty sure that we can call this season off when reaching this coming Season for our Island.
Life is good, Island life is better
sounds great, so for smooth sailing to you.
I will not visit the north this year, we are just getting ready to have the new house finished and November will be for me sure still be furniching and garden preparing etc times, so no travels out of the East for me for a while.
but there may come the time when we hit into each other